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Gender isn't optional, it's changeable, at least on the outside. Your true gender is on the inside, some people get bodies that match, others don't.


Yeah, it's not the case of a man who wants to have a vagina, it's a woman who doesn't want to have a penis.


Ok, got you. I'm not trying to be rude or judgemental. It's this changeable element that is interesting, though, in relation to the centuries and milleniums we've had where it wasn't possible to change. I'm sure that the thought "I'm in the wrong body" is in no way a novel one, but without the facilities to go through with it, did people get "over" it and learn to live with themselves as they are? Is a pre-op transexual offended at being simply labelled gay? If someone truly believes that they were supposed to be a cow, not a human, do we seek to allow this to happen? Is ones individuality - their identity so deeply tied with gender and sexuality, truly?

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Ok, got you. I'm not trying to be rude or judgemental. It's this changeable element that is interesting, though, in relation to the centuries and milleniums we've had where it wasn't possible to change. I'm sure that the thought "I'm in the wrong body" is in no way a novel one, but without the facilities to go through with it, did people get "over" it and learn to live with themselves as they are?


Although facilities are at their best now, it has been possible to change your gender for well over 100 years now, just not so convincingly.


Is a pre-op transexual offended at being simply labelled gay?


Depends, if it's a female to male transexual who is attracted to men, then no, but a male to female would be, as it implies they are a man.


If someone truly believes that they were supposed to be a cow, not a human, do we seek to allow this to happen?


Are you trying to tell us something?


Is ones individuality - their identity so deeply tied with gender and sexuality, truly?


Of course it is, it's part of who you are.

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if you dont think your sexuality is tied to your whole persona, you fail to recognise just how geared towards sex human activity is.



the way i see it, gender is relative. am i a man cos of my penis? if i lost it would i not be a man? does the fact i was born with my penis mean that i behave as i do? does my penis make me any better at loving a woman then anouther woman would be?


obviously being male or female has large genetic factors, the testosterone/estrogen levels are largly due to what genitalia you have, but hormones alone dont controle you.

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No, I don't want to be a cow. The psychotherapy had its way with me. Or something.


I know that even upon this forum alone there are different opinions on how important sex is, specifically in a relationship (as surely the role of relationships is equally as important as, and as distinct from, sex), so would it be fair to say that sex is hugely important for transexuals, or perhaps that they place too much meaning or value on it?


the way i see it, gender is relative. am i a man cos of my penis? if i lost it would i not be a man? does the fact i was born with my penis mean that i behave as i do? does my penis make me any better at loving a woman then anouther woman would be?


I think that quite honestly your life is shaped by what gender you are. Without any malintent from other people or by yourself, you are just automatically geared to behave a different way. Perhaps due to vicarious cultural reasons or not, whatever - we are all "conditioned" to some degree and we don't have to always take the negative side of this.


I think the questions you pose are problematic regardless of sex or penises! Definitions of 'man' in the sense you use can, and do, change from time to time and from place to place. Love, too, is a difficult entity to pin down, let alone whether one form of love is 'better' or worse than another. No matter how gray an area is, it is inevitable that we want to colour it in and come up with definitions that try and explain one perception or another, and in a sense I think it is very important that we try and explain, perhaps moreso than the explanation itself.


There's some sort of paradox amongst all of this that I can't quite put my finger on. Someone so disappointed with the standard indexing of individual personality to the extent that they abandon all faith in it, yet they have to somehow exist within the framework anyway; moving from being misunderstood by society into a position that is practically by definition misunderstood by society; branding themselves with a label rather than being glossed with a range of uncertain labels. OR SOMETHING.

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No, I don't want to be a cow. The psychotherapy had its way with me. Or something.


I know that even upon this forum alone there are different opinions on how important sex is, specifically in a relationship (as surely the role of relationships is equally as important as, and as distinct from, sex), so would it be fair to say that sex is hugely important for transexuals, or perhaps that they place too much meaning or value on it?


Now you're phrasing it as sex, rather than sexuality, and again it's all down to the individual, sex is more important to some people than others, no matter what their orientation.

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Ok, so sexuality, as in sexual preference, is more important than sex, as in the thing you do when you get clsoe enough to those you sexually prefer? Is sexuality as distinct from sex, in this regard? An individual may prefer to have sex with men but prefer to kiss and hug a girl, but I wouldn't say they were bisexual because of that.


But I can certainly see that gender is vastly distinct from these now - You're a guy and you want to be a woman. But you fancy men and women. They're different things. I think I got it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think I've become attracted to people wearing glasses.


There was this guy at the gig who had AMAZING red framed glasses.


Damn me and my inability to talk to someone completely randomly for the sole reason I like their glasses and therefore them. :indeed:

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I think I've become attracted to people wearing glasses.


There was this guy at the gig who had AMAZING red framed glasses.


Damn me and my inability to talk to someone completely randomly for the sole reason I like their glasses and therefore them. :indeed:


People with glasses are extremely hot tbh....


Yeah, they're a real killer in a relationship. *ba-dum-tsch*


I approve of this post.

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People with glasses are extremely hot tbh....


Yeah, glasses, very dark hair and a nice smile. If I had a 'type' that'd be it.

I'm not hitting on you btw.

Not yet anyway. : p


I hate wearing my glasses, but some people think I look better in them. I don't know why, they are annoying!


Sounds like some sexy glasses though ;)


If I could go back in time I would have stolen them...okay, I would have asked to try them on...And then run off! Mwahahahaaaa!!

Would have been nice to have known where they were from.

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i dont have a "thing" i like in girls. i find so many different kinda of girls hot, hair colour, skin colour, race, how they dress isnt an issue. hell, even body types vary wildly. just seems i either fancy em or i don't.


my ideal orgie would look like a united colours of benniton add.

Yeah, I don't really have a particular trait that is a must, either. It largely depends on the girl. Yet I do find a great personality to be a huge turn-on.

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