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What Games are you still needing to play?

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So it came to my attention the other day that there are still a load of Gamecube games which I have not yet played, some of which have been AA games...





Pikimin 2


Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes


Paper Mario

Tales of Symphonia

Skies of Arcadia

Mario Kart: Double Dash

Viewtiful Joe


And still loads more which I can't think of at the moment...


So anyone else still needing to play some Gamecube games which you just haven't got round to purchasing?

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Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion, Baten Kaitos, Animel Crossing, Doshin the Giant, Eternal Darkness, Metroid, Mario Sunshine, Pokemon Colossum and afew more :p


I think the reason why I haven't played any of the games I mentioned in my first post, is because most of them came out at the time I got LIVE, therefore I spent my whole gaming time on that, since I was addicted to RS3, and nothing could pull me away from it :P

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Is it necessary to play Pikmin 1 to play Pikmin 2?




And you say that because you're a fanboy or because it actually is necessary to play the first one? The way you say it makes me incline towards the former... :heh:


"Pikmin was great, we should add, while it lasted. It was a relatively short game made shorter by an unfortunate 30-day system that forced players to complete their goals in the designated time limit." - IGN


I'd like to pass this, if possible, and play the superior sequel instead.

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Pikmin 2 and doshin the giant, always wanted doshin but never picked it up.


And you say that because you're a fanboy or because it actually is necessary to play the first one? The way you say it makes me incline towards the former... :heh:


"Pikmin was great, we should add, while it lasted. It was a relatively short game made shorter by an unfortunate 30-day system that forced players to complete their goals in the designated time limit." - IGN


I'd like to pass this, if possible, and play the superior sequel instead.


And yeh, the time limit in pikmin sucked. Thats why I wanna play pikmin 2, no time limit.

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A few i can think of:


Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Resident Evil Zero

Baten Kaitos: Origins

Beyond Good & Evil

Viewtiful Joe 2

Pikmin 2

Skies of Arcadia Legends

Battalion Wars

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

F-Zero: GX

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Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion, Baten Kaitos, Animel Crossing, Doshin the Giant, Eternal Darkness, Metroid, Mario Sunshine, Pokemon Colossum and afew more :p


What's Doshin like? Always thought it would be interesting to try but never got round to getting it.


I've ressurected Killer 7 and been playing through that again.

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i want to finish or at least play more than 20 hours of . . .


F-Zero GX

Pikmin 2

Killer 7

SM Sunshine

Metroid Prime 2

MGS: Twin Snakes


I'm playing Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Metroid Prime atm.


I need to buy Baton Kaitos, Battalion Wars, Skies of Arcadia, Chibi Robo.

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I have some games that I still haven't got far into:


- Super Mario Sunshine (12ish Shines, IIRC. It's just a chore to play)

- Viewtiful Joe (2nd Level...don't seem to have any desire to continue. It'll click someday)

- Battalion Wars (On level 6 or 7. Fantastic game, just the controls are a bit awkward and I suck at the game)

- Geist (Fantastic concept pulled off badly, It's worth a look - but it really is a bad, but interesting, game)


Games I may get:


- Paper Mario atTYD

- 1080

- BG&E

- Burnout 2 (Borrowed it, loved it. Need to buy it)

- Chibi-Robo (Want to try it)

- Doshin the Giant (Apparently a good concept, but overall a bad game. Worth a cheap price, I reckon)

- Mario Power Tennis (then again, I may as well wait for the Wii version)

- Odama (Sounds interesting)

- Wario World

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Games i own but never really played that aren't complete rubbish (yes, i own universal theme park studios. no, i didn't buy it myself :p )


Metroid Prime - Never got past the first level. I liked the visuals and controls, but it just didn't work for me.

Resident Evil Remake - Put it in my GC once. I didn't hate the game or anything, but i just never got around to playing it.


I'm probably one of the few that didn't play Metriod Prime, but owns & played mario party 4, 5 AND 6! :p


Oh yea, and i never finished the first baiten katos. I was nearing the end when you could do the sidequests, but i didn't pay attention to what the lady said. Never bothered looking up where i had to go & i couldn't possibly finish the game without those side-quests :D

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And you say that because you're a fanboy or because it actually is necessary to play the first one? The way you say it makes me incline towards the former... :heh:


"Pikmin was great, we should add, while it lasted. It was a relatively short game made shorter by an unfortunate 30-day system that forced players to complete their goals in the designated time limit." - IGN


I'd like to pass this, if possible, and play the superior sequel instead.


:p I misread your post is all: thought you said is it necessary to play pikmin 1 or 2. Ya, never even finished pikmin 1 myself, probably due to the fact I got it for 50p and 'tis blatantly inferior when compared to the second.

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There are tons of games I've got on Cube that I still haven't finished let alone want but I would still like to play:


Pikmin 2

Baten Kaitos Origins

Chaos Field


Naruto: Clash of Ninja - European Version

(which is surely THE RAREST PAL Cube Game)

Sphynx and the Cursed Mummy

Viewtiful Joe 2

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

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