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Donkey Kong Country Series

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I never played jungle beat i know it's off topic but how is that game compared to these as it looks slightly similar without the bongos:)?


Its quite different, although you are supposed to get to the end of the stage just like any other platformer, the point is to rank up banana points (or beats) by doing combos to collect bananas.


For example, if you see 5 bananas in the air, you could just jump and collect them netting yourself 5 points, or jump in the air near them and clap, which makes DK grab all of them at once which will earn you twice as much. As the game goes on its like an endless chance to keep raising your combo so bananas are worth more as you collect them.



And there's the bosses, such as an old Kung foo kong where you have to clap to avoid his attacks then hammer down on the bongos to attack him.


Its hard to explain how good the game is, but its probably one of the most fun games I've ever played.


BTW:The game is kind of impossible to play without bongos, they deliberately made it so the controls with the normal controller are gimped. You have to keep tapping the A button to run to the right, hit both L and R to jump, use that awful Z button to make the clap move. Best suited to Bongos.

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Its quite different, although you are supposed to get to the end of the stage just like any other platformer, the point is to rank up banana points (or beats) by doing combos to collect bananas.


For example, if you see 5 bananas in the air, you could just jump and collect them netting yourself 5 points, or jump in the air near them and clap, which makes DK grab all of them at once which will earn you twice as much. As the game goes on its like an endless chance to keep raising your combo so bananas are worth more as you collect them.



And there's the bosses, such as an old Kung foo kong where you have to clap to avoid his attacks then hammer down on the bongos to attack him.


Its hard to explain how good the game is, but its probably one of the most fun games I've ever played.


BTW:The game is kind of impossible to play without bongos, they deliberately made it so the controls with the normal controller are gimped. You have to keep tapping the A button to run to the right, hit both L and R to jump, use that awful Z button to make the clap move. Best suited to Bongos.


Thanks mate:) Looks like a lot of fun i may actually get bongos and track this down

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  • 6 months later...

(Hope no one minds the bump!)


I was playing this earlier as I downloaded it quite a few weeks ago now, I'm up to Krazy Kremland. Up to around Bramble Scramble I had got all DK Koins and Bonus Stages as well, but my memory has suddenly deserted me.


The main thing I wanted to get off my chest is that I was doing the Lost World level from Krazy Kremland- Klobber Karnage, and what a dirty dirty level that is. I was seriously losing the head with it! I finally got through it after having to concentrate pretty hard on composing myself because the second half of the level was unrelenting in its difficulty. I think I'm losing my skillz!


The worst thing is that I'll have to go back through the level to seek out the secrets it holds. Argh! :hmm:

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Heh, I only played this on the GBA. Very, very good.



I hold the Donkey Kong Land/Country in my Top 3 of platforming series. This game is one of the reasons why.


Memorable stages, good main characters (those two make an excellent team), interesting gameplay ideas and an excellent execution of it all. I can't think of another platformer that is as fluid and fun as this one.


The music is great, too (Something every truly great game must have). Bramble Blast, Lockjaw's Locker, Kannon's Klaim, Level Selection Screen, among many others.


The collectibles are always nice, and, of course, this game doesn't lack them. The GBA version even had Photos and Golden feathers to collect.


Honestly, I can't think of anything that could make this game better. It's great as it is. And to think I liked DKC more (by a very slight margin, though).



PS.: The GBA version had an opening cutscene. It showed DK slacking off on the beach when he was kidnapped. When Diddy and the others find the note, the dialogue is along the lines of:


Diddy: "K.Rool wants us to give all our bananas in exchange of DK!"

Cranky: "I can't believe it! This game's plot is even worse than in the previous game!"

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Agreed! I love DKC3, best in the series for me and it has been around 7-8 years since I played it aswell.


I think my heart lies with DKC2, due to, IMO, better character design mainly. Although DKC3 is probably the best game.


If it had the old stlye zingers in it...Oooooh :heh: :heh:


Ive said this literally hundreds of times before but...



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Lol, I never got all the DK coins. :(


I got everything back on it on the Snes, but I think I was probably a better gamer back then. I had gotten everything up til around Bramble Scramble this time through but in the last few levels I've missed plenty- just can't remember where stuff is.


Agreed! I love DKC3, best in the series for me and it has been around 7-8 years since I played it aswell.


Im still waiting everyday for DKC3. Havnt played it in so long. Approx 8 years. :(


I got DKC 3 for the GBA (its rubbish sadly) and over the years I've periodically hooked up the Snes to play through it, although I haven't in a while now. Its a great great game but I fear the Classic Controller will ruin it- that controller seems unresponsive sometimes unless you really hammer the buttons in. I think its largely due to it that I keep missing jumps and stuff in DKC 2, sometimes the kongs just run off the side of a ledge without jumping, or sometimes they don't fire out of the barrels when I press the button. Frustrating!

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If you can track down a Hori digital gamecube pad (the one shaped similar to the SNES pad), it's ace for any 2D games. I originally got mine from play-asia but not sure if they still stock them...


darksnowman: What didn't you like about the GBA version of DKC3? The new music?

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Yeah, the music, the graphics (all three DKC ports on the GBA suffered and I thought they coulda kept the graphics on par with the Snes?), those added mini games with Funky, Wrinkly's changed save cave, Swanky's Sideshow was changed, they added a silly thing with Cranky... and they butchered the full ending with the Banana Queen. Theres probably more but I haven't played it in a while and I've tried to purge it from my memory. :heh:


One thing I will say though is that the addition of the extra world was a nice touch.


And as for DKC 2, I've played it on and off and I'm up to K. Rool Duel. I haven't attempted it yet cos I'm gonna get everything picked up from the other levels first and take him out on the Flying Kroc and in the Lost World in quick succession. Castle Crush and Toxic Tower will cost me many a life I fear when I go back through them.

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When you get far enough to have opened up and complete all the Lost World levels (Animal Antics is pretty tough, grr) you get to do battle with Kaptain K. Rool once more in the Lost World. Its a tougher fight but once you beat him you can rest safe in the knowledge that you have truly saved DK, and beat the Kremling homeworld.


I don't think the DK koins have anything to do with it, I could be wrong though. Anyway, **more spoilers** when you get all the DK koins you move to the top of Crankys podium ahead of Link, Mario, Sonic, Yoshi and whoever else pops up on it.


What a game!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thats not the DKC 2 advert there. :wink:


Anyhoo, its a good ad because at the time gamers and critics alike were flabbergasted that DKC wasn't gonna be on the N64 and that it was actually on the feeble old Snes. Old papa Nintendo always knew how to pull something extra special outta the hat.

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