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(Mario Kart, Battalion Wars, SSBB)

A Hard Drive


Pikmin 3

A couple of great, originals IPs

DK 64


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Nintendo is in the best position of any developer on the planet financially and creatively to create new IPs


Soooo...where are they? I want new worlds, new plots, new protagonists and new villains. Is that too much to ask?


So for 2008 and beyond i want Nintendo to give Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Wario, and/or Pokemon (or basically anyone who appears in Smash Bros) an extended vacation and suprise me with something unpredictable.


I know they can do it, i know they can afford it, i know have the talent. Get crackin

MOH2? Is that Airborne or Heroes? Or another title entirely? cause I heard the control for Airborne was bad, COD was bloody awful.

Heroes I think. Everyone's saying the controls are very good.


Sequels: Smash Brawl, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Starfox (the good ol' style)

A high-quality FPS with online. Maybe Red Steel 2 will be it.

Originality: Wii Fit, Wii Music. Another good game that uses the balance board, 1080 Snowboarding? A new "epic" IP from that use the full potential of the Wii controllers.

A decent racing game with licensed cars.

A storage device (hard drive or memory card for storing WiiWare games)

At least 20 WiiWare titles.


Sequels for Pikmin and F-Zero or Star Fox should be a fair request to Nintendo, and with that introduce a new RPG/adventure franchise.


Also, I hope they make quality from FFCC Wii and have Monolith creating quality stuff. I'm not sure about what they should do beyond that; I hope third parties are going to creat some quality, because otherwise next year is going to be very poor compared to this one.


More games to wow those ps3 and 360 fanboys; preferably some BIG online FPS to get everyone into online.


A few big RPG's would be nice, aswell as a new pikmin :)


Also, every FPS should have MoH: Heroes controls options.


New F-Zero, Pikmin, Wave Race should be on the agenda. Some decent FPSs and RPGs would be great, and a much better online experience so we get a true sequel to Animal Crossing.


Mario RPG on the VC (unless we see it this year)

Wii Music, and some Mii specific games e.g Mii Paintball :heh:

A Donkey Kong action adventure for the Wii, with 2D and 3D stage's.

Disaster Day of Crisis turning out to be a great hardocre adult game.


Plenty of on-line title's.

A storage device that fit's into the SD card slot

A good Mario game, apart from Mario Kart. We've had Paper Mario, and Galaxy is just around the corner, so I hope we won't just be seeing Mario in sport title's and party's next year.


kirbys air ride 2

pikmin 3

sonc and secret rings 2 (title)

sonic battle 3

mario party 9

super monkey ball bannana blitz 2

kingdom hearts wii)

ssx blur 2

dragon ball z tenkaichi 4 after 3rd

wiiyalp (spelt back words of wii play )(just like wii play but with free nunchuk

pokemon silver and gold ds (their was news about this but it was not official the only thing i that has been official is the name pokemon dawn silver and dusk gold that was official but it still might not come out)

A game to rival 360 for graphics


We already have that. It's called Metroid Prime 3.

Two months from now, we'll have Super Mario Galaxy.


Hard drives,

Better keyboard support,

stuff for 300 Wii points because I want to use them up,

Mario Kart,

Pikmen 3,

A good Rpg,

A price cut on the Wii accessories,

A price cut on the lite.

Hard drives,

Better keyboard support,

stuff for 300 Wii points because I want to use them up,

Mario Kart,

Pikmen 3,

A good Rpg,

A price cut on the Wii accessories,

A price cut on the lite.


Will happen

Will Happen

Probably won't happen

Will happen

Won't happen (2008 anyway)

Will happen

Won't happen (though it should)

Won't happen (it's selling like hotcakes at this prices so why lower it?)


What I want in 2008?


-A Wii :heh: (I'm just waiting for Fire Emblem/SSBB, I swear!)


-SSBB/Fire Emblem :heh:



On a more serious mood:


-F-Zero Wii Online. If it could support a good number of human drivers (10+) I would definately buy it on launch day;


-Drill Dozer 2. A franchise with such potential for further games shouldn't be wasted. The Wiimote and 3D could add more puzzles and platforming originality.

A 2D DS game would be fine too;


-A game where the plot advancement is similar to Metroid Prime.

In other words, a plot, world and setting you have to discover by yourself. No cutscenes, no important dialogue. The only thing that advances the plot are boss fights and location discoveries.

If you don't bother reading scans/clues/descriptions, you don't understand what you're doing.

I don't care if it's a futuristic or medieval setting or if it's 1st or 3rd person.

I want more games like that.



For the DS:


-Donkey Kong Land/Country styled platformer;


-Fire Emblem DS;


-Wario Land DS (not in the style of WL4);


-Adventures of Lolo revival;


-Elite Beat Agents 2;


-Mole Mania revival (this franchise needs to come back. I can think of a few innovations/additions they could do for new puzzles and they don't even need the touch screen).



Heh, seems my list is bigger for the DS than for the Wii :heh:


DS firmware updates via wii. Hopefully one that doesn't make your system power down everytime you change a setting.

And besides that I would say near 1:1 sword fighting / action game.

And virtual console/ wii ware demos. Or just allow you to watch the demo videos from within the shop channel.

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