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WTF?!? My ONM's missing a page!!!

Kurtle Squad

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Has anyone else got this problem with the Wrist Band/Phantom Hourglass issue of ONM?

Mine's missing the page after the DBZ3 preview, which looks like an ad on one side, and it's the start of the Soul Calibur Legends on the other. All there is are SCL pictures....no preview.

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I thought mine was the only one and I was going to get another copy on Friday, guess theres no point if they are all like that. Is ONM going to do anything about it?



Probably not. I get the feeling ONM don't give a shit about there readers; I get the feeling they'd rather be doing Xbox coverage than ninty- other than Chris, but he's got a funny beard.

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'Cos ngamer's unofficial and n-revolution is total crap. They've had to take the price down cos no-one reads it! I feel sorry for them.


There are other better ones. Also, just because its official doesn't really make a different to the quality.:smile:

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Never had the problem of missing pages and i do find the official mags less biased even though they are official. I used to read N64/NGC/NGamer and they were all biased towards Nintendo games, some of the games they gave low scores for i found very good.

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I'm giving up on ONM finally now because of this issue, it's just too biased and insulting for me.


I mean when you give the star letter to the person who says in two sentences that Nintendo's E3 conference was good because of the gun add-on and two new game announcements it just makes me want to kick a baby.


Screw it, I'll stick with Edge and the unbiased truth. :smile:

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'Cos ngamer's unofficial and n-revolution is total crap. They've had to take the price down cos no-one reads it! I feel sorry for them.


The fact that ONM is "official" is a bad point. NGamer is great, but pricey, nRevolution is darned good, too.

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The fact that ONM is "official" is a bad point. NGamer is great, but pricey, nRevolution is darned good, too.


nRevolution is the biggest waste of paper I've ever had the misfortune to read. They give great games (WarioWare), really low scores, (7.3). I like Official magazines because they do not review import games, and they get news exclusively before all the other mags do. I feel sorry for the guys down at nRev, I really do.

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'Cos ngamer's unofficial and n-revolution is total crap. They've had to take the price down cos no-one reads it! I feel sorry for them.


Personally I think n-revolution is the only Nintendo exclusive mag worth reading.


The main reason for the price drop would appear to be because they decided to drop the mini-mags in favour of incorporating all the info into the one mag , although perhaps there could be more to it than that.

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nRevolution is the biggest waste of paper I've ever had the misfortune to read. They give great games (WarioWare), really low scores, (7.3).


Oh my god! They gave a good game a good score! They must be crap.


they get news exclusively before all the other mags do.


Nope, NGamer gets exclusive news and reviews before any websites and magazines.

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Oh my god! They gave a good game a good score! They must be crap.




Nope, NGamer gets exclusive news and reviews before any websites and magazines.


Exactly. How is 7.3 a bad score?


Also Uk, Just because a magazine is official doesn't mean in the slighest that it gets news before everyone else.

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Also Uk, Just because a magazine is official doesn't mean in the slighest that it gets news before everyone else.


Well, the staff get news before everyone else. They just can't put it in the mag until a specified date.

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nRevolution is the biggest waste of paper I've ever had the misfortune to read. They give great games (WarioWare), really low scores, (7.3). I like Official magazines because they do not review import games, and they get news exclusively before all the other mags do. I feel sorry for the guys down at nRev, I really do.


7.3 is exactly what Warioware deserved. They left out Turtle Balancing.

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Guest Stefkov

My missing page has been ripped out. There's still some of the page left there.

I only get it for the spin I don't care.

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Probably not. I get the feeling ONM don't give a shit about there readers; I get the feeling they'd rather be doing Xbox coverage than ninty- other than Chris, but he's got a funny beard.


Dude...THEY ripped it out, and it would cost them LOADS to redo the magazines. That's why it had to be like this, plus, it's just 1 page and 1 game.

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