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When he wants to jerk off, everything goes right out the window.


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What a fucking bitch, excuse my french. I hate feminazis!


Gotta love Godwin's Law.


Personally equal rights ftw, as long as its exactly that: equal. none of this, picking and choosing what you want to be equal in, laws should not state any difference between male and female. Positive discrimination ftl.

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well, women and men arnt quiet equal yet, there are still in equalities that should be fixed, there are still pay differences, and theres the glass celling, women find it very difficult to get past a certain point in companys, certain jobs are still all but closed to women.


The pay gap is a LIE. There are laws in place which makes discrimination against gender when it comes to pay illegal.



The glass ceiling is horse shit too. Again, there are no laws preventing women from getting to a certain point in a company, in fact, there are laws preventing the discrimination. Fact is, it's bad for business to discriminate, because they'll lose money.

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Gotta love Godwin's Law.


Personally equal rights ftw, as long as its exactly that: equal. none of this, picking and choosing what you want to be equal in, laws should not state any difference between male and female. Positive discrimination ftl.


Men and women are different though I dont see how you can have equal rights when say a woman hits a man compared to a man hitting a woman. I guess it will be up to the damage done by say a punch so fairness wins even though equality doesn't but the rights are equal. I think that makes sense.

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Haha I love the line about how he will definitely hate women more with every orgasm and with no doubt grow up to be a rapist. Awesome. I love these people, I get so much fun wondering what it must be like to live in their head and actually believe the things they're saying.

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That's pretty fucked up, I think that she really needs her head checked. It's natural for boys to be interested in women around that age. I admit, he does seem a tad addicted, but it's hardly going to turn him into a rapist now, is it?


As for the abortion comment... that's just one of the sickest things I've ever read. I actually cringed at that comment! I feel sorry for that poor kid tbh. :/

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Guest Jordan

Ha. What a fucked up woman.


As for women not being able to be high up in the company? Both the companies i work for are owned by women. Kildrummy's CEO in London is a woman and the take away is also owned by a woman.


Feminists ¬_¬

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i know that women do get higher into companys these days, but there are still many companys were the glass celing exists.


any one hear of tokenism? basicly, imagine two equaly qualified people are going for the same job high up a company, ones a white man, the outhers a black man or woman or dissabled etc. the company turn down the white man so that they have a figurehead in their company to sheild accusations of discrimination. yet through out the rest of the company, the white man rules. its usualy down to steriotypes, sucxh as a black man would be lazy, stupid, or prone to seal. a white man would be hard working and honest. women are still sen as weaker, less cut throat then me. this problem is gradualy subsiding, but to claim that it is none existant is folly.


there are still in equlaties between men and women, its documented, i have done so research into it for psychology essays, it is stated in many of the texts, as well as in bussiness text that a house mate uses.


i did think men and women are equal, but fact is, they simply arnt. companys fear maternity leave, women miss out on jobs because of it. womens rights activists are not all mental lesbians on periods, they make a valid point.

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i know that women do get higher into companys these days, but there are still many companys were the glass celing exists.


any one hear of tokenism? basicly, imagine two equaly qualified people are going for the same job high up a company, ones a white man, the outhers a black man or woman or dissabled etc. the company turn down the white man so that they have a figurehead in their company to sheild accusations of discrimination. yet through out the rest of the company, the white man rules. its usualy down to steriotypes, sucxh as a black man would be lazy, stupid, or prone to seal. a white man would be hard working and honest. women are

still sen as weaker, less cut throat then me. this problem is gradualy subsiding, but to claim that it is none existant is folly.


there are still in equlaties between men and women, its documented, i have done so research into it for psychology essays, it is stated in many of the texts, as well as in bussiness text that a house mate uses.


i did think men and women are equal, but fact is, they simply arnt. companys fear maternity leave, women miss out on jobs because of it. womens rights activists are not all mental lesbians on periods, they make a valid point.


