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I don't see why the relationships have to be a bad thing just because they don't last - surely there's some value in most attachments, even when they're over? So while it's likely that those between younger teens probably aren't going to be everlasting, there's not necessarily a problem with this - indeed, maybe it's a good thing to learn the basics of a relationship with someone you aren't going to be with for the rest of your life. There are still many difficulties of course - though the "first time" issue is mostly a construct of society, it can still end up damaging people, and furthermore it's common to get an obsession with your first love that might prove difficult later on. And there's the issue of responsibility, and the age at which people can be trusted to be able to deal with relationships (which varies from person to person - I'm sure some people never actually reach this age). It's a thorny issue, but I feel that preventing younger people from having any kind of relationships at all, or possibly even merely advising against them, is likely to make things worse.

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I'm totally generalising, something I shouldn't do. But like I mentioned previously, I know a fair few people that have done exactly that. Thinking they have found "the one" (I.e as younger teenager, that being how this topic all started), slept with them, and then it ended badly leading them to totally regret the fact that their first time wasn't with someone special, and rather just with someone that lasted no more than maybe a few months at most. Which goes against the whole idea pushed on younger teens that their first time should be with someone that's going to last.


I know I totally agree with you. I just don't get why everyone seems to bow to what the media says and lap it up as if it's their own thought, when they've never had an original thought in their life.


Anyway I don't feel like I'm actually promoting much discussion at the moment so I'll shut up now.

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I know I totally agree with you. I just don't get why everyone seems to bow to what the media says and lap it up as if it's their own thought, when they've never had an original thought in their life.


It's called cultural hegemony.

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Because society has lead people to believe that first time is something special, that should be with that special someone. So, if that one ends badly, it's going to be more regretable than say, a normal relationship that broke up.


I dont think its just society. I am 24 have had many sexual partners and do genuinly think that i would like to have only ever had one. As i think it would be special.

But then again sometimes i think i woudnt be very good at sex if i had only ever had 1 partner. And i have had fun along the way.

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If you aren't with someone for a while, aren't you meant to feel more sexually driven? I don't, at all. That isn't to say I'm not interested in people, I just don't feel sexually charged at the moment. If that makes sense.

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If you aren't with someone for a while, aren't you meant to feel more sexually driven? I don't, at all. That isn't to say I'm not interested in people, I just don't feel sexually charged at the moment. If that makes sense.


im the same. i mean, ok, i spend to long with my hands down my pants, but as for desperate for sex? not really. only when im drunk/hung over.

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im the same. i mean, ok, i spend to long with my hands down my pants, but as for desperate for sex? not really. only when im drunk/hung over.

lol, maybe people forget what sex is like and then don't miss it. As for the pants thing, no comment.

It's alright I'll come over when you're not in.

Say what now? :p

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lol, maybe people forget what sex is like and then don't miss it. As for the pants thing, no comment.


lol its what I say about being a veggie when people are like "do you miss meat?" to which I normally say "not really it was 9 years ago, I can't even remember it"


Anyway. To the original point I think...do/feel what you want. I haven't had any for quite a while and now I have no real desire to. But im sure when the right person comes along he will sweep you out of your dress and lay you gently down by the fire and it will all be great :heh:

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lol its what I say about being a veggie when people are like "do you miss meat?" to which I normally say "not really it was 9 years ago, I can't even remember it"


Anyway. To the original point I think...do/feel what you want. I haven't had any for quite a while and now I have no real desire to. But im sure when the right person comes along he will sweep you out of your dress and lay you gently down by the fire and it will all be great :heh:


great indeed. chris the great! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.


right, thats my stupid jokes for the day quota filled.


moving on to outher matters, i browsed the personals section of the paper today. turns out my unemployment is also getting in the way of romance! that said, a bubbly 34 year old means a fat 45 year old so im not to heart broken.


did see an older woman i was eligable for. then i noticed she would prefer libras or sagitariouses and i bolted, cant be dating a moron.

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If you aren't with someone for a while, aren't you meant to feel more sexually driven? I don't, at all. That isn't to say I'm not interested in people, I just don't feel sexually charged at the moment. If that makes sense.

I can't answer this question, as I've never been with someone sexually, but on a related note:


I find that I've gotten more and more sexually driven the past months. And it's drving me crazy! I can hardly be in class with my female classmates without my mind wandering off to all the wrong places, and I'm feeling very desperate for a girlfriend.


I'm so tired of it! Tired of me worrying about it all the time. My rational mind tells me it'll all happen at some point and that I don't even have much time for a relationship at the moment - but try to convince my hormone-ridden body of that ...


Anyway, just needed to let out some steam.

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How about a prostitute? Dyson's quite cheap.

Well, I am heterosexual. Though I can't deny I might get more desperate! :p


Anyway, it's not like I really want sex to be just with someone random etc. I actually want something with feelings. But when the other head takes over, it doesn't really seem to matter ...


It's almost a joke. I'm a virgin. Heck, I'm only 17, for crying out loud! I shouldn't worry about this stuff!

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Well, I am heterosexual. Though I can't deny I might get more desperate! :p


Anyway, it's not like I really want sex to be just with someone random etc. I actually want something with feelings. But when the other head takes over, it doesn't really seem to matter ...


It's almost a joke. I'm a virgin. Heck, I'm only 17, for crying out loud! I shouldn't worry about this stuff!


I'm starting to get like that. It's been nearly a year and a half. I've forgotten how to do it.

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I'm starting to get like that. It's been nearly a year and a half. I've forgotten how to do it.

Oh, and another things that annoys me: When people complain to me that they haven't had good sex in a month and are going crazy from it. It's like having a wreck of a car and hearing somebody complain about their Ferrari getting mud on it.


Yeah, I'm in a whiner mode right now. Sorry about that.

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Went to the cinema tonight with some friends, and one of the guys a mate brought along had the most amazing sounding voice. Literally, like sex in verbal form. I said to a friend and they just thought I was being wierd about being turned on by someones voice. Bitch got poked, hard.

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I find some voices attractive, but not sexually (or not specifically). Some I get the honest urge to just ask them to tell me things in heir voice. And it's not a "type". An invigilator for an exam last year had this amazing accent, half-highlands, half-somethng else. Loved it.


And then I listened to some bonus disc that comes with a Tori Amos album of her explaining the stories in each song, and she sounds really tired, and as though the microphone is REALLY close to her mouth, so everything she says is so poignant and clear. Soothing as hell.

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