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PSP Slim What a Joke!


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There just isn't a hell of a lot of psp exclusives though is there. Whereas with gba almost every title that wasn't a snes port was.


GBA has soooo much shit though. Like the PSP. But the classics on each make up for it.


If you don't like the PSP and can't see it's worth then your just ignorant and/or very blinkered in your gaming tastes.

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If you don't like the PSP and can't see it's worth then your just ignorant and/or very blinkered in your gaming tastes.


So if somebody doesn't like the psp then they are wrong! If they don't like the games on it they are blinkered?!


What about the type of games that somebody enjoys playing? Does that mean that anyone who has a favourite type of game is blinkered?


How many people have said they will buy a console just for one game such as Final Fantasy etc, does that mean that a console is worth it if it has one good game, or does that mean that the console itself can only appeal to somebody who has a 'very blinkered gaming taste'?


I love racing games, i have had two psp's but currently i don't own any UMD movies or games for my current one, i have played a few of the racers out for it, but i just can't get down with the controls on it, the analogue stick is pathetic as it is not actually a stick it is elevated by less than a milimeter from the console making it very difficult to move slowly smoothly.


On the other hand however i have found that the d-pad controls and/or comparatively awful graphics of the DS (lite) have given much more joy for some quick racing in the portable space.


I don't mind the odd FPS either, but the less said about them on the PSP the better, because using a d-pad instead of a second analogue stick is a great way to enjoy them!


I have a wii 360 ds lite and a psp, the psp is the only one that i do not use at all, so i guess that is enough to make me ignorant and that it shows i have a very blinkered gamind taste, despite the fact that this year alone i have been enjoying about 100 games ranging from the super adventures of Twilight Princess and Pokemon diamond to the quiet strategy of command and conquer and advance wars, not forgetting my beloved racing games such as excite truck and forza 2, then i have gone all out online in such FPS games like Rainbow Six vegas and GRAW2 and Red Steel is pretty good aswell, then there are the games that don't even have a category, i particularly enjoyed WarioWare Smooth Moves and Trauma Center UTK. but i have also done my bit in the retro field with a good few hours on mario and pacman, at the minute i am giving the godfather blackhand edition a good run along with tenchuz, and Big Brain academy for wii.


Damn it that just goes to show how buttoned down my gaming tastes are!

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Exactly the most popular genre of the moment the fps cannot work properly on the psp.

The redesign should have looked far different because the psp target are more or less ps2 owners and most ps2 owners are idiots*have a look at the uk ps2 sales charts if you will*. Point is these people will not notice a difference. The psp/ ds battle is over for sure now. there is no coming back for psp now.


The graphics gimmick wore off far faster than the touch.

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I don't want a PSP. Not because I thin their "shit", but because there have been no games on one that have bothered me that much, and plus I'd rather not spend that much on a handheld.


I want one now though, not because of the "re-design", but because its got a new Ratchet and Clank game on it.


Damn sony having ratchet and clank! I now need a PSP and a PS3. Damn.

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If someone only loves one genre, and feels inclined to only buy a console based on it's profisioncy at that genre, then yes i would say they were being ignorant of all the other great games.


Every format has it's classics you can only get on it. PSP is the same. It has MGS:PO, Ratchet and Clank Size Matters, Daxter, Lumines, Every Extend Extra, Ridge Racers 2, Wipeout Pure, Burnout Legends, Tekken Dark Resurrection, Crush, Tales of Eternia, Everybody's Golf, Gitaroo Man Lives, Field Commander, Me and My Katamari, Tokobot, and Virtua Tennis just to name a few of the ones that came to my mind. If a gamer can't find a few games in that list that they want to play, and will enjoy, then yes, i would say they need to experience more to shake off the blinkers.


No console is outright bad since the software make the console. The PSP has some great games for it. The way some people are talking about it you'd swear it was the CD-i or somat.


NB. I didn't direct my comment above at any one, it was just a general comment.

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I fail to see why I'd want to play anything on the PSP on my TV screen when I could just play a better version of it on a home console on my TV screen. Plus, the controls on the PSP are horrible.


Yeah but what about Loco Roco and PSP only titles? and UMD movies and The Internet...


Oh yeah all those great UMD movies. Oh wait, why the hell would anyone want to play UMD movies on their TV when they can just put in a DVD? UMD movies have been one of the biggest flops in recent history.


As for internet on the TV, yeah I can really see people hooking up a PSP to the TV just to go online.

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I fail to see why I'd want to play anything on the PSP on my TV screen when I could just play a better version of it on a home console on my TV screen. Plus, the controls on the PSP are horrible.



Oh yeah all those great UMD movies. Oh wait, why the hell would anyone want to play UMD movies on their TV when they can just put in a DVD? UMD movies have been one of the biggest flops in recent history.


