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Right, new topic. (Woo) - Flirting.


How do you do it? Are you a good flirt, or an utterly rubbish one? Also, how do you feel when you know someones flirting with you?


I was sitting in the common room today, and the girl I've mentioned earlier, who I thought had no interest in me just sat down with me and we began chatting and it was obvious she was flirting (we talk alot, and she never flirts when we do). It was a little wierd. But, my mates could sense to too.


I'm a really flirty sort of person, so when I talk to a girl all my friends automatically think I think she's hot, but I'm just trying to have a conversation. I can't help it! :)

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Met this guy the other week, we really hit it off and he said to me tonight I have made him happy again, as he has been really unhappy the past 6 months cuz of issues with family life etc.



We have so much in common, like A LOT.


Dunno whether thats such a good thing, but I'm really falling for him and I think he is with me too ^_^



But the thing that really intimidates me is he has been with other guys, and I haven't...



My first boyfriend guys! *dances*

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Met this guy the other week, we really hit it off and he said to me tonight I have made him happy again, as he has been really unhappy the past 6 months cuz of issues with family life etc.



We have so much in common, like A LOT.


Dunno whether thats such a good thing, but I'm really falling for him and I think he is with me too ^_^



But the thing that really intimidates me is he has been with other guys, and I haven't...



My first boyfriend guys! *dances*


I know how you feel, am spending the weekend with someone much more experienced myself.

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I know how you feel, am spending the weekend with someone much more experienced myself.


I'm just so worried, I mean yeah I have a general idea of "what to do" I'm just scared I will cock it up (excuse the pun).



But I have talked to him about it, and he said it's fine and not to be worried.


I don't think I'm quite ready yet anyway, and won't let myself do anything until I am, but it's soonish anyway, I'm much more comfortable with my self than I was (lost loads of weight and so on) but confidence is still an issue..

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We're rooting for you, gal!


....now i'm confused.....


anyway!! yay for tk!! that's so schweeeeeeet! you sound like you have your head screwed on about it too, good for you! it's exciting!! i want to know about the first date :grin:

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I envy you your adventure, Triforce, but don't throw it away on a whim.


We're rooting for you, gal!


Yeah it's pretty exciting ^_^


....now i'm confused.....


anyway!! yay for tk!! that's so schweeeeeeet! you sound like you have your head screwed on about it too, good for you! it's exciting!! i want to know about the first date :grin:


Sunday were going to see "Over Her Dead Body" erm yes, don't flame me, his choice!



But I do love Eva Longoria (Parker) :indeed:

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Today was brilliant :D



When we were in the cinema we were kissing and blah blah, and he like felt my leg and...



Yeah, won't go in to too much detail, nothing too "much" though.



Ended the night with a kiss goodbye ^_^



Argh, I haven't been this happy in ages!


*checks watch* ended the "night"...? :wtf: ack! too cute!

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Argh, I decided not to ask out the girl I like, because of the whole friends for ages thing. But, now she's began flirting with me alot, and this other guy (sort of mate) know's it. He obvioulsy likes her, and everytime I'm chatting with the girl, he comes over and flirts obviously with her. It's driving me insane.

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Just got back from the most amazing weekend, had about 5 hours sleep, and some of the most amazing BDSM experiences of my life. A professional Domme tried to find my pain limit three times before giving up and deciding I don't have one, one stroke away from drawing blood each time and I didn't flinch once. Had my first session with a violet wand and took it up to the maximum setting, felt just like a tattoo gun. Finished it all off with a day at the London Alternative Market today, where I was unanimously voted the best dressed person there and won a £30 prize. Only downside was I came very close to collapsing, 3 days of alcohol, next to no food and very little sleep and I had to have a sit down, luckily a friend I was with is a trained doctor and gave me a blood pressure test, 260 over 190 is apparently very close to having a stroke.

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