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Mass Effect (2)


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save after every battle mate. Thats what I do.


Thats what I'm gonna do from now on, yup. But it's stupid. Why can't it do a passive save after every one, like Halo does?


Thats another thing actually. When the game does decide to autosave, it pauses the game for a few seconds. Can't it do that in the background like every other shooter I've played this gen?

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Thats what I'm gonna do from now on, yup. But it's stupid. Why can't it do a passive save after every one, like Halo does?


Thats another thing actually. When the game does decide to autosave, it pauses the game for a few seconds. Can't it do that in the background like every other shooter I've played this gen?


Because this is a totally different kind of shooter. When it saves it writes a LOT more data than shooters like Halo. It's much more like Oblivion (Except that Oblivion autosaves a lot - too much - but only on loading screens).


There's too much data to save for doing a passive save like Halo does.

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Because this is a totally different kind of shooter. When it saves it writes a LOT more data than shooters like Halo. It's much more like Oblivion (Except that Oblivion autosaves a lot - too much - but only on loading screens).


There's too much data to save for doing a passive save like Halo does.


Fair enough. I'd still rather it did it a little more often, but I've gotten into the routine of doing it regularly now so I should be ok.

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What an ending. The build up battle in the Citadel and then the two fights with Saren where awesome.


But I can't help but feel disappointed at the length. I feel like there could have been a couple more planetary missions before the end. Maybe thats just because I missed most of the side missions, thinking "I'll do them later." The end realy snuck up on me for some reason. Just as I was really getting into the game it was over.


I also didn't encounter any of the "relationship" stuff. Maybe I just made the wrong choices, but there we go. Disappointed with that too. Something too read up on and ensure in a second playthrough in the future.


I wonder if for the sequel they will let you keep the same Shepherd? Or will you play as a totally different character, and only encounter Shepherd throughout the storyline as an NPC? It would be pretty cool if the game detected an existing save on the hard drive and used that same character, whether it was playable or not.



Also, if it wasn't for the fact that I have Metroid Prime 3 sitting here to be played through now, I'd be straight back in to play Mass Effect again. I seem to have missed alot of the game on this playthrough.

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  • 1 month later...

Major Bumpage...


Just finished the game myself and absolutely loved it every second of it. Don't understand people complaining about the menus being complicated, they seem like the basic RPG menus to me! The ending was fantastic and really builds up to a sequel nicely (but in a good way - no crappy cliffhangers that you have to wait 2 years to be answered)


Gizmo, in your second play through (if you're still planning one) just talk to the female members of your crew after every major mission, if you select the top answers every time then this should develop the relationship scenario!


I would play through this again immediately but it's a Lovefilm rental and my free trial runs out in a couple of days!


In summation this game was simply epic, loved every second of it and its probably my favourite 360 game of all.

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Major Bumpage...


Just finished the game myself and absolutely loved it every second of it. Don't understand people complaining about the menus being complicated, they seem like the basic RPG menus to me! The ending was fantastic and really builds up to a sequel nicely (but in a good way - no crappy cliffhangers that you have to wait 2 years to be answered)


Gizmo, in your second play through (if you're still planning one) just talk to the female members of your crew after every major mission, if you select the top answers every time then this should develop the relationship scenario!


I would play through this again immediately but it's a Lovefilm rental and my free trial runs out in a couple of days!


In summation this game was simply epic, loved every second of it and its probably my favourite 360 game of all.



Already did my second play through the last couple of weeks, finished it last night actually. Renegade Soldier, and I got the scene with Liara :p


In the summer, I'm gonna do another one, as a Paragon and the class which is a mix of biotic and tech.


I just love this game, it's so awesome.

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Is this coming to PC? I hope so. For starters I dont have a 360 yet and KOTOR was much better on the PC.


O.o I thought you bought a 360 arcade...


*back on topic*


I'm really starting to get back into this game now, I decided not to play it for a while as each time i did I would go off on sidequests that would turn out to be a waste of time due to not having enough charm / intimidate points, but now I'm just focusing on the main game (I've heard from many people that the majority of sidequests aren't that good anyway) but yeah now that I'm focusing on the main game I'm really enjoying it again. :smile:

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You want to do the side missions in moderation. Some of them are actually quite good, with some interesting tidbits of story. They're one of those areas where you can tell Bioware were in a rush. Some have some have some nice cut scenes and conversations, while some are reduced to describing the story in text.

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The most annoying thing about the side quests is that the buildings are all the same. There are three templates - a 1 storey building with two side rooms, a 2 storey building with one side room, and a mine with two side rooms. All the same layout, maybe with boxes moved around a bit.


Other than that they can be fun in moderation.

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I can understand where your comin from there Gizmo, its also like when you explore other planets. Theres normally something to decode, some other collectable item such as a medallion and then a trace of metal or gas and thats pretty much it.


I liked the ones that they mixed up a little - the Geth ambushes and such. But mostly it was all the same, repetitive stuff.

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O.o I thought you bought a 360 arcade...
He did, that post is 2 months old.


I still haven't gotten into this game - I went around some planets, got lost a bit, finally found one with some girl on, rescued her, she joined my team, stopped playing, have completely forgotten what the story is about...


I've been going through teh game basically being as harsh and mean as I possibly could, because it's funny.

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He did, that post is 2 months old.


I still haven't gotten into this game - I went around some planets, got lost a bit, finally found one with some girl on, rescued her, she joined my team, stopped playing, have completely forgotten what the story is about...


I've been going through teh game basically being as harsh and mean as I possibly could, because it's funny.


Lol I didn't realise, guess this threads been semi-inactive for a while :heh:


I'm really starting to get back into this now, I just beat Feros, that bit at the end got kinda annoying and repetitive though, especially as I was at low health and had no medi-gels >>' but it was worth getting past as the game is starting to pick up again now. ^^

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Jesus, I love this game. Still, combat is...actually it's amazing for an RPG, but still gets infuriating at times. Along with the fact that I have to save manually! Bah.


Anyway, been playing the good guy, not been a dick to anybody (It's hard to resist sometimes...), but still not getting any tail. Might have unnecessarily killed a few people though. Ah well.

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Just make sure you have a regular chat with Liara and/or Ashley (or Kaiden, if you're playing a lass) after each major mission/story section. Irregardless of what else you do, you're granted a quick frolic in the hay before the final mission.

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  • 1 year later...

Looks like more DLC is finally on the way.


Despite teasing us back in June with the promise that details surrounding the second bit of DLC for the original Mass Effect would be “coming soon†(yeah, that didn’t pan out…), BioWare has been very tight-lipped about the release date for the new content. Well, the game’s achievement list has been updated over at Xbox.com and reveals three new achievements (bringing to game’s total points to 1200) that indicate the location (Pinnacle Station) and the type of gameplay (combat heavy) you can expect.


Here’s the list of new achievements



Complete Ahern’s survival mission



Take first place in any combat scenario on Pinnacle Station



Take first place in 12 combat scenarios on Pinnacle Station



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