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You see I don't feel that way....I walk back and forth to work everyday which takes nearly an hour each way, I go out on my bike enough, so I don't need a convenient way to do more exercise..

That's my point.. This "game" (I'll just call it an.. application from now on) aims to get people to exercise. If you feel you don't need any more regular exercise (and it seems like you don't, you've incorperated it nicely into you're daily life), than this app just won't be necessary for you. Save your money and spend it on the real games like Zack & Wiki and No more Heroes etc.

The only other reason you could have for getting it, is simply for your collection, hopefully the balance board will be used for plenty other games in the future. In the mean time, maybe you have a girlfriend / parent / sibling who can exercise.

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Mario Party DS is easily outselling this game in Japan, maybe Wii Fit isn't going to be as big a hit as everyone anticipates. I'm still looking forward to it!
It seems that Mario Party DS has only a slight lead, plus it had almost a month head start over Wii Fit and has the luxury of being on a platform with over 60 million sales. It's only a matter of time before Wii Fit passes it.


I've been watching quite a few videos of this recently, really liking the look of it. Especially the hula hoop level, the music on that one is awesome and I love the way it changes every time a new hoop is added. :love: Snowboarding is another one that looks fantastic.


I'm still convinced that Wii Fit is going to be huge in the US and Europe, just really wish we knew when it was coming. :hmm:


If they'd market-blitz'd this after Christmas (people are fat, kids have spare Christmas money) in Europe it would've sold past the million mark within a month.

If they'd market-blitz'd this after Christmas (people are fat, kids have spare Christmas money) in Europe it would've sold past the million mark within a month.


My thoughts exactly!


Like i said before, most peoples new years resolutions are to lose weight. NOE and NOA missed a trick there.....


Nintendo really do have to start given us ideas on release dates now...i mean...the wii schedule from Nintendo is looking very sparse at the mo with only MK and Wii Fit slated for a vague 'spring' release.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ahah! Welcome Christel!


Don't forget that in Japan and everywhere else that this is going to be like Brain Training, a really slow burn game that never really goes away. MP DS will drop off quite quickly i'd think for family-ware.


It'll be nice if Europe got this first! I think it would do better here then America actually as we are 'diet' mad and constantly banging on about losing weight etc.in every mag and paper.


Obviously won't happen, because we never get anything first.

  • 4 weeks later...

Wii fit US releasedate: Source Kotaku


Wii Fit To Launch In US On May 19


According to the Wall Street Journal, of all places, Nintendo have gotten around to announcing a release date for money-printing balance (remember, balance, not fitness) training game Wii Fit. It'll be released in the US on May 19, so those looking for new ways to improve their sideways-leaning techniques or would like to bore houseguests to death with a new Wii Sports "replacement", you've only got a three month wait. How exciting!




Nintendo of Europe Announce April 25th Launch Date for Wii Fit


Nintendo’s new, unique and innovative application for Wii, which is hoping to get all across Europe moving their whole bodies - Wii Fit, is set to launch across Europe on April 25th 2008. Since its launch in Japan on December 1st 2007, Wii Fit has already sold in excess of 1.4 million units to date, making it one of the fastest selling Wii titles in Japan! Wii Fit has been designed to be enjoyed by the whole family. In Japan it has been encouraging family members as a whole to discuss the topic of fitness and take an active interest in understanding their own fitness in a fun and entertaining way, all in the comfort of their own home. Now this unique and dynamic new title is making its way across the waters and is aiming to get people across Europe up on their feet and moving their bodies as they experience daily exercises that combines fitness with fun.


How is this possible? We hear you ask, well its simple, with the introduction of the intuitive Wii Balance Board!


Wii Fit comes bundled with the Wii Balance Board, an accessory developed exclusively for the Wii console that will have a far-reaching impact for all who use it. It’s innovative, exciting and most of all fun and simple for all to use. It is a pressure sensitive, wireless balance board that goes on the floor – so someone can stand on it in front of the TV. It senses weight and shift in balance in any direction and therefore by standing on the Wii Balance Board during activities allows players to follow along to movements ensuring they have full control of the on-screen activities. This allows personal improvement goals to be set to effectively help you and your family to train and stay fit...


Increasing your awareness of the importance that fitness has on everyday life and keeping yourself and family motivated should be easier with Wii Fit. The programme allows up to 8 people to track progress and monitor performance. Once you insert the Wii Fit Disc into a Wii console, a new channel - Wii Fit Channel can be added to your Wii Menu system. Once the Wii Fit Channel is added it enables users to not have to insert the Wii Fit Disc into a Wii console in order for the Wii Balance Board to scale your weight to calculate your BMI, measure the center of your bodily balance and conduct a balance test in order to calculate your Wii Fit Age. It also allows you to monitor how long you did which category of exercise for in one day, all in the comfort of your own home and without the need to keep inserting the Wii Fit Disk into your Wii console each time.


