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Eliminate! N-E... You're Next!


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How many chapters is this going to have?


I'm actually not sure about this yet, as I haven't figured out how long some parts of the story will be. As a rough estimate though, I'd say between nine and thirteen chapters.


Awesome chapter. oWario... what's your name??


Err... Lind L. Tailor.

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Chapter 3


“This is bad.â€

“What's happening?â€

EchoDesiato hovered over Letty, watching her type on her keyboard.

“It’s Stefkov; he’s made a thread about an N-E meet up. Not only that, but he’s requesting people post their real names. Even if he’s not a Death Note owner, it’s extremely likely that someone who is will use this to their advantage.â€

“What do you mean?â€

As Letty turned around, EchoDesiato could see the anxiety in her eyes.

“The meet-up has been arranged to take place in two weeks; not many people will be able to make it with such short notice, but Stefkov made it clear that reservations for the hotel have already been made and could not be changed. This seems too spontaneous to not be the work of a Death Note owner, but I checked out his Myspace profile, and his name matches up with the one he posted in the thread. There’s also a picture of him on there... Surely he wouldn’t be that stu…â€


Letty’s jaw was wide open.

“Someone’s controlling him with a Death Note,†she whispered, looking back at her monitor. “That has to be it. But… But I’ll have to prove it. Doing anything based on this theory without being one hundred percent sure would be pointless… I’ll have to write Stefkov’s name in my Death Note.â€

“What’ll that solve?†asked EchoDesiato, intrigued.

“I’ll write his name, and in the cause of death, I’ll make him do something that only I will recognise. If he doesn’t do that thing, then it means he has either already been written into a Death Note and is being controlled, or he is using a fake name and/or picture, which means he must be a Death Note owner. If he is innocent, then he will die in the way I specified. That may seem cruel, but if his name and picture are real, then there’s a good chance that someone else will try to control him anyway. It’s not the most righteous thing to do, but at least this way he’ll be used for good instead of evil.â€

A few seconds passed as EchoDesiato processed Letty’s plan in his mind.

“What if another Death Note owner had the same idea as you? If that were the case, even if Stefkov was innocent, he wouldn’t die the way you planned, and you wouldn’t have proven anything.â€

Letty stared blankly at EchoDesiato, surprised at his intelligence.

“I… I hadn’t thought of that.â€

EchoDesiato smirked. He enjoyed showing how clever he could be, mainly because he didn’t get much chance to do so outside of the human world.

“No, it doesn’t matter. I’ll just have to assume that no one else will interfere, as there’s no other way for me to tell if he is really a Death Note owner.â€

EchoDesiato’s grin widened.

“Are you sure about that?â€



Death Note: How to Use

The owner of the note can recognise the image and voice of its original owner, i.e. a god of death.

The human who touches the Death Note can recognise the image and voice of its original owner, a god of death, even if the human is not the owner of the note.


“What do you mean?†Letty asked, perplexed.

“There’s a reason why death gods own Death Notes, Letty. You see, every human has a predetermined lifespan, and these lifespans can be shortened by writing their names in a Death Note. When a death god writes down a human’s name, the human is killed, and the amount of time that they would have had left if they were still alive is added onto the death god’s lifespan. As long as we’re not too lazy, us death gods are able to live perpetually. Don’t get your hopes up though; it doesn’t work that way for you. Killing people will not lengthen your lifespan.â€

Captivated in EchoDesiato’s narration, Letty remained silent.

“Of course, we wouldn’t be able to do this without one very important thing: our eyes.â€

“Your… eyes?â€

“When we look at a human’s face, we can see both their name and remaining lifespan. That way, we have all the info we need to kill them, and we know how much extra life we will gain from doing so.â€

“I see... But what does this have to do with me?â€

“There is a trade that can be performed between the owner of a Death Note and the death god who gave it to them. For half of your remaining lifespan…†EchoDesiato dramatically raised his arms, his eyes glistening, “I will give you the same power that my eyes possess.â€


Letty sat still and considered the possibilities of the deal.

“Why are you telling me this now?â€

“If you had the death god eyes, you would be able to tell if Stefkov really posted his real name by looking at the picture of him. Not only that, but if he was already dead, his name wouldn’t appear above his head.â€

Astonished, Letty considered the new opportunities this would create.

“Oh, and one more thing: when looking at the face of someone who owns a Death Note, their lifespan does not appear. Using this, you’ll also be able to tell who owns a Death Note just by looking at them.â€

EchoDesiato slanted his head.

“So, how about it?â€

Letty leaned back on her chair. Although she had certainly been engrossed in the possibilities of the trade, she had known her answer from the start.

