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Weather in England and Global Warming


Is The Weather In England Down to Global Warming?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Is The Weather In England Down to Global Warming?

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I'll be honest, i reckon the scientists have no idea what's gonna happen. It's gonna all dry up, or flood, or both, or freak weather. It's unpredicatable, i think this could just be british weather for you. I'm just glad i live in Yorkshire.

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Global warming my arse.

Where's our 40 degree summer then?


You obviously don't understand the effects, do you?


For a start, it'll be several years before the average annual temperature is noticeably higher. What will happen, however, is that we'll get more weather like this.


Anyone who says "global warming would be a good thing as the weather at the moment is pretty shit" needs a damn good slapping...


To be honest ive heard convincing arguements for global warming and it not being global warming so until its conclusive one way or another im not bothered.


Here's one: try listening to just the scientists who know what they're talking about, not the ones who would write in the Daily Mail.


The evidence is there. The technology to eliminate CO2 emissions is there. The will is not.


Not yet, anyway. I fear that people will only wake up and smell the coffee once the Norfolk is underwater.

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Well here in Gloucestershire we've just had our water supply cut off for what will probably be about a week, if not more!


The major floods we've had in the area has caused some sewage plant to contaminate the water supply!


There were fights in the area in the supermarkets over bottled water etc... so police are having to step in and supervise them. Shops that actually can get water delivered are is selling out instantly and we're getting really small useless water tanks delivered to the roads round here occasionally.


Some of the area has also lost its power supply, because it's had to be turned off because of the danger from floods! and it looks like more places may have power turned off for a few days from tonight/tomorrow!

Dunno what I'll do if that happens!!


Here are a couple of bbc news stories on it:





Not fun!!


And why won't it stop raining! It's pouring down constantly! and the more it rains the more it floods and the longer it will take for things to get back to normal!

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Well here in Gloucestershire we've just had our water supply cut off for what will probably be about a week, if not more!


The major floods we've had in the area has caused some sewage plant to contaminate the water supply!


There were fights in the area in the supermarkets over bottled water etc... so police are having to step in and supervise them. Shops that actually can get water delivered are is selling out instantly and we're getting really small useless water tanks delivered to the roads round here occasionally.


Some of the area has also lost its power supply, because it's had to be turned off because of the danger from floods! and it looks like more places may have power turned off for a few days from tonight/tomorrow!

Dunno what I'll do if that happens!!


Here are a couple of bbc news stories on it:





Not fun!!


And why won't it stop raining! It's pouring down constantly! and the more it rains the more it floods and the longer it will take for things to get back to normal!


Not nice...Not nice at all


Chin Up mate

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Awww, I feel for the poor Gloucestershire people. At the moment everywhere round about me in Oxford is getting annihilated by floods, but I seem to be in a little oasis of normality.... for now. If it rains tonight we might be buggered, so neighbourhood hysteria is still rife.


I don't think any of this can be blamed on global warming. It's not part of the trend and seems more like a freak weather occurance linked with the heat waves in Europe probably brought on by the particularly strong El Niño event that extended into 2007.


Edit: Nooo! Here comes more rain. Brace for impact.

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Awww, I feel for the poor Gloucestershire people. At the moment everywhere round about me in Oxford is getting annihilated by floods, but I seem to be in a little oasis of normality.... for now. If it rains tonight we might be buggered, so neighbourhood hysteria is still rife.


Edit: Nooo! Here comes more rain. Brace for impact.


Apparently the Thames is going to split it's banks tonight, which is news to me since the Botley road has been the River Botley since yesterday. Friday was the worst day here in Witney:




The main route into the town centre




The amphibious degenerates of Witney return to the primordial soup from whence they first emerged.

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Isn't it just to do with the fact that we're stuck in a low pressure system, just like in some years we've been stuck in a high pressure system meaning 3 months of constant sun.


Now I'm not pretending to be some sort of expert but I do vaguely remember from my A Level Geography that sometimes these systems stop in one place for a long time (can't remember how, just that they do). I'm sure someone else can back me up on this and give reasons why it happens!


If this is the case that it has fuck all to do with global warming!

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Not that i don't care about it but where I live global warming isn't as big an issue as it seems because I live very far inland (central Canada) and we have very cold winters.


You live in Canada. You are oficially the coolest member here at n-europe, just for that. What province do you live in? Do you live near Ottawa? I've only ever been to Toronto, and I only visited that because I was staying in New York.

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I still have a better understanding than you do.


I doubt that.


I know you were being sarcastic, but you get people who say very similar things, and are completely serious.


Isn't it just to do with the fact that we're stuck in a low pressure system, just like in some years we've been stuck in a high pressure system meaning 3 months of constant sun.



You are 100% correct, sir!


As I've said before, this bad weather at the moment is nothing to do with global warming. However, if global warming continues, especially at the rate it is doing so at the moment, then we're going to get a hell of a lot more weather like this.

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