As for internet on the TV, yeah I can really see people hooking up a PSP to the TV just to go online.


What the UMDS you can get on Ebay for 99p including films like Evil Dead etc...


Cheaper then a DVD me thinks.

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I'm gonna pick one of these up,

"what takeo said"


All the DS Lite is is a smaller version, but the DS lite looks different, and apart from the 4 different brightness levels that was it really.


Maybe mcj and dann should piss off and not make fanboyish posts, it's not just about the look.

Graphics "gimmick"? How is good graphics more of a gimmick than a touch screen or a waggle controller?

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Jesus' date=' it's a free output. Costs nothing extra. Some people will use it. So why is everyone moaning?[/quote']


People there is barely any difference. Casuals(It's target) won't know the difference.


All you have to do is look at the ds to ds lite pics.


Point is this isn't the overhaul the psp needed to get out of the hole it's in.


I'm gonna pick one of these up,

"what takeo said"


All the DS Lite is is a smaller version, but the DS lite looks different, and apart from the 4 different brightness levels that was it really.


Maybe mcj and dann should piss off and not make fanboyish posts, it's not just about the look.

Graphics "gimmick"? How is good graphics more of a gimmick than a touch screen or a waggle controller?


lets see the touch screen is actually useful and there is nothing else like it on the market(that's popular anyway I'm sure) whereas if you wanted good graphics why didn't you just buy a 360..or better yet a ps2(or a high spec pc)


It's no longer fanboyish if what we are saying is ACTUALLY true and the reason the system is failing to beat the ds.

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1. lets see the touch screen is actually useful and there is nothing else like it on the market(that's popular anyway I'm sure) whereas if you wanted good graphics why didn't you just buy a 360..or better yet a ps2(or a high spec pc)


2. It's no longer fanboyish if what we are saying is ACTUALLY true and the reason the system is failing to beat the ds.


1. Because a 360 and a ps2 aren't bloody handheld ass!

2. YEs, it quite obviously is fanboyish, just because you guys don't like sony or the psp.



Also, in what way is the psp aimed at casuals?

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I'm gonna pick one of these up,

"what takeo said"


All the DS Lite is is a smaller version, but the DS lite looks different, and apart from the 4 different brightness levels that was it really.


Maybe mcj and dann should piss off and not make fanboyish posts, it's not just about the look.

Graphics "gimmick"? How is good graphics more of a gimmick than a touch screen or a waggle controller?


What MCJ means is just upgrading the graphics of the handheld market is hardly innovation is it? But the dual screen/touch screen


And the new PSP looks the same, you need to examine the damn thing to see the differences, the DS lite looked amazing and was a real redesign.


People there is barely any difference. Casuals(It's target) won't know the difference.


All you have to do is look at the ds to ds lite pics.


Point is this isn't the overhaul the psp needed to get out of the hole it's in.




lets see the touch screen is actually useful and there is nothing else like it on the market(that's popular anyway I'm sure) whereas if you wanted good graphics why didn't you just buy a 360..or better yet a ps2(or a high spec pc)


It's no longer fanboyish if what we are saying is ACTUALLY true and the reason the system is failing to beat the ds.


Exactly! The PSP is taking a whipping off the DS and the UMD movies have been a total failure with many large stores no longer stocking them.


To be honest when I seen those comparisons I couldn't tell which one was which untill I they were lying down (3rd picture). The slimeline was the top one right?



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1. Because a 360 and a ps2 aren't bloody handheld ass!

2. YEs, it quite obviously is fanboyish, just because you guys don't like sony or the psp.



Also, in what way is the psp aimed at casuals?


Listen you prick do I look like i'm fucking insulting you!


1: No but what console offers touch screen? Innovative gameplay wins over the gimmick of best graphics on a handheld. It's the same with consoles because the pc can destroy the consoles and handhelds in graphics no matter what they do.


2: This is fanboyish'' the ps2 sucks there are no good games for it ''


this isn't ''the psp remake isn't enough to save the handheld plus it hasn't enough exclusive titles''


this also isn't'' UMDs dies on their arse''




It has great games but the games people talk about are a rolling blob and a puzzle game.......Do you honestly think people who dont have it would buy it for these games?



casual? It's best/popular games are the gta stories games(also on ps2 cough)


Gta is the essence of casual gamers(by casual i dont mean non gamers. I mean people who dont go onto game websites and buy the game they think looks good from the box etc etc)

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God what a rubbish game that was


Isnt this pretty much spam as its completely off-topic to the PSP discussion?


Im buying one of these new PSP's, I've always been tempted to buy a PSP and I figured i'd get this one as it will eventually replace the older model. Theres some good games out and ones coming out that I want to play, Final fantasy VII Crisis core for an example.

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