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boy that huge sniper rifle sure is bad.. have been killed by it a couple of times and the bullet didnt even have to hit me to kill me.. but come on with the new maps already


jeepers.. just played free for all on that level with the large building and containers.. lot something.. i think i was the only one who didnt have the martyrdom perk activated.. i was tempted to quit but usually play to the end.. even with crap like this.. they should remove that stupid perk.. the inside of the building was just one continous explosion


Infinity Ward has revealed that its Xbox Live-topping shooter Call of Duty 4 is attracting "between 1.2 and 1.3 million users every day" just on Microsoft's service – with PS3 numbers "monstrously huge".


Speaking to our sister site Eurogamer.net in London last week during the unveiling of the new downloadable maps for the game, producer Mark Rubin revealed that Infinity Ward had been hitting these figures "consistently for the past two-to-three months, Monday through Sunday. It's crazy."


He added: "That's just 360. There's even more on the other platforms [PS3 and PC], but we just don't have the same numbering system. Overall, even without the other consoles, we are beating the competition. PS3 numbers are monstrously huge. No other game has come close, either online current, or total unique users in a day."


The hugely popular contemporary update to the studio's previously WWII-focused war franchise has been fighting with Bungie's Halo 3 for the top spot on the Xbox Live rankings since its release, but has pulled clear in recent months. Speaking on the rivalry, Rubin commented:


"We've created a lot of heartache for a lot of companies who go up against it. I think Halo's website says they get something around 845,000 to a million [per day]."


Call of Duty is understood to have sold over 7 million units so far. While Rubin refused to confirm the percentage of online users, he admitted it had exceeded expectations:


"I don't have an exact number for you, but it turns out to be a startling number of people. For a lot this is there first time playing a multiplayer game on console or PC. We're getting really high numbers."



jeepers.. just played free for all on that level with the large building and containers.. lot something.. i think i was the only one who didnt have the martyrdom perk activated.. i was tempted to quit but usually play to the end.. even with crap like this.. they should remove that stupid perk.. the inside of the building was just one continous explosion


That happens alot in headquarters, I've been playing Hardcore TDM lately with less of that happening but it has more people with last stand now.

  • 2 weeks later...

finally got some games on the new levels and it was a blast.. Chinatown is great.. so is the newsroom.. only played Creek once and got owned.. didn't know where to run and got sniped all the time.. almost at level 55 and when I cross that line I think I will "learn" to snipe.. not that I stand a chance that way but its probably fun anyway


I got this on Saturday. First of all: What the fuck? Why did you all not bitch at me to buy this earlier? It's one of the best games I've played for a long long time.


Anyone wanna hit me up for some online Multi? I've been kicking large amounts of ass so far :D.



Anyone wanna hit me up for some online Multi? I've been kicking large amounts of ass so far :D.


I suck, but sign me up.


I haven't touched online except for one night in the first week that I had the game.


Me and Haden just played a few things. I was doing quite well surprisingly. We were doing Domination and in one of the games I managed to capture all three right at the start.


Is it possible to change the team colours? The hardest part of the game is figuring out if the text above players is red or green.

I suck, but sign me up.


I haven't touched online except for one night in the first week that I had the game.


u got top score in our match! Classic game in multi and single


My tiny mind cannot fully comprehend the awesomeness stored within that 4 1/2 inch piece of plastic.


Suffice to say, I fucking rape at COD4. Must play more.


So I decided to go Prestige, and got to Lv 15 in one day. I miss the Claymors and the .50 Cal, but I still managed to get the top score in these last few games I've been playing, and most of those kills have been only with the handgun. I got 6 Friend request from people I had played at the end of the day.:heh: I also changed my Clan Tag, just for laughs, to "4CHN":heh:


I hit level 14 yesterday in an hour, from level 8. It's my first playthrough, I don't think I'll prestige when I hit 55 for some time.


I think I completed about 4 challenges in one match :D


one of those challenges... i think you have to kill 2 enemies while your in the air!?? wtf?...

My favorite is misery loves company.. still have one of those to do.. last time i was sneaking up on someone with a live grenade someone else shot both of us.. ha ha ha

Guest Jordan
one of those challenges... i think you have to kill 2 enemies while your in the air!?? wtf?...


That doesn't seem too hard, just jump when you throw grenades.


hmm I think you have to be airborne when they die.. but i don't know.. maybe it works with jumping.. and maybe thats why i have seen people jumping around.. or they just think they are harder to hit


also I love it when people use the RPG on other players.. ha ha that smoke trail is a dead give away.. HERE I AM.. but i have done it my self just for the kick of it

Me and Haden just played a few things. I was doing quite well surprisingly. We were doing Domination and in one of the games I managed to capture all three right at the start.


Is it possible to change the team colours? The hardest part of the game is figuring out if the text above players is red or green.


sorry i bailed out of our last game a friend came round to see me unexpectadly was awesome though im really loving that mode we play.


CoD4 tonight? Anyone?


I'll be adding a few of you lot I haven't already added. (I'm JB Whiting)


EDIT: Haden whats your Gamertag?

CoD4 tonight? Anyone?


I'll be adding a few of you lot I haven't already added. (I'm JB Whiting)


Oh did u add me? I may play tonight shame your not called solo!!!

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