The fact of the matter is, any company which discriminates will lose money. Companies are all about how much money can be made. A company will always go for the best workers it can get for the cheapest. If they can get a black man to work for them cheaper, they will. It's simple business. It doesn't make sense to hire a white man for the sake of it as it will increase costs.


Not all women's rights activists are psychos, agreed. But the main people who fight for women's rights are a bunch of radical lying scum bags.

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I've done a lot of reading about feminism, and most of them seem to be radical, hiding behind liberal name. Don't believe everything they say, they are notorious liars. They lie about the gender pay gap, they lie about domestic violence statistics to gain funding from the government, and I've read shit loads of stories about people who have opened up DV shelters which accept men being attacked by feminists.




These ones are OK.


Feminists are all fucked in the head, at the end of the day men and women are different, not equal. What's wrong with the world? Just because people are different and have different skills doesn't mean one or better or worse, it's just natures way.


Of course men will be better at some things and women better at others but they balance each other out. Men and women are different yet complimentery beings.


People like her and her feminist mates just try to pervert nature and wish to strike out against men. They don;t want equality, they hate men, simple.

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Every feminist I've met has been a hypocrite. They don't want things equal they just want to pick and choose. I've never heard of a woman trying to make the OAP age equal.


Porn isn't degrading to women. When I look at porn I think, "Man she's gorgeous. I'd like to have sex with her." I don't think, "Man she's gorgeous, I am so much better than her and every other woman."


I would love to get paid to pose naked and have women fantasise about me and think that I'm good looking. And the money would be nice as well.

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Feminists are all fucked in the head, at the end of the day men and women are different, not equal. What's wrong with the world? Just because people are different and have different skills doesn't mean one or better or worse, it's just natures way.


Of course men will be better at some things and women better at others but they balance each other out. Men and women are different yet complimentery beings.


People like her and her feminist mates just try to pervert nature and wish to strike out against men. They don;t want equality, they hate men, simple.


Exactly mate; you know what you're talking about.

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Every feminist I've met has been a hypocrite. They don't want things equal they just want to pick and choose. I've never heard of a woman trying to make the OAP age equal.


Porn isn't degrading to women. When I look at porn I think, "Man she's gorgeous. I'd like to have sex with her." I don't think, "Man she's gorgeous, I am so much better than her and every other woman."


I would love to get paid to pose naked and have women fantasise about me and think that I'm good looking. And the money would be nice as well.


Spot on mate. Plus, when women are degraded in porn, they only degrade theirselves, they don't represent all women world wide. They obviously don't mind opening their legs for money, or they wouldn't do it. Feminists need to mind their own business.


BTW, one of the more sickening laws feminists fought for are rape shield laws. Basically a woman can accuse a man of rape and have total anonimity, while the man gets exposed by everyone even when there's been no verdict. Shouldn't both have anonimity, or none at all?

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Hmm... I didn't expect this to become a serious dicussion.

And there's not much I can add, except: lol

that read was disturbing and hilarious at the same time


I really feel for the boys.


Feminists are really annoying. Sometimes I understand their claims but often it's just ridiculous and I don't think it's so much about true gender equality but influence and most importantly advantages.

In Austria some demanded to change our national hymne because it said: "country of great sons" and they thought daughters should be included too.

Or a better example, they say they want the same rights men have but I never hear them complaining about not having to go to the army for six month once you turn 18.

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Spot on mate. Plus, when women are degraded in porn, they only degrade theirselves, they don't represent all women world wide. They obviously don't mind opening their legs for money, or they wouldn't do it. Feminists need to mind their own business.


BTW, one of the more sickening laws feminists fought for are rape shield laws. Basically a woman can accuse a man of rape and have total anonimity, while the man gets exposed by everyone even when there's been no verdict. Shouldn't both have anonimity, or none at all?


What a sick, sick law, by a bunch of fucked up people.

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