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Since I got my PC fixed and returned to me four days ago, I've racked up a horrendous 48.1 hours on Steam. I feel absolutely filthy. Can barely remember how to speak, and on top of that, I'm really antsy and on edge because I decided to download STALKER again and give it a spin. Without a doubt the most terrifying game I have ever played.




Give Penumbra and Amnesia a spin then. You may shit yourself.


Though I do love me some STALKER, which one have you been playing?

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Give Penumbra and Amnesia a spin then. You may shit yourself.


Though I do love me some STALKER, which one have you been playing?


Nah, Neither Penumbra (any of em) nor Amnesia have anything on just the atmospherics of STALKER, I'm in such a nervous state at the moment. If you've played it, rememeber the part where you have to go into the underground lab, after slaughtering an entire camp of bandits for the key, and in the lab there's all this insane supernatural shit going down, backed by absolute silence apart from this really insidious low humming sound. Combine that with the fact that you're always on the fringe of panic since it takes so little to kill you, and lethality is around every corner. It really freaks me out man, never been so scared.


Good timing! The EA sale this week has been incredible. Make sure you check it out tomorrow! It's Dead Space today. Reckon it might be Battlefield tomorrow, in which case: Get Bad Company 2! :D


I've already got everything that's been on the EA sale so far. I've been playing a bit of Bad Company 2 as well, its really really good, really need to get someone to show me the ropes on multiplayer, being that this is my first Battlefield game (I had BF2, but never really got into it).

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Nah, Neither Penumbra (any of em) nor Amnesia have anything on just the atmospherics of STALKER, I'm in such a nervous state at the moment. If you've played it, rememeber the part where you have to go into the underground lab, after slaughtering an entire camp of bandits for the key, and in the lab there's all this insane supernatural shit going down, backed by absolute silence apart from this really insidious low humming sound. Combine that with the fact that you're always on the fringe of panic since it takes so little to kill you, and lethality is around every corner. It really freaks me out man, never been so scared.


Oooh yeah, that's the lab with the Poltergeist on fire isn't it?

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Yeah man, and it took me about half an hour to figure out how to kill that thing. In any other game, there would be some sort of feedback to indicate that your bullets were doing damage, but STALKER has that special eastern european charm, and it doesn't give a fuck :heh:

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I bought Tropico 3 off Steam and now I have the 'Steam Special Edition' and 'Absolute Power'. What's the difference and which one do I want to start with? Or are they the same thing?


Probably a dumb load of questions.

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The Steam Special Edition is the standard game, Absolute Power is the expansion pack. I'd guess Absolute Power is the one to start.


Punkbuster is so incredibly lame. Wanted to play some BC2 online, but it won't let me in any servers. I probably could fix it but I genuinely cannot be arsed any more, it breaks itself quite regularly. Chances of DICE doing the right thing and dropping it in favour of VAC for BF3? Yeah, I know, keep dreaming.

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Already tried reinstalling Punkbuster. No dice. It ain't the Steam version either. I usually wind up reinstalling the game and downloading the mahoosive patches all over again through the painfully slow upsets system. This time I just gave up and hopped on the 360 version instead.


Anyone getting The Witcher 2? One of my mates got it already. I have game envy :(

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65, however, my "all games" page lists 71 due to a few source betas and the odd game where the Mac version is counted as a separate game.


On a similar note, would anyone say Sniper:Ghost Warrior is worth $5.00 (~£2.50)?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm getting sick of waiting for Black Mesa to come out, and have decided I might just try and play through the first Half Life as it is. Got a good way through HL: Source, until it got fucking ridiculously hard.

Edited by The Bard
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I'm getting sick of waiting for Black Mesa to come out, and have decided I might just try and play through the first Half Life as it is. Got a good way through HL: Source, until it got fucking ridiculously hard.


I found that it runs ridiculously fast on my PC. I got to a part where there are loads of enemies with shotguns and due to the speed of the game there's nothing you can do to avoid getting lasted to pieces.

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I found that it runs ridiculously fast on my PC. I got to a part where there are loads of enemies with shotguns and due to the speed of the game there's nothing you can do to avoid getting lasted to pieces.


I'm sure you will be able to forcibly add a frame rate limit.

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