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o2 don't allow upgrades? What the fuck, seriously? I'd be paying them for a new phone.


Guess i could just buy the phone else where and stick my sim in.


You can do that, i Think Tom might have been referring to free upgrades.

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Jack Wong promised us something big in August, and here it is, the first video from a Meizu M8 in action. I have waited so long for this to be released. Phone looks real nice..




And here is the link to download the video in a better quality:




So what do you iphone owners think of this?

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Well I wouldnt dismiss it as some cheap iphone knock-off yet. It is not some cheap chinese clone.


considering it uses Windows CE 6.0 and the display is 16600K, 720x480 pixel resolution while the iphone is 480x320 pixel resolution, M8 has a 3Mp camera and iphone has 2mp. Phone Support For:


* 3G & 3.5G

* Bluetooth 2.0

* 802.11b/g WiFi

* TV-out

* Line-out

* Video Conferencing

* USB Host / OTG

* GPS (Add-on)

* Multi-touch NEW!


Meizu are a small company and what they have achieved so far is great. I see this as a real alternative to the iphone. £150-£200 for 8GB is a real good price.

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i see your point, but i'm certainly not going to swap my iphone for it!


the phone looks like it's struggling too, the interface isnt smooth, especially juddery when he was 'pinching' the photo. on iphone everything is smooth and perfect

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Well I wouldnt dismiss it as some cheap iphone knock-off yet. It is not some cheap chinese clone.


considering it uses Windows CE 6.0 and the display is 16600K, 720x480 pixel resolution while the iphone is 480x320 pixel resolution, M8 has a 3Mp camera and iphone has 2mp. Phone Support For:


* 3G & 3.5G

* Bluetooth 2.0

* 802.11b/g WiFi

* TV-out

* Line-out

* Video Conferencing

* USB Host / OTG

* GPS (Add-on)

* Multi-touch NEW!


Meizu are a small company and what they have achieved so far is great. I see this as a real alternative to the iphone. £150-£200 for 8GB is a real good price.


I gather it's probably quite good, but it's still a complete rip-off of the iPhone. They could at least have made their own interface, surely?

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Im beginning to HATE shopping for phones. Decided to look at alternatives to the iPhone because i'm not 100% sure it's the right phone for me but i've run in to a fiar few snags:


Samsung Omina - Good phone, but there's a few niggles with it that'll bug me. It's also COMPLETELY unusable in direct sunlight.


HTC Touch Pro - Official firmware is still getting there. I can't find it on ANY networks apart from Orange and Vodaphone Business.


Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 - Not out yet, no release date listed


Nokia N96 - Apparently a waste of time and money, reviews have been saying build quality isn't up to scratch and it isn't enough of an improvement over the N95 to warrant the inevitable price hike


iPhone - £35/month has me a bit :hmm: Lacking a few key features and ultimitely limited in scope.


I'm not too bothered about the camera so that rule out the Sony i8510.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got the Samsung Tocco, got it very cheap, and i think it is good, ive also got an iPod Touch and switching between the 2 can get confusing. The touch implentents the guestures well. The phone is nice, lovely size and very quick, would highly recommend it if you can get it below £200.

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I too have been looking into this sort of thing as it's my birthday soon. I was planning on getting an ipod touch, but lack of internet everywhere worries me slightly.

I've been looking at the HTC Touch Diamond. It seems pretty nice, and I've got a mate that swears by it. It's pretty much down to finances for me though and I'm not sure which is winning.

The iphone on pay-as-you go seems like quite a deal. But then it's £350 all at once.

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Wait a while Odders. HTC are releasing some new handsets between now and Xmas. There's the Touch Pro, which is basically the Diamond with a hardware keyboard, the Touch HD, which is their latest (and most advanced) touch screen phone and the Dream, which runs Google's new Android OS. The hardware keyboard is a must for the Diamond, makes it a LOT easier to use (the screen is a bit small for an on screen QWERTY to work brilliantly) and the Touch HD really does look like it could be something special. I'm a tad skeptical on the Dream though, not sure Android will be very refined. It looks like a good OS, but the Touch HD seems more stylish.


Touch HD vid:


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the Touch HD really does look like it could be something special.


Yeer I'm thinking the same thing. I can upgrade my n95 in december, I am currently trying to make my mind up between the Omnia, the HTC HD and the the Asus phone. The iphone does look nice, but untill it has a camera of at least 5mp it won't get my attention/money; as after a year with the N95 I now rely on my phone for all my camera needs.

