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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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Oh my god you've played it? What's it like? How does the wheel work?


Errrr...You're implying basically how can he tell if its crap if he hasnt played it, but I wouldn't really say thats applicable here. You can tell by looking at something if its better or worse than other things in some instances, and Id say this is one of those times.

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The block level from the trailers looked okay but they didn't really show enough of it imo, I think it could be cool but I think I will prefere the N64 one. The Gamecube one wasn't that good though no...


I rate the Tilt-a-Kart level.


What is everyone's favourite MK track of time? I can't really think of one atm.


Either Kalimari Desert (the train wins me over I think :p) Royal raceway, Yoshi's and DK's one, as well as Toads Turnpike on mirror mode. And maybe the entire third cup from Mario Kart DS. There's a lot to chose from though it's hard :)


Anyway thoughts on the new Mario Kart, it looks ok. But I'm not sold yet, some things have really pushed me along (such as being able to use Mii's, online could be cool but nothing I see essential.) But at the same time I think I bought all the other Mario Karts since the N64, do I really need another one just because it's on a new console? I have Mario Kart DS, one I think is a very good game and the best so far (as opposed to the Gamecube one which didn't gel for me), so if I have a version I think very good why do I need a new one? Is it enough, video's haven't exactly sold me (although some have encouraged me to get it...) and the Wii wheel hasn't encouraged me loads. Would I normally get it? Yes, probably. But I'm just not sure I need it now.

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what control scheme are you guys going to use in Mario kart wii and why?


-Wiimote + nunchuck (A: accelerate, B:brake, Z:items and A+B(A+B not confirmed): Power slide, move with analogue stick, wiggle wiimote and/or nunchuck: Tricks)


-Wii wheel ( 2: accelerate, 1: brake, d pad: items, B or 1+2 power slide, wiggle for tricks)


-GameCube/Classic controller ( A: accelerate, B: brake, L: items, R: power slide, analogue stick: move, d pad : tricks).


Ill try the wii wheel and if that dousnt work ill use the wiimote nunchuck witch i hearing good things about it.


(for people who are wondering where i got this info from: IGN and Gamespy)

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I'll most likely be playing using my Gamecube controller, but seeing as the wheel comes with the game, I want to give the wheel a good shot and see how it plays especially since it seems that Nintendo might have tweaked the game aroudn the wheel. Is anyone going to this GAME mario kart challenge next weekend? I'll be at the Manchester Trafford Centre store.

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what control scheme are you guys going to use in Mario kart wii and why?


-Wiimote + nunchuck (A: accelerate, B:brake, Z:items and A+B(A+B not confirmed): Power slide, move with analogue stick, wiggle wiimote and/or nunchuck: Tricks)


-Wii wheel ( 2: accelerate, 1: brake, d pad: items, B or 1+2 power slide, wiggle for tricks)


-GameCube/Classic controller ( A: accelerate, B: brake, L: items, R: power slide, analogue stick: move, d pad : tricks).

To be honest, when I read that it felt more comforting reading the last option, wii remote's good and all. But the controls fit the Gamecube pad, what's wrong with pressing a button for driving? It feels natural and comfortable and I've gotten used to it for 10+ years. I'll try out the other options, as I think it would be silly not to, but I think I'll settle with the Gamecube one...that is if I get the game :)


I don't know how you could choose any other than the Wii Wheel/Wiimote. I don't have a Wii for steering with a stick.

If I wanted to drive realistically I'd just get a car ;) As long as it's the comfortable making the movement on screen I don't care how I do it, I just use the option that feels best.

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DCK has a point, I’m sure 99% of you guys bought a Wii for the new ways to play. And I know not all games work great with them(look at SSBB no motion control and that’s fine). But Mario kart has new game play in it(steering with tilt, and tricks with tilt) and even the wiimote nunchuck setting has the tilt for tricks and the sound if someone is behind me with an item(last one is also with the wii wheel).


And I’m 100% sure that if Nintendo showed the Wii with an standard pad and with the same graphics allot of people would be pissed (including me).


And to say allot of gaming sites prefer the wiimote nunchuck above the classic/GameCube controller(1up, game spy est.) says something.

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^ Nunchuk flicking is hardly a revelation though is it?

Thing is most of the videos of people playing they can't steer well, they just wobble and it looks stupid.


I think they've missed a trick with the combo option though, it would have been cool to be able to point to where you want to fire something.

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i think so to DCK. It almost looks like nintendo isnt convinced that it is a good control methode and included gc, nunchuck and classic support as an afterthought.
If it's any good as Excite Truck's control setup, it's better than any analog stick! Oh well, lots of people disagree with me on that. The old analog is just boring.
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Sky Garden!


You're joking? Cos Sky Garden is probably one of my least favourites!


Hmm, there are alot of tracks to choose from but I always liked Ghost Valley 1 on the Snes Mario Kart. I've always thought that it was a great track despite being really basic compared to the likes of the winding pinball and fort stages we now get.

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