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  #1cubeplayer said:
At my school we've renamed them to queers.


At my school they've always been queers, but are 'experimenting' with girls... just in case, you see.

  Raining_again said:
well emos dont bother me in the slightest, so im fine with it :heh:


Totally agree! I like emos and hope i'm one!


Theres nothing wrong with showing how you feel emotionally! Shows your a 'real' person if you ask me!


Still, each to their own i suppose! :smile:

  BlackFox said:
Moria isnt.


/insider joke.


Yup. Moria, Balfron and Colin. All robots.

  Owen said:
Totally agree! I like emos and hope i'm one!


Theres nothing wrong with showing how you feel emotionally! Shows your a 'real' person if you ask me!


Still, each to their own i suppose! :smile:

Sure, there's nothing wrong with showing emotion, the majority of people would agree with that statement. However, only when that emotion is genuine, and not manufactured nor exagerrated. Emos are disliked because they are incredibly melodramatic, and hence selfish.

  Jordan said:
Yup. Moria, Balfron and Colin. All robots.


That something to do with being scottish there, as i always though most scots had a good sense of humor.

  dukkadukka said:



*Plays Captain Scarlet theme* Dun Dun Dun DunDunDun Dun. Technically we all are yes, also if we scream are we scremos?


I'm not emotional. In fact I'm not even human. I'm a killer robot sent to the past to save a little boy called Jacques-Philippes from other killbots. I have a sidekick who always spews funny lines and always gets in trouble. Lets call him Eduardo II. Together we fight the great evil dude Malroyk whose intention it is to kill the princess and take over the planet.


But I'm dwelling off here.


It is indeed a fact that people confuse having emotions and certains emotions. When one is sad he is not an emotional person. He has the emotion of sadness. But for example joy or happiness are also emotions. And people who express these emotions all the all time won't be called emtional whereas people who express sadness will be.



Wow, i just wrote this after being awake for more than 64 hours. Heavy....dude.

  kopo said:
I'm not emotional. In fact I'm not even human. I'm a killer robot sent to the past to save a little boy called Jacques-Philippes from other killbots. I have a sidekick who always spews funny lines and always gets in trouble. Lets call him Eduardo II. Together we fight the great evil dude Malroyk whose intention it is to kill the princess and take over the planet.


Here's looking at you Hollywood, scripting gold right there.











Boo fucking hoo.


Emos = fagggggggz


Plus its a trend, a movement, a scene, a fad, a furore, a tenor rather than a direct link to the word 'emotional'


Hate to burst your bubble or whatever ;)

  Grebe said:
Boo fucking hoo.


Emos = fagggggggz




Hate to burst your bubble or whatever ;)

you leave our fucking bubble alone .... or else!


  Viper said:
Here's looking at you Hollywood, scripting gold right there.

that means a lot man, i'm now crying in the darkest corner of the house, spinning and spasming my body in agonizing excitment with a touch of... dare i say it ... eroticism. I don't even know iif that's a word, or to what the fuck i'm replying.


So yeah, not.

  kopo said:
you leave our fucking bubble alone .... or else!



that means a lot man, i'm now crying in the darkest corner of the house, spinning and spasming my body in agonizing excitment with a touch of... dare i say it ... eroticism. I don't even know iif that's a word, or to what the fuck i'm replying.


So yeah, not.

i love you, you make me lol like no other :)

  kopo said:
you leave our fucking bubble alone .... or else!



that means a lot man, i'm now crying in the darkest corner of the house, spinning and spasming my body in agonizing excitment with a touch of... dare i say it ... eroticism. I don't even know iif that's a word, or to what the fuck i'm replying.


So yeah, not.


I think this is one of those special situations with requires a LMFAO!!!11!


people that hate emo are just on a bandwagon of haters


and to call emos "queer" etc isnt exactly threatening when in school theres chavs, townies, bullies etc....i doubt theres any emo bullies or emos that go around smashing into cars etc. All the emos i know arnt crying all the time and alot like different music i.e metal, punk not just yellowcard, jimmy eat world etc


If emos wanna wear scarfs etc and have there hair covering one eye etc i let them get on with it i would rather see more emos then seeing more chavs in tracksuits.


you get people slagging off all cultures anyway


Emos are so called because they are overly-emotional. Its a tricky little ... oh bugger i've forgotten the grammar word for omitting a word. That 2 years of A level English has truly stuck.

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