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It is a hard thing trying to match a typography to lino prints. The only other suggestion I have is this: http://new.myfonts.com/fonts/linotype/lino-cut/


Looks like it's been cut in lino and doesn't look too fancy. Just the way the lettering has the little offcuts sitting off of them seems like it would sit well with the artwork.


edit: actually, it's quite expensive. Didn't see the price tag for that until I click further through the site. Oops.


Haha yeah, that is a bit expensive. I really don't have the money to pay for a font. =P

Thanks for the suggestions though. =)



I tried out a few things, just to see what might work. But I honestly can't decide. Don't even know if I want a serif or sans-serif font, hmm...

Here are three different tests. The first uses Walbaum (serif font), the second uses Univers (sans-serif) and the third uses Blok Heavy, a font I downloaded somewhere. Any ideas what type works best?










(And yeah I know the text placement right now is still crap. Still need to work on that too.)

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Haha yeah, that is a bit expensive. I really don't have the money to pay for a font. =P

Thanks for the suggestions though. =)


Yeh, I was a bit shocked at just how expensive it was. How do they get away with charging that for a font? Disgraceful really. Shame as I'd like to get hold of it for using but not paying that much.


I'd have to agree with nightwolf in that I like the bottom one the best. I think it suits the image more just because it is bolder. The first font isn't bad either as it gives a nice contrast to the darker lines of the image but I'd still perhaps go for the third font. The only place I'd say where I'd choose the first font over the third is in the curved text bit as it's a little more open and doesn't look as close together.


And I don't see much issue with the text placement as it looks good in all three images. I'd probably keep it as it is but then once placed, I'd be too lazy to bother thinking about better placements :laughing:

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  • 4 weeks later...
The last one is the best, the other two aren't bold enough so they look very out of place to me. Because the last one is bold it fits more with the bold print of the lilo cutting.


Agreed, though I think it stands out a little too much - perhaps try reducing opacity?


Random bits and bobs of late







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Ok, my project is getting close to being finished now. Well at least the deadline is coming closer, my project is still far from being done haha. Here are two more illustrations (two more on my blog), still without text.







Now I actually need a bit of help from creative minds, as my brain is currently drawing a blank. I need to do another illustration, but can't think of what to put on it. Basically, a foster mother is telling to the foster child how her parents divorced too, so she knows how she feels blabla.


Now I need to find a way to depict this, probably the divorce, in a non-cliché way (I sketched a torn up picture but my teacher didn't like it haha). He said to find something else that could symbolise/depict a divorce, or maybe something the woman keeps that reminds her of when her parents were together of something... But I can't think of anything. =(


Anyone have any ideas for me? I basically have one day to get this done in too, so I'm a bit desperate haha.

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I'm thinking broken picture frame, or torn kiddie drawing done by the child of the family of a memorable event (in the park or something).


Failing that, the mirror effect could work. Looking in the mirror sorrowful and seeing a reflection of a happy time when they were all together. A bit like Harry Potter with the mirror of Erised.

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How about the mother and foster child on one side and next to it a faint (to indicate memory...) picture of the old family house with her mother stood in the door looking upset and her and her father out front saying goodbye to each other, and again she looking upset...


If that makes sense?

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He said to find something else that could symbolise/depict a divorce, or maybe something the woman keeps that reminds her of when her parents were together of something... But I can't think of anything. =(

This might be a bit late, but perhaps one of these can kick start your imagination:


A locket, broken at the hinge, with a pictures of her individual parents placed in each half.


The foster mother's shadow stretching behind her, casting a silhouette of two people arguing.


One of the mother's childhood drawings, depicting "mummy's house" and "daddy's house" separately.


A dysfunctional domestic scene — could be an argument, perhaps just the two parents showing obvious indifference to one another's presence — depicted via the toys of the foster mother as a child.


Series of photos, a bit like a strip of passport photos, showing the divorced parents gradual drifting apart; start hugging, then sat near, then apart and avoiding each other's eyes, et cetera.


Top-down view of a kitchen table, three places set but only one adult and a child's plate on display.


Scene of someone exiting a front door, the foreground showing a wedding ring left forgotten on a table.


And so on; I could keep going but I doubt they'd get any better.

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone! Due to my time limit (this one has to be done today), I went with an idea from Jim, which has the parents facing opposite directions, faces cut off the side of the screen (close up). And in the background we see the girl with her bear and her foster mother holding her hand. And then I'll put it all in grey to make it feel all gloomy. =P


Due to me working with linocuts, I'm quite limited in what I can do really. Plus this time limit is not helping haha. But if I get it done and I like it, I might post it on here. Maybe.

Thanks again!

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I like the idea you chose in the end best.


I was going to suggest maybe just a photo frame in itself, not broken...I think a broken/torn object would have different connotations than divorce to be honest.

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Well I said I would post it if it turned out okay, so here it is.





I quite like it, though it's going to not look as good once the text is on there. Plus the book is folding in the middle (where they're holding hands) so I hope it's still going to look okay. >.>;

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a couple of days ago I painted a scene from 'psycho'. some of the detail could be improved on but in general im quite happy with it. plus i think it conveys some of the emotions im feeling from time to time...




Edit: don't know how to put the actual picture on the forum so I'll just leave the link. I tried pressing the picture button at the top of this message and even when I put in the url it just disappears :S

Edited by Frank
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Well I said I would post it if it turned out okay, so here it is.





I quite like it, though it's going to not look as good once the text is on there. Plus the book is folding in the middle (where they're holding hands) so I hope it's still going to look okay. >.>;


Looks awesome. Better than I expected given your description.


I'd maybe question why the parents are smiling though; it seems to insensitively make the situation light-hearted, but then, on the other hand perhaps its good to help children recognise people get divorced because they'll be happier single.

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Looks awesome. Better than I expected given your description.


I'd maybe question why the parents are smiling though; it seems to insensitively make the situation light-hearted, but then, on the other hand perhaps its good to help children recognise people get divorced because they'll be happier single.


Ah that's not their mouth though, it's the bottom of their head/chin heh. Wouldn't have them smiling in a picture like this. =P


And thanks! =)

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Usually if I start doing a "drawing" that isn't to do with my current coursework (being an art student), I feel guilty. So now I'm done for the summer, I started doing some srawings of X-Men. Nothing more than doodles a lot of them, but I actually really like my Magneto. Even though the hand in the foreground is fucked up. Really just more experiments in me trying to find what my drawing style is (for "cartoony" stuff). Using no references etc.

(Photos were shite so I had to put them into black and white and then up the contrast in some cases.)




(Psylocke and Colossus) (I'm so pleased with how I did her boots, like those kinda judo/karate/ninja shoes where you can see what the foot is doing within in. It felt appropriate for her - not very clear)(I didn't spend much/enough time on Colossus cause I realised I hated the fact he was so dull to draw standing still)


(More doodles of Selene, Emma Frost, Spider-Man and a given-up-on Havok)


(While Selene isn't the picture of anatomical correctness, she's my favourite of them all I did today :heh:. )

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