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The sexiest phone ever?


I'm going to be getting one in March assuming i can afford the contract every month. As long as it some how comes including with near unlimited internet usage through wi-fi i'll be veeerrryyy happy.


Also Sony Ericsson announced their new handsets today . . . ones has an 8GB flash drive in . . . they look the same as the old phones though.

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I way prefered it when phones just called and did text, instead of trying to do everything else half arsed....


One of the reasons why i want an iPhone- Full Safari and easy to set up email on the go. After all a phone is for communication, and i use the internet and mail a lot more than phone calls and texts i think. The N73 is the WORST phone i have ever had! It's absolutely shite and i shall not be getting a Nokia, or looking at one, for the next few years it has annoyed me that much!

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Well ever since Nokia have attempted to make their phones better than the 8210 (Official best phone ever) they have just made them really slow and most of them look real wierd.


I don't need internet and e-mail on the go and tbh I have no idea who the hell does! Except maybe for work but even then do you really want to be constantly surrounded by stuff like that?!

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The thing with mobiles is they are heavily subsidised by the networks, therefore incredibly cheap. If you want a device to browse the internet on the go and listen to music etc then they make very good convergence devices


TBH though i'd rather they did as you said. A phone that actually handled call and text well would be a godsend! The problem is i'd need a device that did the rest too, and as Archos aren't putting HSDPA in they're gen 5 models i'll have to wait for gen 6 or 7

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No, that's the 6230i.


Never used it so I wouldn't know but I appreciat the more simple phone, just like that!

I loved my 8210 cos when I put the samba ringtone on the vibrate would make it dance!...and it was tiny!


I think I just really F%$ked off Takeo on MSN. I was just asking if anyone really NEEDED a device like that! ::shrug:

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Never used it so I wouldn't know but I appreciat a more simple phone like that!


I think I just really F%$ked off Takeo on MSN. I was just asking if anyone really NEEDED a device like that! ::shrug:


You weren't. You kept on ignoring what i was saying and saying 'but why' basically. If it's one thing i HATE it's having to repeat myself.

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What the hell is HSDPA? i've heard it a lot in the past month or so . . .


Mobile Broadband. The one thing that might prove to be the thorn in the iPhones side and the inevitable reason i probably won't buy one.


Basically the idea is to have a nation wide network running at (for a start) 4Mb/s. This will allow TV quality footage to be streamed out of the air and is therefore quite a big leap!

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Mobile Broadband. The one thing that might prove to be the thorn in the iPhones side and the inevitable reason i probably won't buy one.


Basically the idea is to have a nation wide network running at (for a start) 4Mb/s. This will allow TV quality footage to be streamed out of the air and is therefore quite a big leap!


So it's for TV basically? Isn't it possible to just dump a digital tuner into a handset?


If it's only real use is TV then i wont be needing it since everything i want to watch i can record and watch when i want.

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You weren't. You kept on ignoring what i was saying and saying 'but why' basically. If it's one thing i HATE it's having to repeat myself.


Fine, its just I don't see the extra features being necessary and I think that they are a bit of a novelty...


HOWEVER, I can appreciate that someone could find it useful. It also doesn't help that I'm worried about using my phone in public and I know I would be even more discouraged if it was a swanky iPhone.

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In a lot of ways, yes that is the main use. But the whole internet will be that speed and HSDPA cards will start going in to laptops too.


I like the idea personally. IP TV really appeals to me, mobile IP TV even more so

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In a lot of ways, yes that is the main use. But the whole internet will be that speed and HSDPA cards will start going in to laptops too.


I like the idea personally. IP TV really appeals to me, mobile IP TV even more so


Is there any reason why instead of installing this new network-which seems quite major-they don't just use the digital network thats going to be everywhere here by 2010?

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Is there any reason why instead of installing this new network-which seems quite major-they don't just use the digital network thats going to be everywhere here by 2010?


I don't understand all the science of it but i believe its part of the existing mobile phone network. Think 3G, but faster


Unless you meant why not use a TV tuner, in which case its because this is more versitile for the consumer (live pause, rewind, fast forward etc) and will make the networks a lot more money

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Yea. Until you see the stupid silver backing. Eurh. It should be gloss black.


I think it's following an iPod-esque styling. I think i'd prefer the robust feel of brushed aluminium or whatever to a slippy glossy back.

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Guest Jordan

Personally, i love my w810i.

I got a larger memory card today, a 4GB to replace my 512mb.

And a headphone convertor, so i don't have to use the awful headphones that come with it.


The MP3 player is... alright i guess, nothing special. But it does the job, and i don't really wanna fork for another mp3 player.

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I just recently got the Sony Ericsson k810i. It's lovely, the camera function has greatly improved over the last couple of years with the invention of 'cybershot'. I loved my k700i but went away from SE in between and it's great to come back and see the improvements. So far as I can tell nothing has gotten worse, only better. The design is very cool, very sleek and slightly more unusual than previous models in the series. I even made my own theme for it using their developer software from the website :D


After going from an SE to a Motorola RAZR v3i and back again, I'm glad to say I definitely prefer Sony's work. We shall have to see, however, if the joystick survives for at least twelve months.

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Personally, i love my w810i.

I got a larger memory card today, a 4GB to replace my 512mb.

And a headphone convertor, so i don't have to use the awful headphones that come with it.


The MP3 player is... alright i guess, nothing special. But it does the job, and i don't really wanna fork for another mp3 player.


I have the same phone. 'Upgrade' from the Nokia N91.


Its a better looking phone with better looking software but tbh the 'Walkman' is a bag of shite! No WMA support, the "shuffle" mode loops about 20 tracks in a random order, theres no search function and you cant edit track names


Only got a 512MB card at the moment, will upgrade to 4GB soon. Oh and i agree about the headphones, although i don't they are too bad tbh (not sure if they're the same as yours). I can't stand noise canceling headphones, they freak me out!

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