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Is it a good idea to raise the driving age limit to 18?


Should the age limit be raised to 18?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the age limit be raised to 18?

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Yeah, they should. I get sick to death with year 11's driving and nearly knocking us younger 'uns down. DOITDOITDOIT.


year 11's?? someone in year 11 isn't allowed to drive anyway so how does the law have anything to do with people driving illegally?

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I think it should stay as it is. They should introduce the psychological tests that where in the news a few days back, and base you're initial insurance price in that, and how well you pass the test. I'm going to start driving as of July, and I don't like the idea of being stuck with huge insurance bills once I pass my test.


Basically, I'm just skanky...:indeed:

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People shouldn't really equate age to incompetence. Allowing a 40 year old lunatic to drive over a perfectly stable 17 year old is a bit stupid in all honesty. Raising the driving age would only raise the age range in which most accident occurs.


The only remedy that I can think to this situation is making obtaining a license harder and all that jazz. =/

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I don't think they age should be changed, but what should be added is maybe more training before you can drive and maybe restricting certain things like the type and power of a car you can drive.


I agree that you can't just change the age because everyone is different. I passed my test just after i turned 18 and year and ahalf later i have had no crashes and i consider myself a pretty good driver. I have seen many cars overtake me in a very reckless fasion with there modded cars and i cringe the way i see them drive and they ent always young people at the wheel.

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It does depend, there are some 17-21 year old drivers who are boy racers and cause accidents but there are other drivers of the same age who drive responsibly, so it does depend really. I wouldn't mind seeing the age increase

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Slightly on a side issue but i think that regular retakes should be introduced. Many older drivers get into really bad habits and also the driving tests have changed so much over the years. Doing this would keep everyone up to speed and could really make the roads safer.

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How about they change the driving to the right side of the road (the good side of it)?


All that will do is raise the amount of accidents amongst people who can already drive.


As none of the neighboring countries drive on the right, it's no problem as it is.

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DO IT! I'd be in favour of 21, with an exception for those driving company vehicles.


It'd decrease the number of unnecessary vehicles on the road and therefore the number of accidents! Most under 21s don't need a car, if they need it for work then their company should have to 'sponsor' them through the tests and then provide a vehicle for use within work hours.

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As a temporal fix, upping it to 18 might work, but I think they're missing the point. Cars used wrongly are weapons of mass destruction. Drilling that idea into people as a part of education should result in a much more self-regulated safe driving.


Overall in the UK we're so good at making rules to try force people to do things (which often fails). I think the proper approach is to educate for greater self awareness and discipline.

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It's annoying, 33%? that means 67% happens to people over 21 so maybe people OVER 21 should be banned if that's their reasoning.


That logic is retarded. 33% of 17-21 is 33% for four years. 67% for over 21 is a lot more than four years. If you did 21-25 it would be a lot less than 33%.


I think That it should be raised to 18. Yeah not everyone is an idiot at 17 and not everyone will have matured by 18. But there is no denying that there are are a lot of idiotic 17 year olds and whilst they won't all grow up some of them will mature by 18. If it save lives then do it.


Also people should be made to retake their test every 10 years. It's not just young people who can't drive. There are a lot of people who get worse at driving.

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I think it would be fairly pointless to raise the limit to 18. They probably should raise it, but 1 year isn't a significant enough amount. 21 would possibly be best, but I know several 22 year olds who still cruise around in their rubbish cars smoking drugs and speeding a lot. So maybe there should just be a test to ban morons from driving.

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This is an urban myth, has been doing the rounds forever. Not going to happen.


Absolutely right. I passed my test in 1995 and heard this one myself, I'm now a driving instructor and loads of my pupils ask me the same question. It's because people pass their test at 17, and tell their younger friends that they're going to be changing the age limit soon and so on and so on.


Tell you what, if it ever happens (which it won't) I'll be the first to know, and I'll post on here as soon as I hear

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