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His judgements are based on speculation only. Considering that Epic concentrate on shooters, it's surprising the controller doesn't interest him. Nintendo are always going on about how good it'll be for FPS games, and people who've had a go with the controller have played a modded Metroid Prime, and they all say that it's really good, and far easier and more accurate to use than 2 thumbsticks. I don't know whether this guy has had a go with the controller or not, but I would guess not.


Another bit of speculating he does is that the Revolution is going to be inferior in graphical power. I'm sorry, but despite the new controller being so amazingly cool, I highly doubt people will buy the Revolution unless it has good graphics too. He's probably looked at the size of it and decided it must be inferior due to size, but the Gamecube was the smallest console when it came out, and it's power was very close to the Xbox's. Nintendo have never ruled out graphics they've simply said that they aren't the be all and end all. They've also claimed that Revolution will be able to compete graphically with both 360 and PS3.


Other reasons I can suspect his comments are like this are because Epic are making Gears of War for Xbox 360, and they're being payed loads by Microsoft to say shite about the rivals, maybe. Also, Epic must be making a lot of money by distributing their new Unreal Engine 3 to other developers, and that is currently one of the best graphics engines available. So it would make sense for him to promote graphics over anything else. But to assume Revolution won't have good graphics based on the controller etc. is stupid.


What's even stranger is the fact that he thinks that graphics are still the way forward. It's already been proven that graphics aren't working anymore in Japan, so it can't be much longer before it's obvious in the West. The slump in sales in Japan is due to lack of innovation in games, because all developers want to do is make the same games, but prettier. That just doesn't sell. If you look at the past, then you'll see that gaming has always had growth due to innovation. 2D - 3D gave growth, Analogue control gave growth, And "Gimmicky" peripherals like eye-toy and dancemats also gave growth. Nintendogs, one of the most different and gimmickey titles on the market has quite obviously created growth, as have many other obscure DS games like brain training. In fact, the gimmickey games have been the reason for the majority of DS sales. So looking at how the gimmickey DS is faring next to the graphics hungry PSP, I don't think it's fair to say graphics are the way forward when quite clearly, that isn't proving true.


Like I said earlier, he's just having a good time financially, and therefore is advertising his game "Gears of War", advertising the platform "Xbox 360" and advertising his development tool "Unreal Engine 3". I'm sure, given the chance to play the Revolution, and/or see it's graphical capabilites, his comments may change. But now I'm speculating, because I've never played or seen the Revolution in action, but I'm not saying that it will have great graphics, I'm saying it should do based on word of mouth from Nintendo themselves. People have always criticised Nintendo's innovation, but then they've always been proven wrong. Analogue sticks, touch screen, and now freehand.


Bloody hell, that was a proper essay, pitty I can't do the same thing with the work that actually matters.




I've just been watching the video, and it's deffinately like that guy has been payed by someone to slate the Revolution controller. His comments are incredibley childish, and some of his reasons are stupid. He said that the analogue stick add-on will make your thumb ache. I don't know what kind of strange hands he's got, but that is the same as the Gamecube alalogue stick, and I've never had problems. Then he asks how many people in the audience own just a Gamecube, and then says "thats less than 10 percent, hard to make a business on less than 10 percent".


What a complete tool! Has he ever looked at a little thing called statisics? Microsoft have a larger protion of the market, yet they've never made any money from the Xbox. The trueth would be to say that they've made a LOSS! Sony have made a proffit, but it's still tiny compared to their market share. Then you look at Nintendo, and they make the most proffit compared to market share. I call that good business. Microsoft and Sony sell more, and make more money, but at the end of the day, they waste it on over-expensive games. By being careful with their money and developing cheaper games more innovative games, Nintendo have a greater proffit.


So unless Xbox 360 makes a proffit, I can see Micro$oft leaving the industry first. Nintendo is always going to last because they make proffit, Microsoft don't and now neither do Sony. This guy's going to be surprised in 10 years.


Also, for anyone who hasn't watched it yet, he pulls out of his bag both an Xbox 360 development kit, and an xbox 360 controller. This just makes me believe that he's advertising for Microsoft even more.


If I was the guy on the far right, I would have nailed that guy to a wall with my comments. But I liked at the end when they were asked which games they are looking forward to most, the guy on the far right said Smash Bros Revolution ONLINE, and then got a bigger cheer than when the other guys said Gears of War and Oblivion. Also I liked how he said that he used to look forward to Perfect Dark Zero, but not anymore. I could go on about that, but that's another story. If you read Edge's article on X05, and their comments about Perfect Dark Zero, that's the same as my opinion.

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^^^ Very true.


