Mr.X Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 I am going to wait till LBP, MGS4, and FF series are on the console, because as much as I would like one I can't justify paying £400 for a machine.
Oditri Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 No option for 'Not until I have a 360 and have recovered from/got bored of that'. That's where my vote would have gone. Still, the price is ridiculous...
McPhee Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 I'm trying to ignore the PS3. I didn't bother looking at any of they're E3 stuff, or much of Nintendo's simply because at the moment I'm content with the 360. I don't have cash flow problems stopping me from getting one, but there are far better unnecessary ways to spend £400 (mostly involving beer Jäger, strippers, a team of midgets and a medieval catapult)
Marshmellow Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 Buying one for the Blu-Ray. And the games too I suppose.
Hellfire Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 None of the answers in the poll appeal to me. I intend to have one eventually, but they'll be expensive for a long time and there aren't enough games that justify the buy for now. I'll probably do it like PS2, buying 5 or more years after the launch. Getting a console for launch is only if I'm certain I'll enjoy it relatively fast. I'll probably get a 360 before that. Plus, I hate Sony.
Noodleman Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 I wouldnt be adverse to getting one, but not this side of the next couple of years, got far more important things to spend that kind of cash on sadly.
Ant-Shimmin Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 I have to admit I will get it, it's a matter of when rather than If, and I am in no rush until MGS 4 Comes out...
Cube Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 Hardly any games appeal to me., so I'll pass. If I ever have enough money for a second console, it'll be the 360.
BeerMonkey Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 put it this way - i have NEVER owned a sony console ps3 only has Killzone 2, MGS4 and FF13 that interest me the controller is terrible the console is ugly pshome doesnt interest me the idea of running blu-ray movies doesnt interest me as i dont have a hdtv and if i did id just get the 360 hddrive too expensive so yea i wont be getting the ps3 as i think its a joke fullstop.
Shino Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 The good thing about PS3 is because good games takes so much time to develop, by the time they arrive it will have dropped its price again. So, I'll try to get one.
Ant-Shimmin Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 put it this way - i have NEVER owned a sony console ps3 only has Killzone 2, MGS4 and FF13 that interest me the controller is terrible the console is ugly pshome doesnt interest me the idea of running blu-ray movies doesnt interest me as i dont have a hdtv and if i did id just get the 360 hddrive too expensive so yea i wont be getting the ps3 as i think its a joke fullstop. Why haven't you owned a Sony console? As a matter of curiosity because you have deffo missed out
Guest Stefkov Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 a team of midgets and a medieval catapult) I want to know more. I only have 1 game for my PS2, FFX and I have hardly played it. I'd get it mainly as a cheap Blu ray player. Stand alone ones cost well oer £400, to get a games console aswell as a blu ray player, it's an opportunity not to miss out. I have an HDMI port on the back of my tv but I don't know if it does 1080p, when I try changing it to that via my 360 it splits the screen in two. I won't get one for a long time as no games appeal to me. No games on the pS2 appeal but I got one to try them out. I havnt bought any games because the 360 games that do appeal to me are coming out and money is going to them.
MadDog Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 I Played Resitance for the first time the other day and loved it. I would like to buy a ps3 for that but it just costs too much
Tellyn Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 I Played Resitance for the first time the other day and loved it. I would like to buy a ps3 for that but it just costs too much Meh, I played that with you. The triggers are horrible.
GigaPlay Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 If it's any good in 4 years time I'll consider it but not anytime soon.
Caris Posted July 17, 2007 Author Posted July 17, 2007 put it this way - i have NEVER owned a sony console ps3 only has Killzone 2, MGS4 and FF13 that interest me the controller is terrible the console is ugly pshome doesnt interest me the idea of running blu-ray movies doesnt interest me as i dont have a hdtv and if i did id just get the 360 hddrive too expensive so yea i wont be getting the ps3 as i think its a joke fullstop. A simple "no" would have done.
McMad Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 Definately going to get a PS3 at one point in the future, just not sure when I'll have enough money. The PS3 has a lot of sequels and new titles that I really want to play, I don't really give a crap about the online, Home or the PS3 store. I think I'll probably save up for a HD TV before I get this though, I'm getting bored of standard definition.
Niji Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 Sony are rubbish, i will never buy the PS3 (The "S" stands for Shit) I am happy with my Nintendo Wii and Wii Sports.
BeerMonkey Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 you wanted me to put no.? bit of a short post. Last time i looked this was a forum so i can put my view across as for why i have never owned a sony console - had a n64 back in the day of the ps1 v n64 days back then i was a massive nintendo fan and didnt look twice at the ps1 presides ff7 and ff8 which made there way onto the pc. I was a fanboy i admit as for the ps2 i had a dreamcast at the time and had lots of games to play though so didnt bother getting it (had pc games to play as well) by the time the gc came out tehre was still nothing that convinced me to buy one. Then the gamecube came out had a good start plenty of good games. Then got rid of the GC after 18 months and got the xbox as had tons of games i wanted. The drought on the gc was frustrating to say the least. As for ps3 like i said above also i got the 360 and wii so i wont be missing much
Hellfire Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 A simple "no" would have done. So what, we can't say why we won't/will buy it? Sony are rubbish, i will never buy the PS3 (The "S" stands for Shit) I am happy with my Nintendo Wii and Wii Sports. You won't last long here.
Slaggis Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 What he said I hate having to buy a game machine just for a certain game series and usually I'd just hold off on buying one, but for ratchet and clank, I have to make an exception. It rocks.
gmac Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 I choose secret option number 5 when any games I'm interested in start appearing and the price drops below £250
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