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  • 1 month later...

Blackberry Storm or iPhone?


The deals i can get on both are comparable, yet completely different. The iPhone i can have for £24.50 a month + £59 for the 8GB phone (the 16 is too expensive imo). The Blackberry will set me back £35/month for the first 6 months, £40/month thereafter. Free phone, unlimited music via MusicStation and 6 months of Sat-Nav.


Note: O2's data network sucks. I can't get a 3G signal at home, at work or in my local town. On Vodafone i can get 7.2Mbps HSDPA at home, at work and in my local town. The extra money does buy me more than just music ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I bought an LG KS 360 a few weeks ago. I've noticed it can be a bit sluggish in opening messages and doing a lot of things. Especially opening the slide, takes a while for the screen to rotate and wake up.


Should I revert to the old firmware? I think afaik the one I have on currently is the newest one about, and on my research it seemed like LG aren't big fans of updating firmware.


I've tried it on and off the power save mode, with the affected actions the phone isn't always accessing the memory card (ruling that out as a potential problem) and i'm kinda at a loss really tbh.

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Blackberry Storm or iPhone?


The deals i can get on both are comparable, yet completely different. The iPhone i can have for £24.50 a month + £59 for the 8GB phone (the 16 is too expensive imo). The Blackberry will set me back £35/month for the first 6 months, £40/month thereafter. Free phone, unlimited music via MusicStation and 6 months of Sat-Nav.


Note: O2's data network sucks. I can't get a 3G signal at home, at work or in my local town. On Vodafone i can get 7.2Mbps HSDPA at home, at work and in my local town. The extra money does buy me more than just music ;)


Engadget didn't seem overly impressed with the Storm so i say the iPhone.

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Engadget didn't seem overly impressed with the Storm so i say the iPhone.


Think that's what i'm going for. Might wait until after Christmas though and see, if RIM fix the firmware and Vodafone drop the price a little then i could still be tempted by the Storm. The G1 is available for £99 on a £20/month contract now so it's quite possible.

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What are peoples impressions on LG phones? I lost my old W810i a few week ago and i'm looking for new one. I'm not wealthy enough to own a phone at £200 or a contract, so i'm thinking something around £100 on Pay as you go.


I have been looking at the LG Viewty/LG Cookie, although i don't really know what i want or what's out there. I'm after something which can be used as a MP3 player when needs be, and something that can take a fairly decent snap. My old camera was a 2mp and i thought they looked ok.


Help muchly appreciated. :)

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What are peoples impressions on LG phones? I lost my old W810i a few week ago and i'm looking for new one. I'm not wealthy enough to own a phone at £200 or a contract, so i'm thinking something around £100 on Pay as you go.


I have been looking at the LG Viewty/LG Cookie, although i don't really know what i want or what's out there. I'm after something which can be used as a MP3 player when needs be, and something that can take a fairly decent snap. My old camera was a 2mp and i thought they looked ok.


Help muchly appreciated. :)


LG KS 360 here =) Goes for around 100,110.


Amazing screen, makes photos look awesome. One downside is it can (not always) be a tad slow, and there isn't a way to turn off the damn shutter sound. No sneaky pics for moi. :( and its a 2mp camera. Seems to be decent enough so far.





which was resized by half btw



Qwerty keyboard is nifty, but annoying to send texts when you are rushing about. And you have to use the full keyboard, unlike some other phones i've seen with a numpad alternative.


Has a touchscreen, but only for dialling numbers, seems a bit pointless.


No headphone socket, can play mp3s, minimal storage space, micro sd slot for expansion. Found it bizaree that it has AAC file support.


Think its a case of, lots of nifty gadgets, but in the end you get what you pay for and there are some disappointing features.


Build quality of the actual phone seems to be quite sturdy. Not an amazing battery life but reasonable. 3-4 days of moderate use. You'd defo get more out of a nokia or the likes.





Also unrelated to the above bit. I have an o2 simplicity contract, and I was considering getting an iphone at some point down the line. Don't really want to get the iphone on contract, because the contracts are a rip off and i don't want to be tied to an 18 month contract.


Is it as simple as buying one on p&g and sticking your sim in, or is it a tad more complicated?

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LG KS 360 here =) Goes for around 100,110.


Amazing screen, makes photos look awesome. One downside is it can (not always) be a tad slow, and there isn't a way to turn off the damn shutter sound. No sneaky pics for moi. :( and its a 2mp camera. Seems to be decent enough so far.





which was resized by half btw



Qwerty keyboard is nifty, but annoying to send texts when you are rushing about. And you have to use the full keyboard, unlike some other phones i've seen with a numpad alternative.


