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Police have named a student who shot dead at least 30 people at a US university as Cho Seung-hui, a 23-year-old from South Korea.


He was studying English and had been living on the university campus. He killed himself after the rampage.


Police said a gun found at the scene was also used at an earlier shooting in which two people were killed.


It was the worst gun massacre in US history. A memorial service is to be held at the university on Tuesday.


US President George Bush and his wife Laura are expected to attend.


The shootings on Monday occurred in two separate locations, two hours apart.


The first took place at 0715 (1215 GMT), at West Ambler Johnston Hall dormitory.


Then, at about 0915 (1415 GMT), 30 people were killed in the second shooting at Norris Hall, about half a mile (800 metres) from the first, on the same campus.


Police confirmed that two handguns - 9mm and 22mm weapons - were recovered at the scene of the second shooting, and that one of them was also used in the first incident.


"It's certainly reasonable for us to assume that Cho was the shooter in both places," police said.


However, they are investigating whether he had an accomplice.




Police said Cho Seung-hui was a South Korean living legally in the US.


It is reported that he had lived in the US from a young age.


Nevertheless, South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun "was shocked beyond description", and sent "deep condolences" to the victims, their families and the American people, his office said in a statement.


Police did not suggest a motive for the attack.


Larry Hincker, associate vice president for university relations at Virginia Tech, said: "He was a loner, and we're having difficulty finding information about him."


US media reported that a "disturbing" note had been found in Cho Seung-hui's dormitory, and that he had been referred for counselling after producing "troubled" work in his creative writing class.


At a press conference on Tuesday the superintendent of Virginia state police, Colonel Steve Flaherty, described the scene of the massacre.


"Personal effects were strewn about the entire second floor of Norris Hall so it made it much more difficult for us to identify students and faculty members that were victims," he said.


"Victims were found in at least four classrooms as well as a stairwell. We know that there were a number of heroic events that took place within minutes of this tragedy unfolding.


"The gunman was discovered among several of the victims in one of the classrooms. He had taken his own life."


At least fourteen people remained in hospital on Tuesday. A hospital spokesman said most were stable.


The university said all classes would be suspended for the rest of the week, while Norris Hall would remain closed for the rest of the semester.




Survivors of the massacre have described barricading themselves in classrooms, or playing dead as Cho Seung-hui fired dozens of shots.


Some students complained angrily that they had received no warning from the university until an e-mail more than two hours after the first incident.


Student Billy Bason, 18, said: "I think the university has blood on their hands because of their lack of action after the first incident."


But university president Charles Steger defended his staff, saying they "had no reason to suspect any other incident was going to occur".


Virginia Tech and police said they would not name the victims of the attacks until all had been identified, and their families informed.


However, some of the names of the victims emerged when their families or colleagues volunteered the information.


At least two of the dead were university professors.


One was GV Loganathan, 51, an Indian-born lecturer in civil and environmental engineering, and another was Liviu Librescu, a Romanian-born Israeli expert on aeronautical engineering.

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Please tell me that did not actually happen. Please.


'fraid so. He was on Fox News. They called him a professional despite the fact he's not allowed to practise law any more :confused:

As stupid as the media is, most people that watch it are stupider. They're going to listen to all the lies and all the spin and believe it.

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'fraid so. He was on Fox News. They called him a professional despite the fact he's not allowed to practise law any more :confused:

As stupid as the media is, most people that watch it are stupider. They're going to listen to all the lies and all the spin and believe it.


Watch for tomorrows headline:


"18 year old kills self in protestation against stupid people, jackasses, ignorant fuckwits, oh, and Hugh Jackman."


See if you can spot someone you know.

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There's another "docter" who blames these killings on videogames.


"Is Video Game Violence a Sin? Dr. Phil Blames Video Games for Virginia Tech Massacre


In the wake of yesterday’s horrific shootings at Virginia Tech, gadfly attorney Jack Thompson was not the only one who was quick to place blame on violent video games.


