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what the hell is going on?

mcj metroid

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I can understand your concerns but it will get better. While you might have a right to be a little annoyed, I really wouldn't get too upset about Nintendo making a few bad decisions.




friend codes have the potential to break the console though.

And a games drought is always bad especially during the console launch of a company that has been kicking nintendo's ass in the console market for 13 years

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Its the same drought the 360 had and the PS3 will have. Especially with consoles released around Christmas because its all on Christmas. Come January you hit the new-console drought, it picks up a bit and then its the summer drought. Its normally a year after a console comes out that anything good comes out.


Word up, Homie.


You're right though, it's a phase all consoles go through. If there is to be a drought, better to have it at the start rather than in the middle.

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There are lots of old games to play, you have 360, you have PS3,


to be fair, I am enjoying loads of cheap gamcube games I picked up before the wii launch. So thats been the best thing about the wii for me.........but thats not why I bought a wii

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Word up, Homie.


You're right though, it's a phase all consoles go through. If there is to be a drought, better to have it at the start rather than in the middle.


Yes but a horrible time to have a drought during ps3 launch and when is the next major release?

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friend codes have the potential to break the console though.

And a games drought is always bad especially during the console launch of a company that has been kicking nintendo's ass in the console market for 13 years


To be honest, I still think that the Wii is thriving off the success of WiiSports. It's doing wonders for the system. Not a day goes by where I don't read something praising the system in that way. Sales have been good, sales will continue to be good as long as Nintendo can keep pumping out games and units.


Really, I don't think the PS3 launch will take that much of the Wii's limelight. If anything, that battle is between Microsoft and Sony. They are two similar systems, they're both going roughly after the same market.

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I agree about the online. Being online is not a bad thing and the friend codes makes it worse (it is though on the otherhand something they can change i.e. enter all your codes from your games onto a "hub" and you give the name of your hub to people and the system sorts out the exchanging itself).


The next IMO major releases are probs Pokemon and SSBB since they are going to be online, should be soon..

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friend codes have the potential to break the console though.

And a games drought is always bad especially during the console launch of a company that has been kicking nintendo's ass in the console market for 13 years


Friend codes ill agree are horrid but I wouldn't say they'd break the console (unless by that you mean stop Nintendo becoming market leader, in which case i might agree)


Just be thankful for what the Wii currently does have at the minute rather than complaining about what it doesn't. The only thing that should matter to you is if the console gives you plenty of fun - not if Nintendo 'beats' Sony or Microsoft.

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I think there wouldn't be much use for a killer app during the european launch period of the PS3.

Because for a killer app to shift systems you actually need to supply more than there is demand and at the moment demand is higher than supply, so what good would a killer-app do now?


I think the game drought is actually a good move of Nintendo because we got first/second party games and if third parties want to stand a chance there should not be any first party games around.

I'm looking forward to Heatseeker current and wait for a pricedrop for Sonic but if they would throw out Metroid Prime 3 now I wouldn't care a thing about the other two games now.

At the moment I see it as more of a chance to give some ground to third parties.

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Yeah Wii will fail because of the friend codes, just like PS2 failed because of terrible online and XBOX won because of the good online. Spot on.


Ok but that was last gen smart ass. We have moved on from then. On-line is bigger and more popular. It's not casual yet but this gen it will be i believe. I didn't mean it would fail anyway i just as i paul said meant that they won't become the best

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Err... weren't the friend codes just for Pokémon Battle Revolution exceptionally because it used the DS network?


Sadly friend codes have been confirmed by a lot of people, even a Nintendo Spokesman, it looks like they're here to stay.

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Yes but a horrible time to have a drought during ps3 launch and when is the next major release?


Nintendo, I'd imagine, like the rest of us didn't know when the PS2 was coming out until two months ago. Its not like they can ramp up production.

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Yes but a horrible time to have a drought during ps3 launch and when is the next major release?


I haven't noticed a drought. I already have more games now than I had in my first year of the GameCube.


And releasing a major release now isn't exactly good, business-wise, PS3 or no PS3.