Has a touchscreen, but only for dialling numbers, seems a bit pointless.


No headphone socket, can play mp3s, minimal storage space, micro sd slot for expansion. Found it bizaree that it has AAC file support.


Think its a case of, lots of nifty gadgets, but in the end you get what you pay for and there are some disappointing features.


Build quality of the actual phone seems to be quite sturdy. Not an amazing battery life but reasonable. 3-4 days of moderate use. You'd defo get more out of a nokia or the likes.


Thanks for the mini review :) It seems alot of the LG's have alot in common so i'll take note of the advise.


Also that looks like quite an interesting Pizza, never had one like that before.


Also unrelated to the above bit. I have an o2 simplicity contract, and I was considering getting an iphone at some point down the line. Don't really want to get the iphone on contract, because the contracts are a rip off and i don't want to be tied to an 18 month contract.


Is it as simple as buying one on p&g and sticking your sim in, or is it a tad more complicated?


I believe it is as simple as you say, so long as the iphone is from o2 or Unlocked.

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Also unrelated to the above bit. I have an o2 simplicity contract, and I was considering getting an iphone at some point down the line. Don't really want to get the iphone on contract, because the contracts are a rip off and i don't want to be tied to an 18 month contract.


Is it as simple as buying one on p&g and sticking your sim in, or is it a tad more complicated?


There's a few minor differences. Firstly you don't get "Visual Voicemail" unless you're on an iPhone tariff, secondly you get unlimited data or unlimited wi-fi rather than both. O2's 3G network isn't great so Wi-Fi is a great bonus really, you get much better speeds where coverage is available (i.e. in pretty much every town center in the country).


If you keep the phone for 18-months then you're marginally better off with the contract. It works out a little cheaper, you get Visual Voicemail and Wi-Fi on top of data and at the end of the contract you're likely to be offered a good upgrade deal (usually significantly better than the new customer price).


Also, rumoured price drop after Christmas and possible new iPhone at Mac World :)

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Thanks for the mini review :) It seems alot of the LG's have alot in common so i'll take note of the advise.


Also that looks like quite an interesting Pizza, never had one like that before.


I believe it is as simple as you say, so long as the iphone is from o2 or Unlocked.


No problem at all :D It seems the the features/quality are similar in LG phones. Its a good buy if you are really into qwerty keypads fo'sho.


This was the first picture I took with the phone, chicken taco pizza, and it was freakin' awesome. XD


There's a few minor differences. Firstly you don't get "Visual Voicemail" unless you're on an iPhone tariff, secondly you get unlimited data or unlimited wi-fi rather than both. O2's 3G network isn't great so Wi-Fi is a great bonus really, you get much better speeds where coverage is available (i.e. in pretty much every town center in the country).


If you keep the phone for 18-months then you're marginally better off with the contract. It works out a little cheaper, you get Visual Voicemail and Wi-Fi on top of data and at the end of the contract you're likely to be offered a good upgrade deal (usually significantly better than the new customer price).


Also, rumoured price drop after Christmas and possible new iPhone at Mac World :)


Hmmm, good points I have to say. I'm not in the market for one straight away really, might hold off and see if there is anything new due to come out, and consider it then.


Wi-fi probably isn't of much relevance to me living where I do. It's a bit so-so over here.


Thanks for the info guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Opinions on this phone? Any good? Worth getting?




Or what phone can I get that is better for the same price? Must be on pay as you go.


Thankyouuuuu :)


I'm looking at that phone also. I'm no expert on phones, but apparently for the price that's meant to be good, it's got some good reviews anyway.


The LG viewty is around the same price now i think. That has a better camera (5mp) and video, however apparently not as responsive (touch screen).

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Opinions on this phone? Any good? Worth getting?




Or what phone can I get that is better for the same price? Must be on pay as you go.


Thankyouuuuu :)


I'd try one before buying, not having a hardware keyboard can be a pain in the arse if the touch screen isn't very good. It's a compromise to keep the screen large rather than an effective method of typing.

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I bought it a couple of hours after posting that and it's great :) would recommend it to anyone. Got a good deal because I was already on O2. the lack of keypad isn't really a problem, the touch screen works really well, and it comes with a stylus and handwriting recognition, which works alright.


I like it :) Well worth the £100 including a 2GB memory card and £12 credit back from o2!

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