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American shootings


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Hopefully she's ok. I cant get thru to her American phone but a text delivered to her Irish mobile so hopefully that's a good sign.


According to Sky News te shooter went into an Engineering building and thats probably where my friend is. She's over studying Engineering...


This is pretty surreal.


I hope she's ok.


Is your friend's name Nicola by chance?




An Irish student at the university called Nicola is quoted in this article.


Sorry if it isn't her, just thought it may help.

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Eyewitness reports are that he was an Asian male in his 20s, a Biology major.

Oh jeez here comes even more anti-asian racism. I hate the way when one incident happens people start labelling places/people e.g. when that english teacher got murdered in Japan people aren ow saying that it's a violent country and such even though it has the lowest crime rate.

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7:15 a.m.: A 911 call to Virginia Tech Police reports a shooting at West Ambler Johnston Hall, leaving one person dead.

10:00 a.m.: Shooter opens fire in classroom in Norris Hall, an engineering building

12:00 p.m.: At a press conference, authorities said there may have been more than 32 people killed and 28 injured. [9]

1:00 p.m.: Shoot-out between police officer and shooter, according to I-Witness (eye) on FoxNews television broadcast

1:50 p.m.: CNN reports that the Police chief says at least 22 people are dead, including gunman

2:00 p.m.: Federal authorities confirm 34 dead.

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Is your friend's name Nicola by chance?




An Irish student at the university called Nicola is quoted in this article.


Sorry if it isn't her, just thought it may help.


Yeah her name is Nicola - but it wasn't her first day over there. She's been there since Late August, early September..


Jesus, though that could be her....

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Yeah her name is Nicola - but it wasn't her first day over there. She's been there since Late August, early September..


Jesus, though that could be her....


Well, maybe the BBC got some of the details wrong, who knows. It may well be her.


Christ, the death toll is rising. 34 now?

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Urgh, the law that allows Americans to have guns is so ridiculous.

It was only written into their constitution because at the time of writing they were surrounded by Indians and had to protect themselves with guns, now, there is no need for this law, yet because it is ingrained in the constitution it looks like it won't be changing anytime soon.


That's why it's good the UK has a quasi-unwritten constitution, so there isn't anything major like a revolution needed to change something like this.

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..as awful as this is, I'm glad your friend is ok man.


Cheers man.


I still can't quite believe this is happening. VA Tech is the same size as my university. I just caan't understand how someone can do this to his classmates and fellow students...

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She just texted me back - she's okay - shocked, but so far most folks are accounted for.



Jesus, that's put my mind to rest....


I'm pleased she's safe. Nothing worse than being worried about something, especially something as tragic as this.


School shootings in America are so common its scary. I think its time their government stepped in, Constitution or not.

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34 dead now is terrible did anyone see that fat police officer? what the f**k is a fat s**t doing with a gun as a police officer?


Erm trying to do his job and make a living?


Fuck off, insulting the guy just 'cause he's fat.

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Awful, truly awful.


Apparently, Jack Thompson has been on Fox News as a "shootings expert", saying that the only possible cause for this is videogames influencing or at least calming the nerves of the killer. My source in neogaf posters watching Fox btw.


Don't mean to derail the thread but how can people listen to this man? I guess games are an easy way out if a motive is unclear. Really though, the police don't even have a motive yet and Jack is voicing his ideas.


Edit: Stuwii, back to the Wii boards. I think you'll find the conversation is more at your level there.


Sorry, derailing again. Also why do people have to turn something like this to how awful America is? It could have happened anywhere.

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34 dead now is terrible did anyone see that fat police officer? what the f**k is a fat s**t doing with a gun as a police officer?


I don't quite understand what you mean, but I don't think American police officers have it easy it all. I think without their weapons, they're be pretty much screwed most of the time.

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