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I didnt mean it like that, It was in response to: 'maybe it was supposed to happen to reduce the population'


Why are people dividing my comments so it sounds like I'm a homophobe?


'People just do what they think is right, for them'

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Regarding if you could take a pill to become straight. Right now, I probably would take it. I don't like who I am but I'm sure in 3-4 years I will be feeling very different.


wouldn't someone thats gay feel offended that someone created a pill to take to make you straight? surely thats saying someone preference is a disease isn't it?

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Homosexuality is not natural. Its human nature, its doing what feels right, for yourself.


Sure it's natural. That's why there's also gay animals and stuff. You can't tell me they suddenly decided they wanted to become gay because that felt better for them...

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I always believed it was an over-population stopper thing.


The more humans there are, the more offspring there are and so therefore a gay baby is more likely. So the bigger the population there's more chance of homosexuality being prevelant. And as two men, nor two women can make babies, the homosexuals would die without offspring.


I agree, Yin and yang, balance etc....The world and nature has its ways of levelling things out, and the world is apparently going the way of overpopulated. It seems a fair way to put the brakes on things.


And England, Trans-gendered people do not just "have their dicks cut off urg". They're born in the wrong body. For example a woman's brain in a man's body.


Yeah, lol, whats the big issue with tranny folk....

Very few of them get to the stage of lopping their bits off and I would reckon most understand they are not getting the full deal when they go for it, which in itself must prove how tortured they feel to go to the extent they do to try to conform with a female body image.

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I still don't understand because you make the decision yourself... Do you have to apply for the certificate?

What makes people want to become gay in the first place, especially when they're only 14? Im confused.


You don't choose to be gay, i'm sure if there was a choice a lot of gay men would want to be straight, because it makes life easier. Being gay just "happens".

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Sure it's natural. That's why there's also gay animals and stuff. You can't tell me they suddenly decided they wanted to become gay because that felt better for them...
I wouldn't call it natural still. It might be normal and human and completely OK, but nature only drives the living to go for a few things, such as survival and reproduction.


Seeing something 'in nature' doesn't make it 'natural'. I'm not trying to say anything bad against homosexuality here, I'm completely open minded. I just don't think 'natural' is the right word.

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You don't choose to be gay, i'm sure if there was a choice a lot of gay men would want to be straight, because it makes life easier. Being gay just "happens".


Exactly, I mean when I was being bullied and stuff I would have given anything to be straight, but I like who I am right now, I mean given the choice I probably would go straight, but I am fine about who I am, yeah of course my hormones are still all over the place and I'm still abit confused but hey, that's teens for ya :indeed:

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You don't choose to be gay, i'm sure if there was a choice a lot of gay men would want to be straight, because it makes life easier. Being gay just "happens".

I don´t really think many gays would actually choose to be straight if they got a freedom to choose between the two (or at least I wouldn´t). Sure being gay feels horrible when you first discover it but as you accept the facts it isn´t really that bad. I also don´t think that my life would be any easier if I was straight. There´s always things to worry about.


EDIT: Oh and I, too, am amazed about the response this thread has gotten. :)

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I find homosexuality fairly interesting (not gay). I often contemplate why it is so widespread among humans but not other animals (there are cases but they are few and far between). I'm not homophobic, but there's a guy at school who is so camp that his voice is grating to my ears, he's an ass tho and pisses everyone off. He never came out but he must have been gay. I also get annoyed at hypocritical gay people who claim that they're live everyone else but then form or join clubs just for gay people.

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Im straight but I have been curious in the past. They do say that everyone goes through a period where they think about the other sex, when they are around 15-16 methinks. I got chatted up once by a bi guy in a club, and I said I was bi for fun. Two minutes later he suggested we go down to the toilet! When talking to gay/bi guys online or in person they are always after the one thing, from my experience that is. After saying that, I do however have one great gay mate :)

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Exactly, I mean when I was being bullied and stuff I would have given anything to be straight, but I like who I am right now, I mean given the choice I probably would go straight, but I am fine about who I am, yeah of course my hormones are still all over the place and I'm still abit confused but hey, that's teens for ya :indeed:


Wait, Triforce you're gay? Not to be offensive, just a bit suprised, didn't realise people could tell at so young.


Really sorry to hear you were bullied about it too. :hmm:


I'm pretty sure I'm straight, the problem is I need to prove it....

I'm the one in my group of friends that gets teased the most with gay jokes, dunno why though.

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What is the GLA? :S


Gay/Lberal Alliance, you're welcome to join. Just pick a position and you're in! If the wikipedia page was still about i could go into more detail.


... That's right the GLA had there own Wikipage.

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Wait, Triforce you're gay? Not to be offensive, just a bit suprised, didn't realise people could tell at so young.


Really sorry to hear you were bullied about it too. :hmm:


I'm pretty sure I'm straight, the problem is I need to prove it....

I'm the one in my group of friends that gets teased the most with gay jokes, dunno why though.


Yeah :/


I'm still confused but I'm 90% sure I'm gay lol


EDIT: What positions are there Fresh? XD

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You don't choose to be gay, i'm sure if there was a choice a lot of gay men would want to be straight, because it makes life easier. Being gay just "happens".


That's not always the case, I've known plenty of gays and lesbians over the years and some have decided ten or twenty years down the line to change their sexuality, be it from homo to hetro, or vice versa.. You could say those that decided (or discovered) they were gay later in life were just repressing it or in denial, but what about those who went straight?

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EDIT: What positions are there Fresh? XD


Any you feel like. All i know is Major, General and Commander are taken. As well as sniper and target practice target.


I never understood the GLA thingy, but i was almost enticed into some group by muffins.


We have muffins, and guns.


But I really shouldn't take this thread away from the point.


That's not always the case, I've known plenty of gays and lesbians over the years and some have decided ten or twenty years down the line to change their sexuality, be it from homo to hetro, or vice versa.. You could say those that decided (or discovered) they were gay later in life were just repressing it or in denial, but what about those who went straight?


You sure they wern't bi? That all sounds rather confusing.

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I don't get how you can be confused. You either look at a dude and think "I would" or you don't.


That in itself is the confusing part. You feel as if you shouldn't be feeling those feelings, but you are.

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