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So she blocked me


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It started on Monday i log on msn and a girl i like was on so i talked to her we talked for ages so the next day she is online again so i say hi i wait ten minutes no reply so i say i hi again and suddenly she comes out with some crap about me being obsessed with her so i lash out verbally like saying what the fuck i didn't do anything and then i called her a bitch and other words and suddenly i go to school the next day and she is upset with me so i ask her friends (no point in ask her my self she would of had just said nothing) and they said she liked me a lot and what i said to her was unfair so now im wondering am i in the wrong or is she in the wrong i dont know my life is confusing :(

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It's part of life. The sooner you see how complex women can make the world, you'll be better off. Men are simple. We don't overthink things to much, don't get to emotionally involved. From the moment you start shouting back, I can tell from experience, they'll make sure life becomes a hell emotionally.


Here's the major thing to remember: women hold grudges, men just hit the other person and live on. If I were you though, I wouldn't aask too much around anymore and let it cool down. Afterwards you should try to ask her what the hell is wrong and - for your own sake - take all the blame on you. That will help restarting you relation with her.


Girls are complicated. I'm in a class with nine girls and you learn a lot about them by watching their behaviour. Remember: they're emotional killers, men are fysical killers.


She fricking blocked me - love that song now. It's so... woman :wink:.

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If the way you talked to her was anything like that post I can completely comprehend why she blocked you.


Hehe...nice burn.


Aaanyway, if she got annoyed with you, or said you were obsessed, you should have just backed off and stopped talking to her instead of getting so abusive. Women are indeed strange creatures to the untrained mind ;).

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The replies in this thread are just hilarious.


"If the way you talked to her was anything like that post I can completely comprehend why she blocked you.", indeed, Owario.

"Your only one step from a restraining order, congratulations.", top-notch.

"I just really wanted to post this", waw.

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lol.. never trust a woman when she says BRB..


..what prompted her to say you were obsessed though.. just because you said hi to her twice because she didn't reply to the first?


..if you didn't do anything else to provoke it, sounds like she was being a right cow.. but obviously this opinion is wrong if you don't have testosterone pumping through your balls

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was it like this?


Whizkid!!! Says:

hi how are you ive noticed you around in school so i decided to ask my friends for your hotmail and msn address so that i could add you and we could talk and become friends closer than i have been with anyone before so what did you think of that maths test we had last wednesday i found it pretty hard but i always fail in maths tests anyway so it doesnt really bother me did you end up finishing the paper in the endi think i got up to question thirty two before the time ran out man i wish they would give you more time to do maths tests because 2 hours really isnt enough dont you think by the way how many hours do we have when we go out gcse maths test i hope its longer because we will all probably need it s iwill ask my other friends if you dont know and if it is still a short amount of time maybe we can complai nand get the time extended so that we will be able to finish our maths test all the way through without running out of time but the easiest one is probably the english aexam you only get like 4 questions and most of the answers are in the text anyway like shakespear have you read that one where he dies we were reading it last wednesday its pretty cool but gross and its really happy when they fall in love but the sad part at the end is where he dies but im sorry if i ruined the ending for you it will probably come up in the exam anyway and what are the chances you will read it all the way through anyway i couldnt understand a word of the text in it but yeah the exams are going pretty easy arent they do you have anymore coming up because i have finished all mine and i break up on friday what about you also have you seen that movie we watched in yesterday in geography class its pretty cool its about dolphines and how they like to eat fish but would you concider that caniballism i dont know if i would but thats what everyone was talking about yesterday what do you think how are you anyway


SHE Says:


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haha... sorry I shouldn't laugh but ^ that's just funny.


You said her friends said she likes you too? Just go up to her and say you're sorry, you didn't mean it. It doesn't matter who's right or who's wrong, if you like each other then you just need to get past this little blip and get down to some lovin'.

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haha... sorry I shouldn't laugh but ^ that's just funny.


You said her friends said she likes you too? Just go up to her and say you're sorry, you didn't mean it. It doesn't matter who's right or who's wrong, if you like each other then you just need to get past this little blip and get down to some lovin'.


Even if you're in the right (so to speak), that is the only course of action open to you if you want any future with the girl.

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Stop being obsessed is a start.

Like posting about her on a nintendo forum.

Talk to her not us man, half of us haven't be laid for months and the other half have months before its even legal.


Thats the most unsympathetic, most true and sensible response i think i've ever read on these forums.

-or else you will DIE - that was funny, cheered me up :)


Oh and advice....talk to her.

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Stop being obsessed is a start.

Like posting about her on a nintendo forum.

Talk to her not us man, half of us haven't be laid for months and the other half have months before its even legal.


Speak for yourself.... I was with my girl last night.

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I think the best thing you can do is find her number from directory equireies/searching around the internet, and call her. Over and over again. don't say anything when you get through, just breath deeply into the phone. Make sure you do this from a phone box well away from her house.


If you really want to make an impression send her presents. Women really love dead flowers/animals. Its probably best to follow her around (try no to be seen, you want it to be a surprise don't you?), to see what she likes best.


Try building a small shrine in you bedroon dedicated to her, with printouts of recent msn convasations etc. She'll love you even more when you've finished dragging her to you room and show her.

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I think the best thing you can do is find her number from directory equireies/searching around the internet, and call her. Over and over again. don't say anything when you get through, just breath deeply into the phone. Make sure you do this from a phone box well away from her house.


If you really want to make an impression send her presents. Women really love dead flowers/animals. Its probably best to follow her around (try no to be seen, you want it to be a surprise don't you?), to see what she likes best.


Try building a small shrine in you bedroon dedicated to her, with printouts of recent msn convasations etc. She'll love you even more when you've finished dragging her to you room and show her.


That was hilarious. It made me laugh out loud. : peace:


Yeah, me too. Well, I was with a girl. And she didn't know I was there.


You raped her???

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