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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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My fav quote from any n-europe podcast is when you say the line: "Just like in tales of symphonia when......."


Although that died out after awhile. But I suppose there is only so much you can tell.


I tried holding it back for awhile so it didn't become tired and predictable....plus was finding it difficult to work it into conversation hahaha: peace:

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The only problem I had with Connor in the past podcasts was that sometimes you couldn't hear what he was saying. Probably because his intenet connection / microphone wasn't so great, but the sound quality at the moment is just as good as any podcast.

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Damn, that's really a dissapointment. Now i'm getting kinda concerned about this. Delay it if they want I don't care just make this game on par with Tales of Symphonia.
They won't, after all this is a cheap recycled game in order to pay for that Vesperia that we won't get.


In all seriousness... Tales of Symphonia engine is only barely aceptable by Wii Standards (I mean, they didn't even put in detailed shadows?) it's obvious they want to take it easy without making many upgrades. The overmap in Symphonia used a diferent PSone'ish engine and they don't want to get criticized for not fixing that (and they'd need to do a new one,if I recall correctly)


I'm not worried, always expected this, what I didn't expect is that they were being half assed on this one while investing on another that is not being made for my console.

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Something I would really like would be the ability to recognise tos gamecube save files to unlock things in game. For example say the ability to have Lloyd as a playable character only if you have a tos save file, or the ability to unlock items/ moves something like that would be cool.

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word count is gay


I thought the overworld in the original was ugly and atmosphere destroying. It completely lost the sense of epicness and put a stain on an otherwise great game. At least with this version the graphics are clean and somewhat presentable.

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Most rpg's gave up on the idea of a full world overworld after the ps1 era as plain and simple you can't have the same kind of geometric detail on a huge world map where you can fly around as you can in towns, etc, so you end up with something that looks laughably ps1 level at best. Even on next gen systems if they went for that type of standard overworld you'd be lucky if they had early PS2 level of detail to keep the framerate decent while rendering a whole planet at once.


Despite that though I've always vastly preferred things with an overworld as it really feels like you're exploring the entire world, instead of a set path through what seems like a tiny section of the world (such as FFX and similar styles)


The system in this game doesn't seem too awful but it obviously is an act of laziness, probably partly to help disguise the fact that they're reusing tons of the same assets from the original game for a very cheap and unnecessary sequel.

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Sure it was pretty ugly in ToS but it served its purpose well, and it did help the game attain and maintain its epic feel, in my opinion. We've known for ages that this sequel has no overworld and only works on a point and click basis, which sucks and will sap alot of grandeur from the games atmosphere. However at the same time, if ToS2 had some overworld that looked like ToS1 we'd all be raging and arguing about how much better the Wii could do.


In ToS1 I just took the overworld as being a representation of things. How long would it take you to walk around a whole planet if it was realistically proportioned eh? Quite some time I'd say.

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