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Your Phobia


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What phobia's do any of you have, do you have any strange ones?


Mine are


Wasps - When I see one I freak out.


Complete darkeness - When I can't see a thing I start to scare myself and sometimes have a panic attack. Anything other than complete darkness is fine though.

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I don't really like the open water - I don't go all "OH MY GOD GET IT AWAY FROM ME"... rather, I just sort of get a churning realisiation that this mass in front/beneath/around me could devour me and not even notice. The pure power an ocean has can be frightening...

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I don't really like the open water - I don't go all "OH MY GOD GET IT AWAY FROM ME"... rather, I just sort of get a churning realisiation that this mass in front/beneath/around me could devour me and not even notice. The pure power an ocean has can be frightening...


I forgot that one. Its the feeling that you just can't see whats beneath you and it could be something just staring, about to eat me. Horrible feeling. I get it in swimming pools in the deep end sometime, I'm that sad.

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Moths scare me, especially the giant ones that appear when it gets really warm. But my fear of moths pales in comparison to my fear of pigeons.. They always seem to wait until I walk past to suddenly burst into flight and it always sends me sprinting down the street like a lunatic, I HATE THEM!

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Spiders, Worms and Slugs - Dunno why I am afraid of spiders, but if I see one in the house, I panic and must kill it. If I fail, I search the whole room for it, and not rest till it has been disposed of. Worms and Slugs just look, and make me sick. A slug once stuck onto the bottom of my shoe, and thus I brought it into my house. Oh how I screamed when I found it in the bathroom in the morning.


Vinegar - I despise the smell. If someone opens a bottle on the dinner table, I will go somewhere else to eat. When eating out, I make sure that no one open any vinegar. Suprisingly, peeps are ok with it.

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Im guessing you have never been to a concert or football game then martinist?


hell no, sitting there with a couple hundred people surrounding me would give me a PA, i wouldn't be able to get out either. I can go to small local games but thats about it

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I often have problems urinating in public. When there are people using the urinals in the same room as I am, I usually don't succeed in peeing out one drop of urine. That's why I always use a toilet cabin when I need to take a leak. The problems mostly gone when I've had some alcohol, though.


God, I hope I'm not the only one with this problem.:hmm:

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I have a phobia of:



Mostly because they have the potential to pop at any second and scare the living daylights out of me.


Had a couple of nasty experiances with these buggers.



Sometimes I even cant sleep because Im so worried that something might be in the dark :(

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I often have problems urinating in public. When there are people using the urinals in the same room as I am, I usually don't succeed in peeing out one drop of urine. That's why I always use a toilet cabin when I need to take a leak. The problems mostly gone when I've had some alcohol, though.


God, I hope I'm not the only one with this problem.:hmm:


I'm the same mate :P


I actually never use urinals, if the toilet cabin is occupied I walk out.


How very strange :indeed:

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Spiders, i hate whoever posted that spider pic, really don't wanna scroll up to see it and your name again.


I congratulate spiders for having amazing capabilities and surviving as well as they o, i just wish they'd all fucking die! bleeuuurgrgrghrhrhrhhh i HATE them. I suppose it is a fear thing, they just freak me out, i mean 8 fucking eyes! how on earth did they evolve 8 god damn eyes! 8 legs too, the ability to climb up anything and dangle, spin a web to kill bastards, they also have 2 penises, one in either ear, and the female spider bites off the used penis and the male scarpers off to think about his loss, all cos he was thinking with his now ingested dick.

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No phobias. But then again, I'm not a crazy person.


Getting slighly scared of something isn't justification for calling it a phobia. Phobias are full blown psychological conditions and my bets are you lot are over exaggerating your fear of whatever you claim to have a phobia of.


I remember a thread on here about synaesthesia, and a fuckload of you claimed to have it. Fuck off. It's ok to not be special. Really.

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If I came across a tarantula I'd be fine, the little funky money spiders and ones of similar size, fine. However a spider that's about an inch big really creeps me out - you just never know where you stand with them as they can go in and out of your vision rather rapidly!

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I remember a thread on here about synaesthesia, and a fuckload of you claimed to have it. Fuck off. It's ok to not be special. Really.


Okay I may not have a phobia, but my fear of Spiders is pretty irrational.


And what the hell is synaethesia?

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