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Also, has there been any word on what the downloadable content will be and when we're expected to see it?


Looks like you made the same mistake as me :p


Theres a rumour going around that the DLC will take place in San Andreas.




I think it was previously said that the DLC is going to be along the lines of what Vice City and San Andreas were, entire new cities and storylines kinda thing. Dunno how true that is. Think I read that in the Edge "making of" article, or something.

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I finished the game with a time of:



I was not happy.


Ouch... and I thought I had it bad finishing an hour over. To be fair though as others have said, if we concentrate solely on story missions, got taxis everywhere where possible, ignored friends and loaded after failed missions instead of carrying on, it should easily be doable in no more than 20 hours i reckon.


Oh and it might be nice to see the vague changes that occur depending on your various moral choices.

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I finished the game with a time of:



I was not happy.





bout 40 hours in now done bout 65% just taking my time and having fun :smile: love the cops "most wanted" missions that im doing a bit of at mo. Also "stevie"'s car collect mission even thou a few have been a pain in the arse to find

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Man this game doesn't bloody let me online anymore :(. Every time I go into multiplayer it disconnects me and returns me to single player. Sometimes I even hear people in the game i've connected to. So it at least gets that far...

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Man this game doesn't bloody let me online anymore :(. Every time I go into multiplayer it disconnects me and returns me to single player. Sometimes I even hear people in the game i've connected to. So it at least gets that far...


It's a very common problem. I've been able to join a massive total of three games.

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Guest Stefkov
Me too. It's nothing special :P

I thought it was more difficult that it was. It was just annoying when you are right above the edge and you fall at an angle and you totally miss it.

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Getting there is tough, but the heart itself isn't special I meant.


I got lucky, I tried it first time and landed on the ledge. My friend also made it (we were in online free roam) but...I was feeling like a complete bastard so right as he got to the top of the final ladder I blew him away with the shotgun so he couldn't get a proper look at it :D

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Ok, I'm bolloxed...Did the PlayboyX and Dwayne choice mission then one mission for Dwayne, and then delivered like 10 parcels for Jacob and now...(counting a good 2 days of solid gaming) NOTHING has come up for me to do. ALL phone-calls are answerphone, only Manny and Jacob have mission % remaining. Jacob does reply but it's MORE parcel delivering.


So where the hell do I go? Nothing is on the map/no blips/no phone call jobs apart from Jacob (which is just delivery) and Manny doesn't reply.


Soooo pissed off as I have the time to finish it. And GameFAQS is spoilerific.




EDIT: Had a goose at CVG's guide...Patrick seems to be the next guy I need to use for missions. yet to even get him yet he is involved before Playboy missions...utterly lost as I don't know where to find him at all.

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