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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


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i played the us version and tell you the truth its still the same game cus after 30mins you forget about the controls. i havent completed it yet so i dont know about the extras yet.


but just think about it before you go wasting your money on something you already got

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i played the us version and tell you the truth its still the same game cus after 30mins you forget about the controls. i havent completed it yet so i dont know about the extras yet.


but just think about it before you go wasting your money on something you already got


We all know that it's the same game with the PS2 extras and slightly better graphics.

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I'm pretty mad atm. My copy of RE4 still has not come in! I ordered it a few days before launch and still not here!:mad: Even you guys will probably be able to play it before I do.:(


Europe may be screwed over a hell of a lot, but now the tables have turned.

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Haha, in the excitement thinking about RE4:Wii i went looking through the N-E archives and found a Preview I wrote for RE4 for the GC in Feb 2004, just after it was revealed how the game was changed after the RE3.5 ideas were canned,


and i forgot that at the end of the review i go into some ideas of what might happen in the game and how Umbrella might still be involved (you might remember the whole "no Umbrella" thing was a massive shock to RE fans at the time... still is actually, in fact even though I think RE4 is a great "game", I actually don't class it as a "main story" RE game.), some of my "theories" sounded plausible, but none of them actually happened.



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;488528]I've had a few people ask me so just to clarify Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition is £30 in Game.


Not a "go buy it in Game" message' date=' just because people have asked.[/quote']


Thats where im getting it from come Friday morning as I have £30 credit to spend in there. I really wanted to get it from gameplay but I thought I might aswell use my credit up.

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well this is going for full price here in denmark so ill be patient and wait untill it gets cheaper or I find it cheap enough on the net.. but's it's typical.. one shop here even tried to sell that Zelda compliation disc that you got free at one time.. for full price.. even though it said "not for retail" on the cover.. he he i dropped nintendo a mail about that one.. I was just so pissed

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Just wondering... what's the price of the game for you people? I got it for 38,90€ at play.com while I was buying a WiiMote Power Station, and considered it a good deal. Was it really or is it cheap because it's an 'old' game?

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Just wondering... what's the price of the game for you people? I got it for 38,90€ at play.com while I was buying a WiiMote Power Station, and considered it a good deal. Was it really or is it cheap because it's an 'old' game?


I got it for £25 from play.com. It's a few pounds cheaper in some places, but I prefer play.

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I'm pretty sure I made a good choice then. The local stores tend to just slap a 50€ price tag to anything they see.


EDIT: Oh, I just realised a cool thing yesterday. I bought RE3 a couple weeks ago (I know, I've been missing out), and on one of the streets there was a cinema. In front of the cinema there was a poster for, apparently a movie, "Biohazard 4". Now that I saw it again, I realised the '4' in the poster is the exact same 4 as in the Wii RE4 front cover. And the Wii edition, as far as I know, is the one called 'Biohazard'.



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EDIT: Oh, I just realised a cool thing yesterday. I bought RE3 a couple weeks ago (I know, I've been missing out), and on one of the streets there was a cinema. In front of the cinema there was a poster for, apparently a movie, "Biohazard 4". Now that I saw it again, I realised the '4' in the poster is the exact same 4 as in the Wii RE4 front cover. And the Wii edition, as far as I know, is the one called 'Biohazard'.




Biohazard is the Japanese name for Resident Evil.


Anyway. The box is nice. The disk is lovely.


Time to play.





Damn. Stupid villagers put a ladder up behind me. Heared the chainsaw, turned around. Too late.

And I don't remember that many villagers ganging up in front at me at once.


Controls work wonderfully - shooting is very quick. And accurate. Headshots aplenty. sing the D-pad + B allows for quick 90 degree turns, too (like the C-stick). Shooting works well with hold B and pressing A, and guns now work at a decent range.


Seems less blurry, too, now it's proper fullscreen.


And shooting crows FTW.

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Glad to hear the game works that well. The reason I'm waiting for this game is that I've always been a die-hard fan of those arcade light-gun shooting games. Wii is my first console since NES, and with the WiiMotes how they are, a game like this was bound to come up sooner or later. Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles will show some more traditional 'on-the-rails' shooting, later this year.