I just dont see how anyone with half an imagination cant think of the great gameplay possibilities with the controller.

As long as its ultra easy to be 'real-world-accurate' your imagination can run totally wild. And we all know nintendo is the best of the three to make certain of good hardware quality control.


Anyway who cares, how is he gona resist picking up his mates rev controller - i mean comon! everybody in the world is going to be totally enticed when they see others waving it around with HUGE grins.

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He's probably looked at the size of it and decided it must be inferior due to size, but the Gamecube was the smallest console when it came out, and it's power was very close to the Xbox's.


That should be a seprate thread, that whole argument bugs me. The GC and the XBox were released about 3 days apart here in the US. The graphics are on par and in some cases better on the GC, so the whole size thing is moot. The Rev is small because it doesnt have 7 controller ports and 39 usb ports and other filler that we supposedly need.

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Shocking how the guys who brought you such innovasion like this;



Unreal II: The Awakening

Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament 2003

Unreal Tournament 2004

Unreal Tournament 2007

Unreal Championship

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict


Would reject something like the revolution...

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That should be a seprate thread, that whole argument bugs me. The GC and the XBox were released about 3 days apart here in the US. The graphics are on par and in some cases better on the GC, so the whole size thing is moot. The Rev is small because it doesnt have 7 controller ports and 39 usb ports and other filler that we supposedly need.


And it doesn't have a Hard-drive either. Nintendo consoles are always small because they're designed to be games consoles. Sony are making a Blu-Ray media player, and Microsoft are making a scaled down PC. This is why they are sooo friggin huge! And to think that the 360 also has that massive power adapter is even funnier. From what I hear about Nintendo's new development techniques (cupe-mapping etc.) It sounds like they are actually trying to find new ways to make games also. The current method of making fancy graphics is just making development get more expensive. OK I'm rambling on about off-topic stuff now, so I'll stop now.

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The guy does have a point, sort of. I think especially in Europe the majority will think the same way as him. We'll still have to see if the Revolution can't match the 360 though, so his statement is pretty pointless anyway. The Rev should be able to run Unreal Engine 3.0 no problem if ported.

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Why the hell is he lugging a 360 round in a bag. I would have laughed myself to death if he dropped it. Just because Epic dont have develpment systems dosent mean no one else have (they nearly all do). The thing about HD is who cares about a few pixels u can only really see if u are a completely retarded nerd (like Mark Rein).


None of them seem to have heard of the controller shell for the Rev controller WHICH LETS U PLAY MULTIFORMAT GAMES! Arseholes


The exeption to that is Matt Cassamasina, who was on fire in the last minute. Mark Rein will be sitting in a corner crying why we all play online smash bros.

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The guy does have a point, sort of. I think especially in Europe the majority will think the same way as him. We'll still have to see if the Revolution can't match the 360 though, so his statement is pretty pointless anyway. The Rev should be able to run Unreal Engine 3.0 no problem if ported.



I agree that rev could support easily Unreal engine, however the main problem here is that Ninty didn't want that, so they just get stupid and started to say a lot of stupid things..... :sad:

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LOL. I can't stop laughing - this whole video was some sort of a 360 promo show. Why didn't Matt stop "Epic" Mark from advertising? After all it seems the other guys weren't allowed to say anything and neither did Matt. Come on sure we don't know much about the Revolution so far but I am sure that developers know nearly everything.


Sure Epic needs superb graphics otherwise they could not sell the Unreal 3 engine - so far I am a bit astonished that anyone would take Rein serious because if it is only about better graphics I rather play interactive movies. Man I wish some other developers react - maybe EA or Activision which could feel a bit insulted by Reins statements.

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What I can't believe is how unprofessional Mark Rein is.


This guy is the Vice President of a pretty high end games company he should be able to be more diplomatic about what he says.


Also I find it disturbing that he makes the equivalent of a buisiness decision (not wanting to have anything to do with Nintendo or the Rev) without any grasp of the facts. He hasn't even touched the controller! What a Microfacist!

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Good read Hal! Very fun.


Wow, just watching the video and boy I would just smack those guys a new one. They sound like people at my school, which is very bad.


"Xbox 360 games look 100x better than Xbox 1 games, even without HDTV" What? Many reports are saying it's a quite a small upgrade in graphics.

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At the end of the day while he is making yet another unreal clone for 360, other developers will be pushing the boundries on Revolution. I havent bought a single FPS game since Turok 2 (Metroid Prime 1 & 2 dont count) because there is nothing different now then there was back then. FPS is a stale genre. Epic and Mark Rein can take theyre outdated take on gaming to the graveyard along with 360.

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