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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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My online order have usually come from the (afaik) dutch 'amazon' bol.com


I've had games like skies of arcadia a few days early.


I believe they ship to the UK as well (no clue what they charge for it though).

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has it been established how many blocks Mario Kart will take. I've got less than 30 left....... Can't bring myself to empty the fridge..!


>>' the channel will probably take up more than that, I'd say get an SD card (if you don't allready have one) and back some stuff onto that, it's the only way >< for now...

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Also, speaking of those black and gold wii wheels, reckon they might get sold on the stars catalogue? I know the answer is no but it would be nice right?


No, they won't get on the stars catalogue! :D;)


Only joking, i'm not sure, be cool if they did!


has it been established how many blocks Mario Kart will take. I've got less than 30 left....... Can't bring myself to empty the fridge..!


Your fridge will have to be emptied. Sorry!

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finally today got the first panks that I should perhaps buy this...I just havn't been excited but then the fact its Mario Kart makes me feel I have to get it so as not to miss out...This is what Nintendo bank on though and why should I cave in....

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finally today got the first panks that I should perhaps buy this...I just havn't been excited but then the fact its Mario Kart makes me feel I have to get it so as not to miss out...This is what Nintendo bank on though and why should I cave in....


I'm in the same situation. I really can't afford to get it if i'm honest but there's this feeling that I should just to see what it's like. Gah, bloody Nintendo. It has literally nothing new apart from bikes and new tracks. I've heard the computer opponents are even more annoying in this one, how they topped MK64 I don't know. Are they now going to go at light speed once they're in front of you? I'm used to dropping a few places if I get hit in first but what if that few places is now 10, I wouldn't be impressed and the controller would get a very brutal meeting with the floor. What is keeping me curious is the online... Might wait to see impressions.

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I'm in the same situation. I really can't afford to get it if i'm honest but there's this feeling that I should just to see what it's like. Gah, bloody Nintendo. It has literally nothing new apart from bikes and new tracks. I've heard the computer opponents are even more annoying in this one, how they topped MK64 I don't know. Are they now going to go at light speed once they're in front of you? I'm used to dropping a few places if I get hit in first but what if that few places is now 10, I wouldn't be impressed and the controller would get a very brutal meeting with the floor. What is keeping me curious is the online... Might wait to see impressions.


Thats my biggest bone, simply doesn't add enough to the series....I bet the best tracks will be the old ones we have been playing for all years and bikes and stunts don't really do it for me to be honest...

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My sentiments exactly. In fact, Nintendo have in the past been the masters of continuing a series, sequel upon sequel, while still maintaining a fresh quality to them but now they have lost this skill. Most of the newest versions of their games have very little new to them (and for me that TP gets far too close to being in that category).


They don't deserve my cash atm. I'd rather give it to Capcom.

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It's not even a significant leap graphically like Mario Galaxy, I saw it and I thought it was Double Dash. Did anyone feel it came out rather quick? I thought it'd be at least another year before we got another Mario Kart. It really feels as though they got the Double Dash engine, made a few new tracks and helped themselves out by simply remaking the DS tracks, chucked in the motion sensing from Excitetruck, printed and packaged it. Finances are tight this month and there's no justification for getting this over GTA4.

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I'm in the same situation. I really can't afford to get it if i'm honest but there's this feeling that I should just to see what it's like. Gah, bloody Nintendo. It has literally nothing new apart from bikes and new tracks. I've heard the computer opponents are even more annoying in this one, how they topped MK64 I don't know. Are they now going to go at light speed once they're in front of you? I'm used to dropping a few places if I get hit in first but what if that few places is now 10, I wouldn't be impressed and the controller would get a very brutal meeting with the floor. What is keeping me curious is the online... Might wait to see impressions.

Well what did you expect them to add then? A Donkey Riding Contest? A First-Person Shooter level? Its Mario Kart ffs...theres not much that can be added at all

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Well what did you expect them to add then? A Donkey Riding Contest? A First-Person Shooter level? Its Mario Kart ffs...theres not much that can be added at all


People said the same about Smash Bros and look what they got with Brawl. There's a lot that could be done with it if they put the effort in. Bring on the Goldeneye/Mario Kart crossover.

