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Who has GCSE/A levels?


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I was just wondering how many people are at an important stage in their education and should really be concentrating on their studies and probably spending less time on the net or gaming and more time *shivers* doing coursework. Im in yr 11 by the way and am doing shit at school and I blame it solely on Nintendo.*just jokin I blame it on my shit teachers :D *

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In Scotland we only get to do 8 GCSE's, althgouh I think it's split up different than you guys. I'm in year 10 equivilant I think, well the year that will be doing GCSE's is 2007. I'll do less gaming/interneting when my Physics and History tests are coming up...

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woah someones clever! Haver you musta studied like hell to get those results!!!


I have in my possession a Time Turnerâ„¢, not unlike Hermione's Time-Turnerâ„¢ seen in the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkabanâ„¢.

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I'm in Year 11, Mochs in January and Exams in May. Can't wait :indeed:

I try to get a good balance in life, theres no point saying "Oh I have to revise all the time as I have GCSE's soon and will have to give up Internet,social life, sport, fitness,walking and gaming etc. or a while" because if I did that its likely I would get bored and maybe down, which would probably make me do even worse in my exams. Its better to revise, but without overdoing it, just spacing out, keeping life going cool and to just think positive. I've been like that this year and have been doing quite well so far.


It's all about balance I tell ya!

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