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Donkey Kong Country Series

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Say speaking of Donkey Kong, I have not seen Darksnowman for some time, what happened to him? He just suddenly vanished 0_o


He was sick of your babbling and left. :D


No idea where he has gone. I asked Nando is he was alright a few months back and he said he was fine. The last thing he posted was in the Top 25 Wii games thread. Methinks he may be done with the place. :(

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That sucks, DK64 was miles better than the DKC series on the SNES :(


Whaaaat?! :laughing:

Totally different genres tbf.


Also: perplexed by this decision unless Nintendo are doing something else with the trilogy. But then, why remove them in the first place? I'm not too worried as I got them the second they appeared on Wii. Maybe they are transferring everything across?


Darksnowman will be aware of this and will be on a crusade to Japan to sort this blasphemy out. :love:

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Yep, I wouldn't trust Nintendo to do that just because XBLA/PSN did, just to be safe. They may have info on their website tho, or you could ask customer services?


Yeah think I'll do that just in case.


I didn't know Ninja turtles for the NES was taken down too this year. I own that game, so I guess I could test it out with that.

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Just incase anyone is still wondering about this, transferred my Wii data over to my WiiU today and it redownloaded my Donkey Kong Country games automatically so for now it looks like, if you bought it, you will still have it.


That's great news! DKC 2 deserves to be on every system I own. As for the whole removal situation, I still hastily fire up Twitter every day to see if any news of a HD collection emerges, it never does. :red:

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