There are 4 training categories including Aerobic Exercises, Muscle Workouts, Yoga and Balance Games that will help you and your family to develop bodily balance control ability, burn fat in the body, help tone and condition muscles, as well as help increase aerobic stamina. Discover over 40 different activities within these training categories such as Hula Hoop™, Ski Jump, Press-up Challenge, Rhythm Boxing, Rowing Squat, Lunge and classic Yoga poses such as Half Moon, Tree and Crocodile Twist. With all this on offer and much more, Wii Fit along with the Wii Balance Board introduces an accessible and intuitive programme for all the family to enjoy


Through Wii Fit’s training programme, helpful tutorials and encouragements from your on-screen fitness trainer, who will change his or her verbal instructions depending on how you actually perform, and the included Wii Fit Channel, you will continue to have endless fun whilst having the satisfaction of knowing you are aiding yourself, and your family, on towards a path of a healthier lifestyle.


Wii Fit comes bundled with the Wii Balance Board and launches across Europe on April 25th 2008.




Nintendo of Europe Announce April 25th Launch Date for Wii Fit


Nintendo’s new, unique and innovative application for Wii, which is hoping to get all across Europe moving their whole bodies - Wii Fit, is set to launch across Europe on April 25th 2008. Since its launch in Japan on December 1st 2007, Wii Fit has already sold in excess of 1.4 million units to date, making it one of the fastest selling Wii titles in Japan! Wii Fit has been designed to be enjoyed by the whole family. In Japan it has been encouraging family members as a whole to discuss the topic of fitness and take an active interest in understanding their own fitness in a fun and entertaining way, all in the comfort of their own home. Now this unique and dynamic new title is making its way across the waters and is aiming to get people across Europe up on their feet and moving their bodies as they experience daily exercises that combines fitness with fun.


How is this possible? We hear you ask, well its simple, with the introduction of the intuitive Wii Balance Board!


Wii Fit comes bundled with the Wii Balance Board, an accessory developed exclusively for the Wii console that will have a far-reaching impact for all who use it. It’s innovative, exciting and most of all fun and simple for all to use. It is a pressure sensitive, wireless balance board that goes on the floor – so someone can stand on it in front of the TV. It senses weight and shift in balance in any direction and therefore by standing on the Wii Balance Board during activities allows players to follow along to movements ensuring they have full control of the on-screen activities. This allows personal improvement goals to be set to effectively help you and your family to train and stay fit...


Increasing your awareness of the importance that fitness has on everyday life and keeping yourself and family motivated should be easier with Wii Fit. The programme allows up to 8 people to track progress and monitor performance. Once you insert the Wii Fit Disc into a Wii console, a new channel - Wii Fit Channel can be added to your Wii Menu system. Once the Wii Fit Channel is added it enables users to not have to insert the Wii Fit Disc into a Wii console in order for the Wii Balance Board to scale your weight to calculate your BMI, measure the center of your bodily balance and conduct a balance test in order to calculate your Wii Fit Age. It also allows you to monitor how long you did which category of exercise for in one day, all in the comfort of your own home and without the need to keep inserting the Wii Fit Disk into your Wii console each time.


There are 4 training categories including Aerobic Exercises, Muscle Workouts, Yoga and Balance Games that will help you and your family to develop bodily balance control ability, burn fat in the body, help tone and condition muscles, as well as help increase aerobic stamina. Discover over 40 different activities within these training categories such as Hula Hoopâ„¢, Ski Jump, Press-up Challenge, Rhythm Boxing, Rowing Squat, Lunge and classic Yoga poses such as Half Moon, Tree and Crocodile Twist. With all this on offer and much more, Wii Fit along with the Wii Balance Board introduces an accessible and intuitive programme for all the family to enjoy


Through Wii Fit’s training programme, helpful tutorials and encouragements from your on-screen fitness trainer, who will change his or her verbal instructions depending on how you actually perform, and the included Wii Fit Channel, you will continue to have endless fun whilst having the satisfaction of knowing you are aiding yourself, and your family, on towards a path of a healthier lifestyle.


Wii Fit comes bundled with the Wii Balance Board and launches across Europe on April 25th 2008.


Still no idea's on a price I see.


Brilliant! Will get this preordered soon, probably.. I need this to kick start my weight loss! But PES.. Mario Kart and this all in the space of a month? I think I'm already getting lighter.. or my pocket is, at least..


Nintendo seem hell bent on clogging up my Wii. Not content with not providing SD/HDD support, they're now eating into my 48 channels - with two game stats channels (MK and WiiFit) which could easily be incorporated into a single Stats Channel


Lord Oh Mighty.


Awesome! I really was starting to think we wouldn't see this for quite a while.

But yeah, very happy we'll be getting it in April. :smile:


Plus, the sooner this is out, the sooner we should be seeing 1080° Wii! (I hope so anyway. :wink:)


This is out much sooner than I expected. I was thinking June sometime, but i'm happy with this. Can't help but feel getting this almost a month earlier and maybe Mario Kart earlier is somewhat of an apology for the Brawl fiasco.


As for a price, shouldn't be to hard to judge, just get the US and Jap prices for an estimate.

This is out much sooner than I expected. I was thinking June sometime, but i'm happy with this. Can't help but feel getting this almost a month earlier and maybe Mario Kart earlier is somewhat of an apology for the Brawl fiasco.


As for a price, shouldn't be to hard to judge, just get the US and Jap prices for an estimate.


US Price is "Under $100" so $99.99 I think the jap price is $89. So lets take the highest price $99.99 (about £50) add a bit of VAT £60 and add the obligitory screw britain markup and we get £65-£70.


So in short Owen seems about right.

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