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I don't get how you can be confused. You either look at a dude and think "I would" or you don't.

It depends on the person but it really isn´t usually that easy. When I discovered I was gay I wasn´t ready for it then, and that´s why it took propably about 1-2 years for me to admit the facts. There really were times when I believed I was straight even though in reality I was just lying to myself.

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Jesus Christ, I never knew there were so many, its like they're breeding or something.


I think I know I'm straight, because when looking at a hot girl, I get horny. And that never happened when looking at any men.


So, I agree with shorty.

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Just want to make one point. This is a good thread, and for once hasn't degenerated into homophobic slurs and stupid arguments.

One theme running through the thread is for a lot of people to say something along the lines of 'I have no problem with gay people, except the ones that flaunt it in front of everyone else'.


Most of us know at least one gay person who tends to flaunt it more than seems necessary, but I think it's worth stopping to think for a moment. But don't heterosexuals flaunt their sexuality even more? From couples holding hands and kissing in public places to the institution of marriage itself, from the media, film storylines and countless thousands of pop songs about heterosexual love, society is obsessed with its own heterosexuality.


Don't be hard on gays for emphasising the fact that they're different. The 'straight world' can be stifling at times.

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I don't get how you can be confused. You either look at a dude and think "I would" or you don't.


I guess for me it's even more confusing then cause I can look at both males and females and still say "I wouldn't". :p

Hard to figure out then what it is you actually want (or don't want). =O

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Just want to make one point. This is a good thread, and for once hasn't degenerated into homophobic slurs and stupid arguments.

One theme running through the thread is for a lot of people to say something along the lines of 'I have no problem with gay people, except the ones that flaunt it in front of everyone else'.


Most of us know at least one gay person who tends to flaunt it more than seems necessary, but I think it's worth stopping to think for a moment. But don't heterosexuals flaunt their sexuality even more? From couples holding hands and kissing in public places to the institution of marriage itself, from the media, film storylines and countless thousands of pop songs about heterosexual love, society is obsessed with its own heterosexuality.


Don't be hard on gays for emphasising the fact that they're different. The 'straight world' can be stifling at times.


Good point, However I'm sure that the straight people who say that gay people who flaunt in front of everyone wouldn't mind if they saw two guys holding hands etc.


I think it's only when they flaunt it to the level of marco from BB5 that starts to annoy.

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Any you feel like. All i know is Major, General and Commander are taken. As well as sniper and target practice target.


You forgot Head Chef and Tactical Mine Layer.


We have muffins, and guns.


We also have assorted small arms, grenades, RPG's, a pair helicopters, and cookies. :grin:

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Just want to make one point. This is a good thread, and for once hasn't degenerated into homophobic slurs and stupid arguments.

One theme running through the thread is for a lot of people to say something along the lines of 'I have no problem with gay people, except the ones that flaunt it in front of everyone else'.


Most of us know at least one gay person who tends to flaunt it more than seems necessary, but I think it's worth stopping to think for a moment. But don't heterosexuals flaunt their sexuality even more? From couples holding hands and kissing in public places to the institution of marriage itself, from the media, film storylines and countless thousands of pop songs about heterosexual love, society is obsessed with its own heterosexuality.


Don't be hard on gays for emphasising the fact that they're different. The 'straight world' can be stifling at times.


Never thought about it like that really. :D

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I guess for me it's even more confusing then cause I can look at both males and females and still say "I wouldn't". :p

Hard to figure out then what it is you actually want (or don't want). =O


I wouldn't worry. One way or the other it'll almost certainly come to you. Probably through the door in a swirling romantic haze and bathed in an alluring orange glow. Then you'll realise the building's on fire.

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to be really, really honest... I questioned my own sexuality for a time. To do with self-image, and all sorts of crazy shit. I got real scared, thinking "what if i'm gay?"


Truth is, it's not a problem asking yourself that. It's really not. Why be afraid of the answers when you are who you are?


I'm sure... or like to think i'm sure... that everyone goes through that sort of self-questioning stage.


If i'm wrong and it was just me... well i have a girlfriend, two years at the end of this month :P I've answered my own questions and am very happy.