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Damn. Stupid villagers put a ladder up behind me. Heared the chainsaw, turned around. Too late.

And I don't remember that many villagers ganging up in front at me at once.


Controls work wonderfully - shooting is very quick. And accurate. Headshots aplenty. sing the D-pad + B allows for quick 90 degree turns, too (like the C-stick). Shooting works well with hold B and pressing A, and guns now work at a decent range.


Seems less blurry, too, now it's proper fullscreen.


And shooting crows FTW.


Sounds good , unfortunately it appears that despite having a day off tomorrow , my postie has given himself an extra day today (the one downside to internet shopping).

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Just got up to El Gigante, I'm actually really enjoying playing this again. :smile:


Controls are really simple, had the turning / aiming thing down after a few minutes, (although I've managed to get in a muddle a couple of times when I was surrounded :heh: ) I like how the knife now kind of auto-aims to boxes and stuff, very handy. You can still manually aim it by the way.


Using the Wii Remote in the action scenes is also really cool, reckon people that are completely new to the game will definitely get an extra kick out of it.


The game looks great in 480p, but here comes the bad news... The 16:9 isn't quite as "true" as they've been making it out to be. Yep, I was pretty disappointed to discover that it doesn't fill the entire screen (there's about an inch either side, like Excite Truck) still it's better than the 16:9 within a 4:3 frame of the GCN game as you don't have to use the TV's zoom feature which means it looks a lot sharper.


Playing on Normal mode right now but it seems to be a little bit harder than I remember on the GCN version, or maybe it's just I'm out of practice.


Anyway, can't wait to unlock Separate Ways! :awesome:

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Just got up to El Gigante, I'm actually really enjoying playing this again. :smile:


Controls are really simple, had the turning / aiming thing down after a few minutes, (although I've managed to get in a muddle a couple of times when I was surrounded :heh: ) I like how the knife now kind of auto-aims to boxes and stuff, very handy. You can still manually aim it by the way.


Using the Wii Remote in the action scenes is also really cool, reckon people that are completely new to the game will definitely get an extra kick out of it.


The game looks great in 480p, but here comes the bad news... The 16:9 isn't quite as "true" as they've been making it out to be. Yep, I was pretty disappointed to discover that it doesn't fill the entire screen (there's about an inch either side, like Excite Truck) still it's better than the 16:9 within a 4:3 frame of the GCN game as you don't have to use the TV's zoom feature which means it looks a lot sharper.


Playing on Normal mode right now but it seems to be a little bit harder than I remember on the GCN version, or maybe it's just I'm out of practice.


Anyway, can't wait to unlock Separate Ways! :awesome:


Mmm I didn't notice that when I played that's weird. I don't understand much about widescreen and stuff like that though.

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Just got up to El Gigante, I'm actually really enjoying playing this again. :smile:


Controls are really simple, had the turning / aiming thing down after a few minutes, (although I've managed to get in a muddle a couple of times when I was surrounded :heh: ) I like how the knife now kind of auto-aims to boxes and stuff, very handy. You can still manually aim it by the way.


Using the Wii Remote in the action scenes is also really cool, reckon people that are completely new to the game will definitely get an extra kick out of it.


The game looks great in 480p, but here comes the bad news... The 16:9 isn't quite as "true" as they've been making it out to be. Yep, I was pretty disappointed to discover that it doesn't fill the entire screen (there's about an inch either side, like Excite Truck) still it's better than the 16:9 within a 4:3 frame of the GCN game as you don't have to use the TV's zoom feature which means it looks a lot sharper.


Playing on Normal mode right now but it seems to be a little bit harder than I remember on the GCN version, or maybe it's just I'm out of practice.


Anyway, can't wait to unlock Separate Ways! :awesome:


Check your TV settings, I find most widescreen issues are down to TV settings.

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seriously, you guys can see Graphics don't matter but this game on a HDTV looks terrible, i think i'm gonna trade it back in. The jaggys are so bad it's almost unplayable...


My HDTV says differently.

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