Noted T.V. shrink Dr. Phil McGraw appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live last night to discuss the rampage. During the course of the program, the following exchange took place:


LARRY KING: Why, though - OK, you want to kill someone, you’re crazed, you’re a little nuts, girlfriend drops you, why do you kill innocent people?… Dr. McGraw, are they treatable?


DR. PHIL: Well, Larry, every situation is different… The question really is can we spot them. And the problem is we are programming these people as a society. You cannot tell me - common sense tells you that if these kids are playing video games, where they’re on a mass killing spree in a video game, it’s glamorized on the big screen, it’s become part of the fiber of our society. You take that and mix it with a psychopath, a sociopath or someone suffering from mental illness and add in a dose of rage, the suggestibility is too high.


And we’re going to have to start dealing with that. We’re going to have to start addressing those issues and recognizing that the mass murders of tomorrow are the children of today that are being programmed with this massive violence overdose."



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this has happened over here and the shooter was KOREAN BUT NOT NORTH..............WE ALMOST HAD WW3


Are you intentionally a fucking moron?


Its stupid that he;s blaming Halo. There is actually no comparison, besides it uses weapons. Ahwell - it'll hardly get banned.

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Already being used for advertising purposes.



I wonder how much proof can actually be unearthed to prove that the majority of Americans are retards.




There's another "docter" who blames these killings on videogames.


"Is Video Game Violence a Sin? Dr. Phil Blames Video Games for Virginia Tech Massacre


In the wake of yesterday’s horrific shootings at Virginia Tech, gadfly attorney Jack Thompson was not the only one who was quick to place blame on violent video games.


Noted T.V. shrink Dr. Phil McGraw appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live last night to discuss the rampage. During the course of the program, the following exchange took place:


LARRY KING: Why, though - OK, you want to kill someone, you’re crazed, you’re a little nuts, girlfriend drops you, why do you kill innocent people?… Dr. McGraw, are they treatable?


DR. PHIL: Well, Larry, every situation is different… The question really is can we spot them. And the problem is we are programming these people as a society. You cannot tell me - common sense tells you that if these kids are playing video games, where they’re on a mass killing spree in a video game, it’s glamorized on the big screen, it’s become part of the fiber of our society. You take that and mix it with a psychopath, a sociopath or someone suffering from mental illness and add in a dose of rage, the suggestibility is too high.


And we’re going to have to start dealing with that. We’re going to have to start addressing those issues and recognizing that the mass murders of tomorrow are the children of today that are being programmed with this massive violence overdose."




That's different though and explains that the guy has to be a psycho in the 1st place anyway.




This stuff never surprises me anymore, expecially when it happens in "America: Land of the Free to kill whoever they like"


I find it insulting that they are/were trying to pin 1/2 the blame on the cops though, just because of a 2 hour gap.

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Why are they showing where the killer lives and where his parents work on television now? Americans are gonna be protesting there and attacking them now!


Man, I feel so sad for that guys parents, it must be morbid to have to live with the thought of it.

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There's that picture (decided not to post it, dunno why, jsut felt like taking it off), with the guy posting on /b/ that he's gonna do it, could easily be a photoshop though.












Can't blame /b/ for it though.


Rule #1 & #2.

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Some twunt on GMTV from America was all pro gun, and trying to say we had a higher gun crime rate in proportion...




He Was Talking About the Constitution...Fuck that, it's 2007 not feckin 1700,


America is a badly fucked up country, and for country to be our "Major Superpower" makes me sick and wonder where the hell we are going in this world.

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Some twunt on GMTV from America was all pro gun, and trying to say we had a higher gun crime rate in proportion...




He Was Talking About the Constitution...Fuck that, it's 2007 not feckin 1700,


America is a badly fucked up country, and for country to be our "Major Superpower" makes me sick and wonder where the hell we are going in this world.


The same was with BBC News this mornin, with some Yank that lives in London. At first the stuff she was saying didnt really make any sence, then said that everything that shakes heads at gun crime in America is just Anti-America, holy shit they love playing that card.


Then she said something that made sence.


Then she said that if guns were more legal over here then the people of the cities would rush out and get them themselves, but she doesn't seem to realise that that would be because criminals would also have better access to them.


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