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N-Europe meet up Part 2.


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The thing is, if we do this right it will be good, becuase i think shadow would have to pass through Newcastle and i could meet him on the Train there and visa versa.


Come people this could be a good time.


Why not meet up somewhere like Alton Towers? I seem to remember from planning a meetup with some other people that it was bang in the middle between Glasgow and London....


I would get the train down with you too, Shadow. Either that or I drive us both down (and you give me a hell of a lotta petrol money).


Somewhere where we can go out and get pissed and meet hot girls is a must though.. What's the nightlife like in Leeds?

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I would say Luton, so I can get there. :D

I propose a poll to find out in what area of the country people who want to meet up live. Then we make the location closer to them.

For example, if 50% come from South East, 30% Liverpool of further north, and the rest from the Midlands/elsewhere, then Milton Keens, which is just out side of the midlands and reasonably close to London.

It should also be somewhere that can be easily be gotten to by train (which is why London would be good), as not all of us can drive.


By the way, I probably can't come, due to school (exams soon), travel issues, and parents.

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Why not meet up somewhere like Alton Towers? I seem to remember from planning a meetup with some other people that it was bang in the middle between Glasgow and London....


I would get the train down with you too, Shadow. Either that or I drive us both down (and you give me a hell of a lotta petrol money).


Somewhere where we can go out and get pissed and meet hot girls is a must though.. What's the nightlife like in Leeds?


Oh my, gr8.8 idea!


Only problem is the Alton Towers hotel is expensive...


But a few days there, Them park one day, Chill Day, then go to the nearest City day after would be ace! (or something along those lines)


So would people be game for Alton Towers?

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