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Stupid Things That Make You Angry


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People who drive at 40mph or less in a 60mph zone. These are usually tourists who drive slowly to admire the beautiful welsh countryside.


People who break the speed limit in a 30mph zone. Not only is it illegal and dangerous, but it makes my driving seem slow, to the people behind me or onlookers!


Completely agree with everything you said there but what is worse when you get a car which varies it's speed from 40-50mph making it really hard to over-take.

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It rather annoys me when people go on about how they couldn't possibly eat this and that because it contains dirty dirty colourings and flavourings and isnt organic, and then go out and drink 105 units of alcohol. Where is the logic in that?


Also, people who don't understand sarcasm. Ruining my fun....


EDIT: If you're waiting to cross a road, and the car coming up sees you and slows down 'just in case you leap out' and makes you wait even longer for it to pass and then closes the gap behind it so you have to wait even longer!!! Damn cars.

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Those f*cking people who hand out the free papers in London. They are on EVERY f*cking street. What really pissed me off today was, when I was walking past one of them quite clearly not interested, he held it out to me and announced it was 'free'....NO F*CKING SH*T ITS FREE!!!!! I didn't want it the first time I walked past you and I still don't want it the seventh time!!!!



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People who think japan is the best thing ever. Ok, I like japan, they gave us most of the video game industry, high quality electronics and of course the samurai sword, which as a sword collecter I have much respect for. I also like how different their culture is, but for god sake, people seem to think evenrything about japan is perfect.


for the love of god get over it, anime isn't that special, and japan isnt the paradise people have it in their heads too be.


Im not knocking japan, just people who think its the greatest thing since the double helix. it has problems, any nation to spawn videos of women putting liveells in their rear ends and then crapping them into anouther womans mouth to eat has seriosu problems.

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Regarding the speed topic I DESPISE those people who go 50 in a 60 zone and then continue to go 50 when they go into 40 zones. Brainless wankers. In fact a lot of driving related things annoy me; Wrong signals, not giving way etc.

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Those people in (often busy) car parks who clearly park over the white line, therefore effectively taking up two parking spaces. That is my greatest driving peeve. Most others driving annoyances are people just being a little dozy or rushed, but parking in two spaces is just down right selfish.


If I ever come across someone doing that when the car park is full busy (albiet, not too busy), I'd have a good mind to park right in front of them, and hope that they retuen to their car before I do.

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The same thing happens with Shrewsbury; some people pronounce it as Shrows-bury, but everybody from Shrewsbury pronounces it as Shrews-bury, get it right people!

I'm not from Shrewsbury and I pronounce it pr0 style.



People not signalling at roundabouts is incredibly annoying. It means that you can't come out onto it because you don't know what the other car is doing.

We have something similar in Leicester, although not at roundabouts ¬_¬ The lovely drivers blasting out shitty music and indicate a second as they're turning.



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People who get too much into football. It's all well and good feeling sad after a team loses a game, but to properly burst into tears like a blubbering vagina...


You can get too passionate for your club during a battle to beat relegation, and if they ended up being relegated from the League you would probably be in utter disbelief, and upset knowing your team will be playing a lower level of professional football the next season. I for one would probably sob like a fanny if Aston Villa got relegated. Or if they lose the Cup Final, no glory, boo hoo, it's okay.


But as for simply losing a league match when your team isn't battling relegation or promotion or whatever, (except local derbies), get a hold of yourself man!

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I havent posted in this thread yet, but I have just realised one thing that annoys the SHIT out of me...


When 2 people who were great friends with each other and me suddenly aren't talking to each other and expect me to be the go between over something that would take 5 mins to sort out if they sat down over a cuppa.


Frickin women! Jeeze!!!

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You can get too passionate for your club during a battle to beat relegation, and if they ended up being relegated from the League you would probably be in utter disbelief, and upset knowing your team will be playing a lower level of professional football the next season. I for one would probably sob like a fanny if Aston Villa got relegated. Or if they lose the Cup Final, no glory, boo hoo, it's okay.

Aaaah, so the fans are too proud to admit their team has gone shit.


That "lower level" will now become EQUAL!



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People who get too much into football. It's all well and good feeling sad after a team loses a game, but to properly burst into tears like a blubbering vagina...


That REALLY piesses me off but I have never seen anyone cry. It's more getting into a bad mode for the day that gets to me. It's especially annoying when they support teams from a city they have never been to.

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Aaaah, so the fans are too proud to admit their team has gone shit.


That "lower level" will now become EQUAL!




Footie fans do like to sing about their team being "by far the greatest team the world has ever seen", whether it be sung by fans of Manchester United or Torquay United, but I have been known to admit Villa have been a bit shit at points over the past 11 years.


That REALLY piesses me off but I have never seen anyone cry. It's more getting into a bad mode for the day that gets to me. It's especially annoying when they support teams from a city they have never been to.


Can't be helped, there are glory hunters everywhere. Man U fans who have never even been further north than Bromsgrove or Chelsea fans who have never left the borders of Shropshire. They're everywhere, and they are a BANE on the lives of proper supporters.


I cried (with joy more then anything) when United won the Champions League. The win just brought out all my emotions, couldnt help it.


Surely Murray will admit that that is okay, if he doesn't, well, there's no hope for the man...

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Other thing that bothers me is the sudden increase in Chelsea supporters?


Do people honestly support a team just because they are winning? I would think it takes all the fun away.


Goddamn glory hunters, it's the negative to the positive of being a trophy-winning club.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know this is a pimptastic bump, but I couldn't be bothered to make a similar topic.


However, starting back at Sainsbury's [due to them practically begging me] has reminded me of this prattery.


When people pay for shizzle, they use their Nectar card and whatever credit/debit card. After having scanned their shizzle and demanding payment [but in a friendly tone of course] I have my hand out so they may fill it with whatever they wish to pay with, Nectar card, cash, credit card etc. However the pricks feel the need to place it on the counter right in front of me.

Ungrateful bastards.

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