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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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Funky Kong? Cool, but such a random choice in my opinion. He'll probably have a Kart which looks like an airplane. Cranky Kong or Donkey Kong JR from the SNES version, would be so much better.







I hope the next or final secret character to be revaled is Kamek. Was very sad that he got replaced in the N64 version.

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What about the


Baby Birdo



That the trailer and all that showed? Or was that a hoax?


Was april fool's joke. But it will have been better than "the thing we should not name".

And Birdo is not even in the list (kinda disappointing... not a big fan but I wonder why) and will be in before his baby.



The last one is rumored to be:



Hope it's true!: peace:

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Yeah...baby Daisy? Seriously? I mean why any 'baby' characters at all? They were all bad idea in Mario Tennis and they're a bad idea now. But why increase the numbers? Is there going to be a baby Mii option where we have to create a baby version of ourselves and put them in the race?


Characters like Rosalina fair enough, they're actual characters from a game. But to be honest there are probably enough people from Paper Mario to bring over if they really want ideas. Apart from the baby characters, I don't think it's that bad a line up.


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A poster on a French forum here

posted this translated by someone on NeoGaf:



- inserting MKWii in the console installs an update which breaks the Freeloader

- inserting the Freeloader once then MKWii brings up Error 00293, game won't play

- inserting the Freeloader twice then MKWii, the game seems to work but without sound



If this is true, it really didn't take long to break it. :( At least I'm not getting Mario Kart now anyway.

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A poster on a French forum here

posted this translated by someone on NeoGaf:




If this is true, it really didn't take long to break it. :( At least I'm not getting Mario Kart now anyway.

IF thats true, and thats a big if...then I'm fine with it as I've played enough Brawl...am content to wait for UK release before I play again :)

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I wish GAME online just dispatched the game normally on Wednesday, instead of saying it was yesterday!


It seems i have no-post today, so what was the point? I won't get it till Thursday anyway probably. They should have updated accounts on wednesday and if it came earlier then it was a nice surprise! Now for the first time ever it looks as though a first-class post game hasn't come the following day!


Oh nevermind...:indeed::D

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