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This made me feel so old:


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Aah, I remember almost all of that!

Does anyone remember Fun House, that kids gameshow with Pat Sharp? That was awesome. Gladiators rocked, Wolf was soo coool.

Cartoons were soo much better in those days.


Damn you beat me to it!




Youtube link^^^^


Reminded me how much of an influence TV had on my life.





BTW Dante I wan't to have your babies!

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there are 80s cartoon overloads too. A lot i would not remember. Most cartoons would have to be popular enough to be repeated during the 90s like tranformers and TMNT


I remember some of the 80's cartoons :)



Eh Garfield and Friends was made in the 80's. :confused:

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"Or play like one?" lol classic line.


Did it get banned for that? Don't know why, it's more like a figure of speech than a literal statement.


It may have done I only remember it being showed a few times. Thing is back then that could have just been shit NOE marketing.

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Yeah, i was wondering where Reboot was in all those intros. Lack of Reboot ftl! :( It was such an awesome show, I loved it! Too bad it never ended properly, I never found out if...

...Enzo made it back home or not... :/

It really pissed me off that it ended so suddenly!


Yeah, I know it's old, but I though I'd add the spoiler tag just in case...


EDIT: Okay, I looked it up on wiki, and I've found out what happened. I don't get how I missed the ending though, was it a DVD only release, or something?

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Wow I remember a lot of those. But I was a nutter for tv beofre the internet days.

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Yeah, i was wondering where Reboot was in all those intros. Lack of Reboot ftl! :( It was such an awesome show, I loved it! Too bad it never ended properly, I never found out if...
...Enzo made it back home or not... :/

It really pissed me off that it ended so suddenly!


Yeah, I know it's old, but I though I'd add the spoiler tag just in case...


EDIT: Okay, I looked it up on wiki, and I've found out what happened. I don't get how I missed the ending though, was it a DVD only release, or something?


I downloaded all the ReBoot episodes to see it, season 4 wasnn't shown over here.

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Toys r us felt like a wonderland back then.


It dfinately felt like a magical place! :) remember the advert?


http://youtube.com/watch?v=j5JKRdtALcc :)



I remember all this stuff from the nineties, it doesn't make me feel old as i'm only sixteen but it does fill me a cetain nostalgia. I have wonderful memories from the nineties. :grin:


I used to watch all the TV shows and Cartoons. :D


I remember getting a penquin shaped tamogotchi and deciding i wanted it to swim in the bath with me.

I dipped it underwater and it got clogged up with water and completely broke!

I had bought about 5-6 by the time the craze was over as i regularly broke them. (through different means not just bath related incidents.)

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It dfinately felt like a magical place! :) remember the advert?


http://youtube.com/watch?v=j5JKRdtALcc :)



I remember all this stuff from the nineties, it doesn't make me feel old as i'm only sixteen but it does fill me a cetain nostalgia. I have wonderful memories from the nineties. :grin:


I used to watch all the TV shows and Cartoons. :D


I remember getting a penquin shaped tamogotchi and deciding i wanted it to swim in the bath with me.

I dipped it underwater and it got clogged up with water and completely broke!

I had bought about 5-6 by the time the craze was over as i regularly broke them. (through different means not just bath related incidents.)


oh my god I forgot about that advert.. I completely remember it now that i see it again..

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