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You probably wouldn't notice a drought if you got out a bit more. The Wii was never intended to please people who don't have anything better to do 24/7, even though I'm sure that statement can be debunked in a year.


And no, I didn't read the whole rant, as these are getting boring.

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It's not as if the PS3 or 360 have exactly been swamped with must have titles over the last couple of months either. Mainly because every publisher worth his salt realises that you ahve to get games out before christmas not just after it if you want to sell more than 4 copies. April and May should see a few must haves come out for all consoles tbh.

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I'll say it again. Nintendo fans have to realise that 3rd party games count as good games on the system. Sonic, SSX, Godfather, Tiger Woods, have all come out recently, yet they don't seem to count in the 'games drought' we are apparently in.


Every console launch goes exactly the same way every time. System launches with 2-3 really good games, then goes through a month or 2 without a game, then we get a decent games every couple of weeks. By the end of the year we'll have 4-5 must have games (Mario Galaxy and Paper Mario as examples).


I'll admit the friend code thing is bollocks, but other than that Nintendo is getting it right so far.


I haven't noticed a drought. I already have more games now than I had in my first year of the GameCube.


And releasing a major release now isn't exactly good, business-wise, PS3 or no PS3.


Probably why the was no 360 game out this week to compete with PS3 launch.

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Every machine has a games drought, and it's normally at this point in every consoles life. If were in the same position in September or something, then there's a problem. But right now, it's like a console teething process. There’s always the DS/360 to play whilst waiting for some real AAA titles.

Which will turn up. Hopefully.

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I'll say it again. Nintendo fans have to realise that 3rd party games count as good games on the system. Sonic, SSX, Godfather, Tiger Woods, have all come out recently, yet they don't seem to count in the 'games drought' we are apparently in.


I agree with you completely there. Thing is, unless a third party title is truely exceptional (resident evil 4), it will not get a look in on a Nintendo console. Most of the time, anyway.


A lot of people buy Nintendo systems mainly for Nintendo's games. You can complain all you want about online features and what not, but third parties will not include online in a system where their games rarely get a look in. The games need to sell first. Ubisoft have supported the Wii well so far, so we need to get off our arses and give them support, as well as EA. I've brought Rayman, and I love it to pieces, and I enjoyed what I played of Red Steel, so I intend to get that as well. Likewise, Sega seem to have done a marvellous job with Sonic, so hopefully they'll get rewarded.

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I agree with you completely there. Thing is, unless a third party title is truely exceptional (resident evil 4), it will not get a look in on a Nintendo console. Most of the time, anyway.


A lot of people buy Nintendo systems mainly for Nintendo's games. You can complain all you want about online features and what not, but third parties will not include online in a system where their games rarely get a look in. The games need to sell first. Ubisoft have supported the Wii well so far, so we need to get off our arses and give them support, as well as EA. I've brought Rayman, and I love it to pieces, and I enjoyed what I played of Red Steel, so I intend to get that as well. Likewise, Sega seem to have done a marvellous job with Sonic, so hopefully they'll get rewarded.


I certainly hope so, because I'm a bit tired of hearing Nintendo fans whine about having no games to play, when they really mean, they've got no Nintendo games to play.

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Nintendo: "Hey guys, I heard on the interwebs that ps3 is coming out next week!"

Employess: "Shit, let's launch our unfinished games now!"

Nintendo: "Great idea people!"

Lonely guy in the back of the room: " But wait, launching games while a new console is launching means they'll be overlooked, because a new console always takes all the atention!"

*Lonely guy gets shot and eaten by Nintendo werewolves*


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Nintendo: "Hey guys, I heard on the interwebs that ps3 is coming out next week!"

Employess: "Shit, let's launch our unfinished games now!"

Nintendo: "Great idea people!"

Lonely guy in the back of the room: " But wait, launching games while a new console is launching means they'll be overlooked, because a new console always takes all the atention!"

*Lonely guy gets shot and eaten by Nintendo werewolves*



yeah sure nintendo found out a week ago that ps3 is launching. Sure why not

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