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hes kind of right, all they can really add is characters, tracks and on-line. Although wi-fi was allready in the DS version. They upped the graphics a bit and added jumps, bikes and a trick system. Thats pretty much it.


People said the same about Smash Bros and look what they got with Brawl. There's a lot that could be done with it if they put the effort in. Bring on the Goldeneye/Mario Kart crossover.


maybe its because the series allready has a huge fan-base. Alot of people would buy this even if the changes were extreemly minimal. Because this is a mario kart game, and everyone apparently loves it.

Basicly if you put the words Mario, Zelda, Metroid Prime, Smash Brothers or F-Zero in a title on a Nintendo system, the unwashed masses will still flock to the store and buy every unit their under paid scabs can produce. Simply because of the title on the case.

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If they didn't rush it they probably could have done a Story mode like in Diddy Kong racing and CTR. That probably would of been enough.


I'm not actually getting the pangs, it looks decidedly crap. None of the new tracks and features I've seen are any good. Simply nothing going for it. Why did they have to make the circuits easier when they were easy in DD?


Nintendo aren't gonna make the MK games harder/more skillful now they have the non-gamer market in the pocket.

End of MK series as we see it.


I know I'd enjoy it a bit but I'll play it round someone elses. Unworthyness is rife on Wii

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Basicly if you put the words Mario, Zelda, Metroid Prime, Smash Brothers or F-Zero in a title on a Nintendo system, the unwashed masses will still flock to the store and buy every unit their under paid scabs can produce. Simply because of the title on the case.


Not true about F-Zero, unfortunately. I wish it was though, because we may have a Wii version by now..

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hes kind of right, all they can really add is characters, tracks and on-line. Although wi-fi was allready in the DS version. They upped the graphics a bit and added jumps, bikes and a trick system. Thats pretty much it.


maybe its because the series allready has a huge fan-base. Alot of people would buy this even if the changes were extreemly minimal. Because this is a mario kart game, and everyone apparently loves it.

Basicly if you put the words Mario, Zelda, Metroid Prime, Smash Brothers or F-Zero in a title on a Nintendo system, the unwashed masses will still flock to the store and buy every unit their under paid scabs can produce. Simply because of the title on the case.


This is true, and I used to be one of the masses. That ended after Double Dash which had huge potential to change the racing dynamic but didn't. I remember reading an early preview of how the whole point of the two player kart system was that there were going to be more hilly tracks and you'd use the weight of your characters to go faster down hill e.g. Fat ones at the front

In fact, what was the point of having two characters on one kart again? That's one thing I do like about the new one, the fact it's gone back to one kart. I guess i'm asking too much from the series, shame we can't have just one Mario Kart and download/buy the new tracks and characters. If they want to do something revolutionary then they can bring out a new one.

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A story mode? It's a racing game that's a little excessive I think.


Mario Kart doesn't need a big overhaul, it's a good solid multiplayer game, that's all it's ever been.

Yeah, and thats great and what makes MK awesome, but seeing as theyve killed this installment by making it for a broader market they couldve added a story mode like in Diddy or CTR, because those modes were good.


'You haven't played it'

Well tbh I don't think I need to, the previews say it all for me. Everything that shouldnt happen to MK just did.

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I think offline mode sounds like its lacking...something. Maybe because the past few months I've been reading and watching so much about Smash brothers Brawl, Its kind of a shock to see the same company bring out a game with so little in the ways of extras other then a few secret characters...something that’s not really new to the series.


However after reading the Iwata asks thing, I think online mode is going to be brilliant. I'm really surprised Brawl didn’t get the same sort of options for its WiFi mode.


I have to say though, if this didn’t have online play at all I probably wouldn’t buy it until later in the year second hand.

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Well a track editor is the most obvious thing they could add, for all modes.


Now that would be an addition that would make this a must buy...there are plenty of modes, features, ideas etc... they could take from other racers that would help up this and make it more fully featured and make me more inclined to drop the money.


Take Pro Evo...have long been tired of footie games and did not feel inclined to buy the PS3 version, yet the Wii version comes with plenty of new and fresh ideas as well as a great online mode I will be playing until the next version comes out...

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