I've seen a lot of people come out over the last few years, and usually it coincides with a fresh start - college, or uni, where they can begin their new life without having to cope with too many shocked people. Of course, a few of them it was blatantly obvious that they were gay.


One guy, who changed his stance from gay to bi to straight and back again over about 18 months, where another guy just announced he was gay when he went to uni, and a girl who said she was a lesbian in year 6... I do wonder why coming out can be so different for so many people... But I guess it's both a social and a private comfort thing - how comfortable are you with yourself, and with how others see you? The girl in year six couldn't give a shit what others thought of her, where the guy who kept changing his mind (and is THE most camp guy i know) has always struck me as a very superficial guy...


.... ok so train of thought is lost now, but i hope some of this was readable.

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I wouldn't worry. One way or the other it'll almost certainly come to you. Probably through the door in a swirling romantic haze and bathed in an alluring orange glow. Then you'll realise the building's on fire.


That made me laugh. XD

But seriously, I doubt anything 'will come' to me. In a way I wish I was straight, but on the other hand it's like, this is who I am and so be it. Nothing you can do about it so I better start and try to live with the idea I guess. =3


Thing is that it's something not a lot of people will even understand, so I doubt I'm ever gonna "come out" when I do figure it out. *shrugs*

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You don't choose to be gay, i'm sure if there was a choice a lot of gay men would want to be straight, because it makes life easier. Being gay just "happens".


I wouldn't choose to be straight, but as I (and others on here) have said, if there was a pill to make me straight tomorrow, I wouldn't take it even if you paid me.


wouldn't someone thats gay feel offended that someone created a pill to take to make you straight? surely thats saying someone preference is a disease isn't it?


Exactly right.


Just want to make one point. This is a good thread, and for once hasn't degenerated into homophobic slurs and stupid arguments.

One theme running through the thread is for a lot of people to say something along the lines of 'I have no problem with gay people, except the ones that flaunt it in front of everyone else'.


Most of us know at least one gay person who tends to flaunt it more than seems necessary, but I think it's worth stopping to think for a moment. But don't heterosexuals flaunt their sexuality even more? From couples holding hands and kissing in public places to the institution of marriage itself, from the media, film storylines and countless thousands of pop songs about heterosexual love, society is obsessed with its own heterosexuality.


Don't be hard on gays for emphasising the fact that they're different. The 'straight world' can be stifling at times.



Possibly one of the most intelligent posts I've read on here ever. Definately made me think.


Nice one, straights flaunt it all the time.


I think it's only when they flaunt it to the level of marco from BB5 that starts to annoy.


Marco was so far BEYOND gay it was scary. In a punch his fucking lights out kind of way.

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Sometimes people can be a little too sensitive about things though. For example some people don't use and like the word homosexual because they think it sounds too clinical, almost like a syndrome.


To me, thats a bit ridiculous, seeing as its just a word.

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Did ye all know i was gay or did i have to say it as much as takeo?:)


LMAO, Takeo I thought you told me you DIDN'T flaunt it every five seconds.


for the record metroid, I had no idea. How could you have any idea online unless you go on about it 24:7, if it's brought up in conversation and err, you have sigs and avatars slapping us in the face with it (sorry again Takeo, you know I love you really ;) )

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Nice one, straights flaunt it all the time


Marco was so far BEYOND gay it was scary. In a punch his fucking lights out kind of way.


I know what you mean - and to be honest I never used to like those conversations with mates where "phwoar look at 'er arse mate! I'd bang 'er"...


But one of the guys I was talking about in my thread... Well I think being gay is a problem when that becomes the only way anyone can define you as a person.


He is the sort of guy who needs to remind you that he is gay in every conversation we're having, and it's not homophobic to want someone to just shut the fuck up once in a while.

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"phwoar look at 'er arse mate! I'd bang 'er"...


Funniest one liner on the forum - But yeh, some of my mates do the same thing at it kinda pisses me off, its like they don't really respect the person their saying it too.

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Not at all, they take the piss by joining in and start vocally eyeing up blokes in a very 'gay' way, smack me in the back of the head then buy me another pint.


When I embarrass one of them by insinuating I fancy them, then it gets REALLY funny.

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