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Spider-Man 3.


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My issue with the controls is because my brain is still set on the Cube controls from the second one. I always hold Z torun and so when in battle, instead of holding L to run like in the gamecube game, the left index finger presses and holds z and I fly off the building

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Oh the irony, my 360 just broke. Guess I will be getting the Wii version from somewhere then.


A bit off-topic, but does anyone know if you can return sealed copies of games to a GameStation store if you bought it online, ala GAME?

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Oh the irony, my 360 just broke. Guess I will be getting the Wii version from somewhere then.


A bit off-topic, but does anyone know if you can return sealed copies of games to a GameStation store if you bought it online, ala GAME?


My local Gamestation wouldn't. He said 'You may have knicked that' and 'Now your on camera'...etc..etc..


Me and my mum just started laughing and demanded he apologised. :laughing:


So the answer to your question is no, i'm afraid Gamestation do not take sealed games..even with a invoice or something, i doubt they do it..


You might as well check though, as that could have just been my crumby store! :D

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After doing 3 hits spidy will stall, do a dodge move and then continue bashing/waving. Doing this made combat much easier for me.


Yep, like I said before, you can't really buttonbash like in the previous games (at least that's what I always did ;) ). The game is getting really fun now and the web swinging is great, the motion controls rock :) I'm pretty amazed by the graphics too, but that's probably because I wasn't expecting anything at all on that aspect.

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ONM Review:


It gets worse. While the Wii-implemented controls aren't that bad, the awful glitchiness of Spider-Man's overall movement is unforgivable, the missions do nothing to create the kind of excitement you'd expect from a superhero action game and the movie-related boss battles are rubbish because they're not woven into the game experience at all.


For a game that is guaranteed to sell hundreds of thousands, this is a shambles. It smacks of a rush job that's been bunged out to coincide with the film's release, simply because the whole thing feels totally unfinished. Dreadful.

Source: http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/news_030507_spider.html


41%? ouch, and it's not even going along what is being said about it in this thread.

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i reckon activision rushed its development in order to tie in with the films release date and knew it was bad, so paid reviewers to delay there reviews, until after the release date.


Why pay reviewers when they can just hold back review copies?

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I haven't started playing it yet but reading through other forums generally if you liked Spiderman 2 you will like this. It hasn't really improved that much from the previous game.


The Wii version is identical to the PS2 version apart from the motion controls and slightly better graphics so perhaps that score will be slightly higher but not above 7 from the IGN Wii section

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aw well what did ye expect. The other one was over-rated as it was.


i think it's time to admit that VV are the worst developers ever. they seem to ruin everything they touch


Are you fucking insane? Have you ever played one of their portable Tony Hawk games? And I like Spidey 3, as do many others.

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Are you fucking insane? Have you ever played one of their portable Tony Hawk games? And I like Spidey 3, as do many others.

ha almost teh only good thing they ever made and yes they are good.

i hate them for wrecking crash bandicoot. Lol at nitro kart

wow spiderman 2 on ds sucked like hell too

Their port of doom 3 sucked too

a large list of crap on the gba too.


i guess they are not the worst but you can never depend on them either. Over the hedge was well received i guess but honestly nitro kart hurt me the most.

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Won't be seeing the film till Monday so holding off getting the game, but basically just want to ask, Wii controls, web-slinging in particular, will it make me feel like spiderman like i hope it will?


And how does it actually work, do you have to press/hold a button while doing the motion, or is it just the motion?


How sensitive is it, do you need to do a big movement or do short/small movement also work just as good?

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5.7 from the IGN wii side http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/785/785713p2.html.

Slightly better because of the swinging controls.

Here's an example of the graphics:



IGN 360 have called it "Spiderman 2 with slightly better graphics"

Now we know the real reason why there where no reviews about untill today... the game is crap on all formats and Activision didnt want any gamers knowing this untill the brought the game.

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