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Rumour: GTA to grace the Wii?


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Guns, drugs and fast cars for everyone.


In a surprise announcement, Reggie Fils-Aime revealed in an interview with an American television station that Nintendo has been in negotiations with Take-Two about the possibility of bringing Grand Theft Auto to Nintendo consoles (namely the Wii). The final decision however, lies with Take-Two. Fingers crossed.


In other news, can anyone else hear Jack Thompson rubbing his hands together? Stay tuned for more developments.



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Hmmm interesting news. Whether or not it's as good as the other console versions (if it does come out), any publicity is good publicity, and if the Wii gets GTA then it will get a lot of it.


I mean, come on...Manhunt 2, GTA and no more heroes...if they advertise all those games then bloody hell, Tony Blair will ban the wii, i bet ya..

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Wow! Would defintley intrest me as I have never played any of the new 3D ones. We will most likely get a compilation of the three originals that were released on PS2, the way things are going with all these ports. But then again, they might give us a 'cut-down' GTA4, to compete with Driver, Scarface etc when they are released on the Wii.

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Pff, if this is true we'd probably get lame ports of Liberty City/Vice City Stories with tacked on Wii controls.




As for it coming then meh, I can live without it, I've got all 3 3D GTA's on my xbox and have only completed GTA 3. I just can't get past some of the awful game mechanics, the awful aiming (which has improved granted with each version), the piss poor attempt at RPG elements in San Andreas, also think SA got a little bit too big..make it more compact and more variety within those environments.


The only reason I would buy it is if we get a Wii exclusive version (or maybe I'd settle for GTA 4) and the remote suitably helps solve the issues I have with it.


I can't help but feel though that it will be good for the console, this and manhunt will mean another demographic of gamer covered so more chance of them picking up a wii and if they sell well more mature games coming to the wii, although hopefully not an onslaught of violence for the sake of it games.


Ahh well guess we just have to wait, perhaps likely news may surface when the GTA 4 trailer is unveiled?


But besides all of this I think there is a reason Sony gave up their exclusivity on GTA games debuting on Playstation and thats because it was soooo last generation, people have moved on I feel and this generations GTA (I mean as in a game that defines sales of a console, that leaves its mark) won't be a GTA game at all...

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I suppose it could, improved aiming, improved hand to hand combat, improved car handling. I mean to be honest the only reason Godfather has got good scores so far is because of how good the control system is, it can't be for the graphics, so maybe a Wii GTA could help it in the same way.

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GTA Wii - yes please. I have SA on the PC, but I would like a console version. I can only see it working on the Wii really, due to the awful 'aim with an analogue stick' approach on other consoles.


I would definitely buy this (assuming it was any good!)

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I can't believe how xenophobic some of you can be about games from other systems. You really shouldn't slate a game if you haven't played or at least tried it.


Wii needs games like this to help remove its gimmicky tag.


Do we really want to go down the Gamecube path again?

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I love GTA. :) Hope they bring a version of it to Wii. Some sort of triple pack including GTA3, GTA VC, and GTA SA with improved graphics, new controls, and new gameplay elements would be sweet. I don't see how it couldn't sell?

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