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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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Will do then. I'll probably accept it for what it is, and finally an RPG on the Wii, just wonder how big the gap will be. The less the better of course but there always will be a gap between ToS and any sequal.


The thing i'm looking forward to the most is the story which I loved on ToS, and the one in DotNW seems decent so far. Dammit Lloyd and Sheena better get together and Collette can bugger off.


Also Emasher, is comes out in November in America, the 11th I think it is.


I assume when you say Collette can bugger off you mean die a horrible, horrible death never to return. Correct? :)

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You know me well ;)


I mean the nerve she did at the end of the last game...


Flying up to Lloyd in his moment with the Eternal Sword, she had to go up and join him, damn attention seeking little...


I never put her in fights unless I really had too. She gets in the way of Sheena and Lloyd :heh:



After reading that hands on with IGN, i'm looking forward to it a bit more. Doesn't seem as bad as I thought. My main worry is how long it'll be. I heard it lasted a while, but I can't remember just how long it was supposed to take. I want nice and long to make up for the lack off RPGs. Also I don't believe Lloyd led the Palmacosta slaughter, t'is a phony I say.


I'm sure I seen a video with Lloyd fighting that girl in the water temple place and thought he sounded different from the video that D_Prod posted. Might just be my imagination though.

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After reading that hands on with IGN, i'm looking forward to it a bit more. Doesn't seem as bad as I thought. My main worry is how long it'll be. I heard it lasted a while, but I can't remember just how long it was supposed to take. I want nice and long to make up for the lack off RPGs. Also I don't believe Lloyd led the Palmacosta slaughter, t'is a phony I say.
30/35 hours first playthrough, shorter than a full fledged Tales game, which, they try to cover up with 3 different endings. (also to cover the lack of a freaking relationship system)


History should be better than ToS is, at least I got that vibe till the point I played it, it's definitely above ToS and perhaps (most likely) a little under TotA.


This said, Emil's standard character makes you feel like you're playing with a loser, the first hour of gameplay manages to be slower than Tales of the Abyss (I mean... really) and it has too many tutoriais for it's own good... also playing with chicken emil against a bear at the beggining is utter bullocks. Thankfully the "upgrade" into what a tales game should feel comes relatively quick after that, but it's still idiotic that I have to fight a batter with an idiot with only a attack move.


After that... this game's LMBS system rocks as Abyss on steroids (who was ToS on steroids), being faster and better... freerun feels better, as well as having a little Team Destiny flavor in it. Shame there's only two humanoid characters in a party of four characters at times, and that the graphics could be pulled out of the PS2.

I'm sure I seen a video with Lloyd fighting that girl in the water temple place and thought he sounded different from the video that D_Prod posted. Might just be my imagination though.
Lloyd fighting Marta? yeah that happens, I don't recall it being in the water temple though.
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Well it took me 40 hours to finish ToS, so 35 isn't too bad.
I also didn't took about 46 hours, but bottomline is that ToS had game for even 80 hours if needed be (well, even 120 according to some people). This game doesn't, in fact even the progression in the game, some (?) characters level up automatically and it's done by chapters; and also... no worldmap.


It's just feels very streamlined to the plot without many detours, so yeah, even if you didn't do those in previous tales you'd feel you'd have tons of stuf to do... I surely didn't felt that in ToS2. (although it has some minigames, most likely to cover it up a little)

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Well like me and pedro(especially pedro) and some others, you'll know how half assed the game is being done along with details of the production team how how stripped down it is compared to the original. Knowing all the details, you'll realise that there are reasons to nit-pick :heh:

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some (?) characters level up automatically


Didn't that happen in ToS, too? Characters you didn't use leveled up automatically. They just didn't learn new moves.


Well like me and pedro(especially pedro) and some others, you'll know how half assed the game is being done along with details of the production team how how stripped down it is compared to the original. Knowing all the details, you'll realise that there are reasons to nit-pick :heh:


As an optimist, I see no reason to complain.


Sure, this game won't surpass ToS, and may have its flaws, but that's not the right mindset to play a game.

When playing, say, Metroid Fusion, I wasn't constantly nitpicking, or comparing it to other games in the Metroid series. I ended up enjoying the game for what it was.

I did nitpick with Metroid Prime 2, though, and I ended up hating on it more than I should have.

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Also Emasher, is comes out in November in America, the 11th I think it is.


I just don't get why companies decide to release games on remembrance day (Canadian holiday). Do they just not notice that they get 0 sales on day 1 in Canada. I guess I won't be getting this at launch then.

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Didn't that happen in ToS, too? Characters you didn't use leveled up automatically. They just didn't learn new moves.
No, ToS was continuous, in this one you finish a chapter and at least guest characters (ToS1 characters) will gain a few levels automatically. I just on the fence regarding creatures, emil and marta; but I believe it applies to them too, the intention seems to be to diminish grinding. (I can't understand the menus, so regarding "that" it was a pretty blind ride)
As an optimist, I see no reason to complain.
I have plenty, but mind you I'm not bashing the game, otherwise I wouldn't say the japanese opening or the battle system were any good, for example.
Sure, this game won't surpass ToS, and may have its flaws, but that's not the right mindset to play a game.

When playing, say, Metroid Fusion, I wasn't constantly nitpicking, or comparing it to other games in the Metroid series. I ended up enjoying the game for what it was.

I did nitpick with Metroid Prime 2, though, and I ended up hating on it more than I should have.

Oh, don't worry... I always enjoy games for what they are... My issues with it are actually what it is rather than what it isn't, I'm not saying people who worked on it didn't work hard for instance... but I might blame Namco for some stupid decisions, namely the lack of funding (hence ambition), the small team they picked, and a bunch of other reasons.


The guys even said they didn't put in a world map because they had no time or budget to do so. ToS2 is not a bad game by any means... it's just unimpressive for what I expect from a Tales game on a leading console, oh, and one that isn't a PS2 (regarding graphics)


Yeah, I'm not a positivist, I'll admit, but I'm not a mindless basher, and I do appreciate my games, that doesn't mean I won't criticize them, I could criticize TotA too for instance; albeit to a lesser extent.

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The "parts of the story video"... What the fuck did they do to Lloyd's voice?! even though I wasn't that pleased about the voice of Robin from Teen Titans doing it in the original, I go used to it.


Plus, you can see that bloke asking Emil is going to be the Kratos type, Christ he's practically got the same purple garb and has the hair in a opposite direction.


Also in the Emil montage in the hands-on article, his balls suddenly dropped and his voice went deeper. Will the beginning begin 5 years or so before the main quest, to compensate of changing what a complete pussy he seems to be in earlier videos?

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Didn't that happen in ToS, too? Characters you didn't use leveled up automatically. They just didn't learn new moves.

I believe I disagree, When Lloyd learnt a new move, let's say Beast, screen freezes, zooms in a bit. character has a shiny thing behind them followed by a delightful comment from the character.


This happens to others, most notably because I love how Zelos goes "Aw yeah!"

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I believe I disagree, When Lloyd learnt a new move, let's say Beast, screen freezes, zooms in a bit. character has a shiny thing behind them followed by a delightful comment from the character.


This happens to others, most notably because I love how Zelos goes "Aw yeah!"


And I believe I said:


Didn't that happen in ToS, too? Characters you didn't use leveled up automatically. They just didn't learn new moves.


"Didn't use" as in, they're not on your party.

When they weren't in your party, they only learned basic moves, like Sheena's Purgatory Seal, or Regal's Healer. To learn the good stuff (like Indignation or Tempest Beast), they had to fight regularly.


And any comment made by Zelos in battle is awesome, obviously.

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