“EchoDesiato… I can’t accept this offer, however appealing it may be, as I need to make sure that I live for as long as possible in order to guarantee that all four Death Notes are captured and destroyed. However, I’m certainly glad you told me this information, as it’s definitely possible that someone else has the eyes, and I now see that attending the meet-up to look for any suspicious activity would be suicide, especially if they have the potential to tell who owns a Death Note. It looks like I’m going to have to reassess how I’m going to find the other Death Note owners.â€

While he was disappointed that Letty had not taken him up on his offer, EchoDesiato decided that he wanted to show off his intelligence once more.

“Actually,†he uttered calmly, his smile growing even bigger than before, “there may be a way to get around that problem.â€

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So not only is this chapter late, it's also the shortest so far. Isn't that great?


Chapter 4


Dressed in a ragged green jumper and tattered jeans, Supergrunch hunched over his television, a sheet of paper clutched in one hand, a pack of cards held loosely in the other. Scribbled messily on the paper were four names numbered in the order of the date that was written next to them, and apart from the fourth, they were all crossed out untidily.


On the screen, a sharply clothed man laid motionless on the floor as an ocean of panic spread across the few standing around him. Abruptly, the screen turned black. Supergrunch placed the piece of paper he was holding onto the table next to him, and using his now free hand, drew a single card from the deck, ripping it in two and allowing it to flutter to the ground where the remnants of other ruined clubs and diamonds rested. Taking out a pencil from his pocket, he crossed out the final name on the list.


His computer made a buzzing sound as he turned it on, and waiting for it to load, he started shuffling the remaining cards with incredible speed. This was the most danger he had ever been in, and at the same time, he had never before had such an advantage over his opponent. Suddenly, a card flew out of the pack and landed face down on his foot. At this moment, the true nature of the situation dawned on him. One mistake, just one tiny slip up and his fate would be sealed. His grave was the one place he could not recover from. He picked up the card and flipped it over, displaying the King of Hearts. He smiled, pocketing it.


Four days earlier, Supergrunch had received a private message from Stefkov, claiming to be able to kill whoever he pleased. Included within the message were four names, each with a time and date attached to them. These people were all news presenters from several TV stations, and all of them reported live. At the exact time Stefkov had specified, each presenter had collapsed on screen and died from a heart attack. Now, as Supergrunch had predicted, a new message from Stefkov had arrived.




Death Note: How to Use

The human who becomes the owner of the Death Note can, in exchange for half his/her remaining life, get the eyeballs of the god of death which will enable him/her to see a human’s name and remaining lifetime when looking through them.

A god of death has no obligation to completely explain how to use the note or rules which will apply to the human who owns it.


“All I need is a name and a face,†Supergrunch read aloud.

Whether this was true, or if it was just some sort of a deterrent, Supergrunch wasn’t quite sure, but it added no extra risk to his own life. That Stefkov sent the two messages specifically to him meant that chances were he already knew who Supergrunch was, and in turn, already knew both his name and what he looked like. What was really interesting though, was that he fed the information straight to the person who was potentially his biggest threat instead of simply killing him off. Pondering for a few moments, Supergrunch started twirling the deck of cards between his fingers. “He knows I’m a detective,†he whispered to himself. “No, worse than that; he knows I’m a detective, and he’s trying to manipulate me to his advantage.â€

He placed the cards down on the table in front of him, concentrating on his thoughts.

“If I don’t figure out what he’s planning to do before he does it, something terrible will happen. “

Supergrunch wasn’t about to waste any time; he accessed Stefkov’s post history and began reading. A week ago he had created the meet-up thread and asked for people to post their names. This definitely tied in with the private messages he had sent; given what he claimed he needed to murder, if these people were to show up, then he would be able to kill any one of them. Supergrunch closed his eyes and considered everything he knew. “Stefkov wants me to go to the meet-up and investigate. He told me what he needs to kill so that I would know to avoid being seen, staying out of his way and monitoring from afar.â€

A bead of sweat slipped down his face.

“Did he expect me to work that out? If I don’t do what he expects, it’s likely he’ll consider his plan a failure and kill me on the spot. I need to appear as though I’m falling into his trap while at the same time working out a way to outwit him, and determine exactly how he carries out the killings.â€

He sighed, and then took a deep breath.

“A challenge like this, it’s… Exciting,†he declared confidently, seemingly oblivious to the jeopardy his life was now in.

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Not sure if everyone saw this chapter as it fell of the front page fairly quickly. Anyway, I'm pleased to announce that what I consider the 'boring' section is now over. Chapter five onwards should be quite fun to write.

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