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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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Apparently the translation to that pic is: The Symphonia characters whom made an appearance before will not only appear in this game, but they will also provide assistance ito the main character's journey.


is there a translation to any of the other pictures?

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Apparently the translation to that pic is: The Symphonia characters whom made an appearance before will not only appear in this game, but they will also provide assistance ito the main character's journey.


WTF? I hope to god that's a joke, if the main ones from the 1st game don't play a major (and playable) role, what's the point in giving it the "Symphonia" name, I don't think Namco are that stupid to seemingly give us what we want and screw it up that badly

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Because it has same world?



Well "Symphonia" is based in the same world as the SNES game Tales of Phantasia, but takes place like 1000 years before the SNES game, why didn't they use the "Phantasia" name instead of "Symphonia".


The name of the "Tales of" games don't refer to the name of the worlds they take place in. Infact there's nothing in "Symphonia" that refers to any by the name "Symphonia", making a new game called "Symphonia" should indicate a return of the cast from the previous game, and seeing as it is taking place only 2 years later why the hell not?

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Off IGN: Moving on to the Wii Tales of Symphonia Knights of Ratatoskr, the Spring 2008 (Japanese release) title is, as mentioned in our initial update, a direct sequel to the GameCube and PS2 Tales of Symphonia, painting a new story three years after the events of that game. While story details are scarce, Bandai Namco did announce that the game's main character would be named Emil, and the heroine Malta. Lloyd and other characters from the original will also appear in the game.


Bandai Namco is working on some updates to the title for the Wii. Visually, the company claims that the graphics have been improved, with higher texture resolution. This is true of new dungeons and towns, and those that you might have visited in the original.


Gameplay is also seeing a few updates. The game will feature Wii-mote direct controls, allowing players to move around by pointing at sections of the map. While not strictly Wii related, the game will also include the ability to capture and breed monsters for use as allies in battle.

New main characters and breeding monsters eh?

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Lloyd and other characters from the original will also appear in the game.


Well so they'll be there that's good, now just waiting for them to be announced as playable (not long after the start of the game hopefully) and playing a major role in the story...actually just thinking perhaps Lloyd will take on a "teacher" role for this "Emil", that could work.


Not sure about the idea of breeding monsters....Tales of crossed with pokemon...and maybe even a dash of Golden Sun...well so long as the battles are as good fun as in the first it'll be great

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Can we really be too critical? Thank fuck there is going to be some sort of sequel! Thats some really great news, since when have new characters been a bad thing anyway? Especially if they win us over like Lloyd and Zelos?


I have to admit though, I don't like the look of the graphical style from those screen shots. I prefered the cell shading in the original game.

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This is why I'm glad I own a Wii ;). This is fantastic news, especially after the disappointment that Golden Sun sequel turned out to be.. A new Golden Sun for DS would get me more excited than Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 combined.. While this new Tales games can't accomplish that same thing, it's immediately one of the games I'm most looking forward too (together with Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 obviously ;)).


Allthough I'll miss having Sheena (and Raine) on my screen at al times (;)), I'd like to play with an all new cast. I also liked the TOS 1 cell shaded look however.. But we'll see how TOS will look when it's finished.


Seeing this news made me remember to pre-order TOS OVA part 2 by the way ;).


I hope this does good things for the RPG genre on Wii in general.. This is the first major RPG isn't it? I hope many will follow, Baten kaitos perhaps? ;)

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It's not that i don't want new characters, i just don't want the ones that made me love the first game to end up taking a back seat, the main reason i want a sequel to see how Lloyd and co's relationships grow further and how each character grows themsleves and really see how their actions in the first game effected the world a few years later (are half-elves still shunned, etc.)


Oh and of course on seeing the news i was compelled to make a vlog for my youtube, though my excitement makes me lose track of what i wanted to say a few times, but i think that's understandable :)


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I think they called it ToS 2 cause the original sold excellently in both Japan and America and they want to build on the GameCube userbase who enjoyed the original and allowed it to eclipse 800k sales.


I'm really looking forward to the game though, good RPG's are hit or miss nowadays and the original was one of the best last generation. I think the Wii really needed an annoucement like this, a main series non port non spin off game, awesome! :)

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Hopefully Collete re-loses her ability to speak


The overworld map in the original looked like a

PS1 affair. The new one looks a bit better.


I also like the sound of pointing to where you wanna go on the map. They shouldnt stop there though. It would be nice if you could point at characters during battle and have them do certain things manually.


Remember the ring menu from Secret of Mana?

That should be in every Wii RPG

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You know I don't know if there's EVER been a direct RPG sequel that uses the same characters in the main roles. This sounds a lot like Nippon Ichi done with Disgaea 2, completely new cast and the original bunch make cameos from time to time and some are directly involved with the story.


Honestly I wouldn't expect much from the old characters, Lloyd especially. If there likely to give anyone an important role in the new game's team it's probably more likely to be any of the other characters than Lloyd, since he was the main character last time and they wont want him in the "spotlight" again.

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You know I don't know if there's EVER been a direct RPG sequel that uses the same characters in the main roles. This sounds a lot like Nippon Ichi done with Disgaea 2, completely new cast and the original bunch make cameos from time to time and some are directly involved with the story.
Isn't that what they did with Golden Sun 2 aswell? (haven't played the sequel).
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