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Most Emotional Gaming Moment

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Or Sequence, throught the games you have played, which has been the most emotional, powerful moment you have witnessed...


For me MGS2, Otacon and E.E when she died...That Sequence, and then with him and Snake...Jesus, talk about emotional, I cried, and eatching that sequence makes sends shivers down my spine...



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Ocarina of Time - The whole game and ending



Awesome boss fight and ending, you realise it's all over and what you've achieved!

The music is sensational!


Shenmue - Intro


Incredible! Immediately connects you emotionally to the game.


Shenmue II - Rooftop sequence / Lan-Di


Such a great cinematic experience and when you see Lan Di on the helicopter you just think...

So Close!! But I'll get you some day!!

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The ending of Shadow Of The Colossus. The twist towards the end of Second Sight.

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The ending to Final Fantasys VIII, IX and X. They all make me feel like crying. But I don't because I'm good at holding it back.

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The end of Shadow of the Colossus was devastating.


Finally Playing Kingdom Hearts 2 made me a very happy person.


Doing shit in Counter Strike when you normally play well is frustrating.


And another certian death sequence was very sad...

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The end of Shenmue was amazing. It was better than the end of Shenmue II because Shenmue went out at the peak of the game, Shenmue II kinda peaked then you went to a new place and it was calmer and not that exciting.

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Suikoden 2 - for the awesome music and story that makes you have to do something that I don't want to say, because of evil spoilers.

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When Link pulled out the Master Sword in OoT. God it was beautiful, i loved it all so much. The ending of the game was also very emotional for me; completing my first zelda game...it felt so epic :)


Also, as weird as it was, i'd put finishing Case 4 on phoenix wright up there, because i was actually in shock during the final court session.

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I completely agree with everyone who said SOTC, I was mentally shook. FFVIII in it's entirety. And Chrono Trigger, such as when you entered the future for the first time and it was a wasteland.

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Shenmue II - Rooftop sequence / Lan-Di


Such a great cinematic experience and when you see Lan Di on the helicopter you just think...

So Close!! But I'll get you some day!!

Yeah, that's my favourite game moment EVER.


The end of Shenmue was amazing. It was better than the end of Shenmue II because Shenmue went out at the peak of the game, Shenmue II kinda peaked then you went to a new place and it was calmer and not that exciting.

Come on man, the end of Shenmue II is beautiful.

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Any time a game has pissed me off enough where I've thrown the pad in anger.

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Guess I'll have to be the first one to say it here.


FF7: ending of CD1.



Edit: Although I have to say that the opening movie also made a *very* big impression on me at the time. It instantly hooked me to the game.

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When you and Yorda have finally reached the gate out of the castle, and the Queen appears and retratcs the bridge, seperating Ico and Yorda. You could continue running and finally escape certain death, finally leave the god forsaken castle, but it doesn't even occur to you. You turn right around and leap back over the bridge to try and help her. That's when you realise that despite basic graphics and no dialouge, the game has created a special bond between you and Yorda. I think that is my most emotional moment in a game.

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The ending to Zelda: LTTP definitely. Great music, everyone's happy now that you saved Hyrule and Link puts the Master Sword back...

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...I can never get these damn spoiler boxes to work! Grrrr...


Twilight Princess, when a certain someone holds aloft something of someone else's, towards the end!

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Guess I'll have to be the first one to say it here.


FF7: ending of CD1.



Edit: Although I have to say that the opening movie also made a *very* big impression on me at the time. It instantly hooked me to the game.


Thank god you said it. The words 'Emotional Gaming Moment' practically scream out FF7.

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All Kirby games. I'm not to sure whether its the character design or something. But I cry for sheer happiness whenever I see Kirby.

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The ending of MGS3. For sure.


Also, SOTC and...


When you and Yorda have finally reached the gate out of the castle, and the Queen appears and retratcs the bridge, seperating Ico and Yorda. You could continue running and finally escape certain death, finally leave the god forsaken castle, but it doesn't even occur to you. You turn right around and leap back over the bridge to try and help her. That's when you realise that despite basic graphics and no dialouge, the game has created a special bond between you and Yorda. I think that is my most emotional moment in a game.

You read my mind.

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