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Your Most-wanted Top 10 (sorry, generic topic!)


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What are your top 10 Most Wanted games at this very moment, all formats? Next gen and current are equally valid - if it's not out you can count it on the list! Put 'em dahn in the order you want them.




1- Final Fantasy XII (PS2)

2- Makai...Disgaia 2 (PS2)

3- Zelda - Twilight Princess (Gamecube)

4- Makai Kingdom (PS2)

5- Aletier Iris (PS2)

6- Grandia III (PS2)

7- Pokemon Pearl/Diamond (Nintendo DS)

8- Final Fantasy III (Nintendo DS)

9- EM: enCHANT ARM (Xbox 360)

10-Super Princess Peach (Nintendo DS)


I find it quite amazing that PS2 has so many promising and enticing games on the horizon. I didn't quite manage to fit Wanda and the Colossus, We Love Katamari or Fire Emblem GC in though, sadly. Maybe I should have made it a top 15.

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  1. Any Revolution Titles
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN)
  3. F.E.A.R (PC)
  4. Fire Emblem: Path of Radience (GCN)
  5. Mega Man X Collection (GCN)
  6. LOTR: Battle For Middle Earth II (PC)
  7. Final Fantasy 3 (NDS)
  8. Need For Speed: Most Wanted (GCN)
  9. Halo III (360)
  10. Soul Calibur III (360/PS3)

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1. Twilight Princess (GC)

2. Mario Kart (DS)

3. Metroid Prime: Hunters (DS)

4. Castlevania: DoS (DS)

5. Metroid Prime 3 (Revolution)

6. Super Smash Bros. (Revolution)

7. Advance Wars DS (DS)

8. Perfect Dark 0 (Xbox 360)

9. Kameo: EoP (Xbox 360)

10. Shadow of the Collossus (PS2)


More or less it, only because I've heard/seen so little on Rev games.

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1. Zelda: TP (NGC)

2. Mario Kart DS (DS)

3. Electroplankton (DS)

4. Mario and Luigi 2 (DS)

5. Metroid Prime: Hunters (DS)

6. Animal Crossing: WW (DS)

7. SSBR (rev)

8. Mario Bros (DS)

9. Super Princess Peach (DS)

10. Zelda DS (DS)


Wow... alota DS games...

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Mario Kart DS (DS)

Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC)

Super Smash Brothers Revolution (REV)

Super Mario ? (REV)

Kameo: Elements of Power (XB360)

Baten Kaitos II (GC)

Lost Odysee(XB360)

Animal Crossing Wild World(DS)

Tales DS (DS)

New Super Mario Bros (DS)


Ouch not much coming for PC I want. I'm getting AOEIII very soon though, but other than that not really sure about others. Also, as soon as Rev games are revealed they are bound to go straight to the top of my list, especiall SSBR.

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1, Half Life 2: Aftermath (PC Release Date: ETA 2005)

2, Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN Release Date: Spring 2006)

3, Mario Kart DS (DS Release Date: Nov)

4, Kameo (XB360 Release Date: Dec)

5, Unreal Tournament 2007 (PC Release Date: ETA 2006/7)


And probably loads of other titles. Like Sonic Rush :)

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In no particular order;


1) Shadow of the Colossus PS2

2) Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Xbox 360

3) Psychonauts Xbox

4) Alan Wake Xbox 360

5) Project Zero 3 Xbox

6) Metronome Xbox 360

7) Shenmue III Xbox

8) Zelda Twilight Princess GC

9) Sam n Max 2 (we can but hope) ??

10) Theres a game coming on on the PS2 and I cant for the life of me remember the name other than the fact it has "Ryu" in the title and is an amalgamation of GTA and Shenmue (apparently). Looks ace though.

Edit - found out the name. Its Ryu ga Goto Ku. Heres hoping for an English languge release.


10 is way too few, confound you.


Those that didnt make the list:


Legend of Heroes PSP

LocoRoco PSP

Dead Rising XB360

Stubbs the Zombie Xbox

Gun XB360


Okami PS2

Tales of Legendia PS2

Fable: Lost Chapters XB

Ninja Gaiden Black XB

Pokemon XD GC (is it on GC?)

Black and White PSP

Breath of Fire III PSP

Suikoden I & II PSP

Kameo XB360

Condemned XB360


Thats about all I can think of right now.


I know I said mine arent in any specific order, but I think at the moment (I change my mind a lot) Metronome is the one Im most keen about. This game looks stunning (I have a real thing about the dark, grotty future that it depicts) and is a great concept.


Chrysler 300m specifications

Edited by Johelian
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1) Zelda: TP (GCN)

2) Shadow of the Collosus (PS2)

3) Okami (people seem to be forgeting about this :( ) (PS2)

4) Grandia III (PS2)

5) Final Fantasy XII (PS2)

6) Nintendo DS Tales game (DS)

7) Children of Mana (DS)

8) Shenmue 3 (I will never stop waiting for this git to appear) (???)

9) Mario Kart DS (DS)

10) Zelda (DS)

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Hmm this is quite hard to think of. I'll just name 10 games that I really want to play, will be better.


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Suikoden V


Project Gotham Racing 3

Perfect Dark Zero

Final Fantasy XII

Disgaea 2

Suikoden Tactics

Mario Kart DS

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These are somewhat in order. I took into account the release date and amount of information available. If I actually knew anything about it, Halo 3 would be top of the list, for example.


1. The Movies

2. Shadow of the Colossus

3. Mario Kart DS

4. Halo 3

5. Perfect Dark Zero

6. Twilight Princess

7. Kameo

8. Kingdom Hearts 2

9. Metroid Prime 3

10. Half Life 2: Aftermath



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