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It is obvious.




Piercings, the standard ones are good, but I'm not a big fan of other piercings. Tattoos, small tiny ones are okay, but I'd proabably prefer a blank canvas skin to be honest...I don't want a tattoo urgo factin, etc.


Why did you dread to ask? Seemed a fairly harmless question.....(compared to previous pages)




Wait...unless...you meant....did you mean....oh.

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It is obvious.




Piercings, the standard ones are good, but I'm not a big fan of other piercings. Tattoos, small tiny ones are okay, but I'd proabably prefer a blank canvas skin to be honest...I don't want a tattoo urgo factin, etc.


Why did you dread to ask? Seemed a fairly harmless question.....(compared to previous pages)




Wait...unless...you meant....did you mean....oh.


I didn't mean anything by it but I assumed (and from what I can tell) that quite a few people here aren't very into piercings or tattoos, or indeed at all.


My hairs actually short, obviously to anyone who has dared venture in user image gallery, it'll more than likely stay that way until I decide to give it a go making my hair longer again.


My hair was naturally wavy and always had to be slightly straightened because of kinks rather than waves. In a way I really loved my long hair and in lots of other ways it just annoyed the crap out of me, my hairs naturally very thick so it was a pain.


I'm quite sick of seeing girls with very long black or blonde hair, most of the time it looks messy and extensions look like they've been put in.


I think if this girl (see picture) had more curves she'd be awesome, that to me is perfect hair:



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her arms are pipe cleaners, id be worried i was going to break somthing just touching her.


also, she looks shocked in that picture. though i guess that isnt perminant.



Indeed, but the comment was more about the hair than herself, I don't even find blonde attractive, she'd be nicer with brunette.

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Like, thinking your bird has been getting bummed behind your back, conjuring thoughts of 'you slut!' - causing arousal. Apparently, according to Wiki, such strong emotions can have a positive effect on sex....:/




There's your problem.


Na, seriously....probably works for some. Who's seen the excellent Sideways? They have a scene that covers the subject hilariously.

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hum, my guess that from jealousy, the only arousal would come from a dominance desire.


i had a mate, he was with a girl whod been witha guy he knew. sort of got out in the open that the guy had done said lass in the bum, mate of mine was like. "it dosent appeal to me, but i dont want him to have one on me, if ya know what i mean."

my guess is it dates back to ancestoral DNA, alpha male must have dominance over the females, a challenge to ones mate (in the mating sense rather then a buddy) is a challenge to ones manhood.


high emotions and sex, ive usualy heard it in relations to fear. one peice of research i remeber got a woman to talk to men and i belive give them her number. men were more lily to call back when they had met her on a rickety bridge (danger) then a safer environment. similar studies found women were rated higher in attractive ness when met in a dangerous place.

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my guess is it dates back to ancestoral DNA, alpha male must have dominance over the females, a challenge to ones mate (in the mating sense rather then a buddy) is a challenge to ones manhood.



Is there something wrong with me, if as soon as I read this, in my mind I pictured two men...one of them throws down a condom glove gauntlet, and the other accepts.


They then have an erect penis sword battle.

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This secret on http://www.postsecret.com made me laugh. Because I think I feel the same way, sort of. =P




It's one of those things that makes me not like men for/scared of men (well that and other things). I think I'm secretly a lesbian without realising it. X3



haha, penis are abit scary I have to say, but it can be exactly the same the other way round.


That's why you have foreplay, so you know what to do and what not to do! ^_^

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This secret on http://www.postsecret.com made me laugh. Because I think I feel the same way, sort of. =P


Slightly off topic, but this is genuinely the most amazing project I have seen in ages.


Anyway, back on topic, I think most can agree god was having a little bit of an off day when he invented penis and it's related equipment. All those nerve endings collect in a pouch dangling beneath a body strikes me as a rather glaring design flaw.


Now that I think about it, I recall Dylan Moran did a rather good bit about the whole business.


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This secret on http://www.postsecret.com made me laugh. Because I think I feel the same way, sort of. =P




It's one of those things that makes me not like men for/scared of men (well that and other things). I think I'm secretly a lesbian without realising it. X3


To be fair genitals in general aren't particularly attractive.


Take the ball bag, (as an example not literally), it's hideous. Who could possibly find that attractive?

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