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Resident Evil 5


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I wonder what new gameplay mechanics we will see games such as Left 4 Dead (now not coming to PS3 grrr) and Dead Island look like they are radically altering the way we look at such titles. Also lets not underplay Dead Risings innovations and twists on the genre. One thing is for sure the Zombie sub genre never looked so hot.

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I dont believe all of this anti-African stuff I'm hearing against Resident Evil, I dont think people understand, its just a game.

I read somewhere the reason they picked Africa was purely down to black people being some-what hard to see in harsh shadows, making the game scarier.


But whatever, I don't really care. Except the black people aren't zombies. They all look pretty normal. But when they die, they melt into black goo.

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It´s funny how Black people always seem to complain loudly each time they feel they are being subjected to racism. It happens so often, one might be forgiven to think their complaints have no substance anylonger. I personally think that they have taken their racism rebellion too far, and by my experience have in many cases become worse in terms of racist attitudes than their original oppressors.


They remind me of feminists everywhere who also have taken their rebellion against the man too far to actually become worse than men, and now stand out as being too demanding, too aggressive, luring men into having children with them promising they will grow old together. Only to dump them later for hillarious reasons (which they have agreed with their female counterparts is "fair" to do), so they can get their childcare benefits (at least so in my country many many places) and live alone with their kids and the money from the man as a nice extra.


I have had it with them, and with the Blacks and their so-called revolution. I have seen enough in my life over the past two decades to know that Blacks can be just as big racists as they claim in unison that all other people than themselves are if they say or do something even remotely alike racist remarks and acts. Or if they, we, create a videogame with Black people in it who are killed by a lone guy who has a right to defend himself!!! WHERE, I ask, were these SAME Black people when it was Americans and Spanish people who got killed in the same game-series? Huh, Blacks? Just a simple question. I have a feeling, though, that no answer will come.


Just release RE5, CAPCOM, and for good measure´s sake include a few jokes dotted around in the gameworld about Blacks and their hillarious, unfair and totally unjustified attack on your right to freedom of game creativity! Such as: Chris beware - a big Black hypocrite lurks around the next corner! You can´t see him since he is BLACK in the darkness in here. So watch it....!


Or: Watch it, Chris - for you are surrounded by Black reverse-racism. It seeps out from every corner of the Dark. But just ignore it! And keep shooting the fools who dare attacking you!


I could go on. Such jokes dotted around the RE5 game world would be fitting as a means of showing Black people that CAPCOM have a right to make whatever game they want, and that they are tired of the unfair complaints seeking to actually kill RE5 as a production!


Chris? Chriiiis? Chris Redfield? Hellooo? Are you there......... You are not dead, are you? ( Sigh! I hope not. Since then I can´t get to play him in RE5 - and then there is no game. Sob!).

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I really don't get the deal...they have obviously drawn on Africa as it is a remote country where things like this could possibly happen and be covered up...its not racist...and its another step into unknown ground that expands the Resi mythos...

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In my experience, anyone who's mentioned this game as racist to the point of ranting is either taking the piss or is way too sensitive, and anyone who's taking them seriously to the point of ranting is pretty much crazy.


But yeah, anyone know when S.T.A.R.S goes to Vietnam? I think it's time we got the asians in on the action.

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Originally posted by King V:


...And the sad thing is you just KNOW this dude lives on the outer fringes of human society.


TIP: Judge the individual who makes such complaints not the entire ethnic group!


King V: I DON´T "live on the outer fringes of society". You are being very offensive! How come? Do you know how many times I have encountered so-called "legitimate" complaints by Blacks about them being exposed to racism, when most of the time it was no such thing because they were falsely accusing White´s of racism that were no where in sight? How many times I spoke to White people who told me they had been accused of racism by Blacks when I KNEW it was a lie? Where they were abusing their "rebellion" against White people, like myself, to justify counter-racism?


The reason why I wrote what I did was because I have heard from both EB Games and GAME staff how much Black opposition there is in England to the release of Resident Evil 5 because these people think it is racist! There is NO racism in that game, and it is just another example of Blacks overdoing their rebellion against so-called "racism" against them. I DO NOT judge ALL Blacks, based of off one remark in a forum. But it reminds me of how much nonsense accusations I have had to listen to coming from Blacks over the years when they start attacking a game for being racist. I REACT on the ridiculous amount of accusations against RE5 as a GAME, for crying out loud, that they call racist when it is not. So please watch your language! I Don´t call YOU abusive names if I think you have an opinion which I don´t like.

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