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Multiplayer News


* There are 15 multiplayer game modes in GTA IV. PSM had an opportunity to play 7 of them. The rules of each game are determined by the host.

* Multiplayer supports upto 16 players.

* Your online character is fully customizable. You can alter his race, sex, hair, clothing etc.

* The game modes featured are as follows:

1. Hangman's NOOSE

2. Car Jack City

3. Bomb da Base

4. Bomb da Base II

5. Mafia Work

6. Team Mafia Work

7. Deathmatch

8. Team Deathmatch

9. Turf War

10. Cops N Crooks

11. Race

12. GTA Race

13. Deal Breaker

14. Free Mode

15. Car Jack City

* In Race and GTA Race, the host gets to decide which vehicles are involved, and the number of laps to be played. You can shoot and throw molotovs from the window, and even steal your rivals' car.

* In Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, the host gets to decide the number of pedestrians, the amount of traffic, the intervention of police (or not), and the type of weapons.

* In Cops N Crooks, one team play as cops and the other play as criminals. The cops must stop the criminals from escaping. They can monitor the locations of the criminals on their GPS systems, while the criminals don't know where the cops are.

* In Mafia Work and Team Mafia Work, you play as one of Kenny Petrovic's mafia henchmen. You must complete hits ordered by the boss (via the cellphone) before your rivals are able to do so.

* The map used in multiplayer is the same map that is used for single player.

* A single-player mission called "Hangman's NOOSE" features co-op. You and your friends will be able to escort a mobster, while being pursused by a SWAT team.


Translated from scans of the Spanish Official Playstation Mag:




Sounds. Awesome.

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I pre ordered this as well. Never played a GTA before but this looks good, so thought now was the time to give it a go.


Never?!!!! ;)


I love GTA, i know it's a guilty pleasure among the gaming community, but it's so gangster and cool and has so much freedom!


This will obviously be epic and a record-breaker next month!


My local Blockbuster is taking preorders, but you must pay £5 up front because it's in such high-demand or something....

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I would love this game to be shit! :) I've always hated GTA games - well since they turned 3d anyway. I wanted to love it so much, I was really excited, but I find them infuriatingly overrated (like LotR films so I realise I'm in the extreme minority on these). But yeah, I would find it funny if it was shit. But it aint going to be, it's going to sell a billion copies and everyone's going to talk about it for years to come - ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz.


The multiplayer does actually sound good, I could be tempted by this, but I doubt it!

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I still can't get over the fact that it's out in a month and we haven't seen one gameplay screen.


As far as I remember Rockstar doesn't release much info at all until the release is imminent.


Seem to remember San Andreas being the same blackout apart from the odd magazine preview

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I was wondering, is there a mode where you can just explore the city with freinds, or any 'campaign' co-op, or anything of the Crackdown ilk?


* There are 15 multiplayer game modes in GTA IV. PSM had an opportunity to play 7 of them. The rules of each game are determined by the host.

* Multiplayer supports upto 16 players.

* Your online character is fully customizable. You can alter his race, sex, hair, clothing etc.

* The game modes featured are as follows:

1. Hangman's NOOSE

2. Car Jack City

3. Bomb da Base

4. Bomb da Base II

5. Mafia Work

6. Team Mafia Work

7. Deathmatch

8. Team Deathmatch

9. Turf War

10. Cops N Crooks

11. Race

12. GTA Race

13. Deal Breaker

14. Free Mode

15. Car Jack City

* In Race and GTA Race, the host gets to decide which vehicles are involved, and the number of laps to be played. You can shoot and throw molotovs from the window, and even steal your rivals' car.

* In Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, the host gets to decide the number of pedestrians, the amount of traffic, the intervention of police (or not), and the type of weapons.

* In Cops N Crooks, one team play as cops and the other play as criminals. The cops must stop the criminals from escaping. They can monitor the locations of the criminals on their GPS systems, while the criminals don't know where the cops are.

* In Mafia Work and Team Mafia Work, you play as one of Kenny Petrovic's mafia henchmen. You must complete hits ordered by the boss (via the cellphone) before your rivals are able to do so.

* The map used in multiplayer is the same map that is used for single player.

* A single-player mission called "Hangman's NOOSE" features co-op. You and your friends will be able to escort a mobster, while being pursused by a SWAT team.


What would make it even better would be some split-screen.

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Guest Stefkov
I can't wait! It will be the first GTA game i own, although i've played every one apart from 3 and the PSP one.


It'll probably be my next 360 purchase, i can't see me having the money for Vegas 2 :(

I'm the same. This'll be the first console version I will have owned. I can't wait for it.

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Never?!!!! ;)


I love GTA, i know it's a guilty pleasure among the gaming community, but it's so gangster and cool and has so much freedom!


This will obviously be epic and a record-breaker next month!


My local Blockbuster is taking preorders, but you must pay £5 up front because it's in such high-demand or something....


Actually I did play the original one. But since they went 3D I've not played them.

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Portugese Magazine Info.


We already know that you can use the database in LCPD police car computers. However, BGamer states that you can take a picture of someone with your cellphone and then search for that person in the computer to find all of their information. Does this mean you can look up anyone and find their address? We will have to wait and see!


The magazine editors asked Rockstar Games if there was any place that they could see some Portuguese pedestrians or a Portuguese part of town. Rockstar Games told them to drive to an area north of Alderney. When they arrived, they found themselves in a Portuguese neighborhood with flags and posters representing their culture.


When the car alarm is triggered, the police units in the area will be aware of it.

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We’ve been talking for hours, but when it comes to this GTA, there are so many details packed in there that we could be here for days. The sat-nav systems, with their spoken instructions, fitted in the more expensive cars, for example. The fact that some vehicles have beautifully shiny paintjobs that reflect the world around them, while the bodywork of old bangers is dull, matt and lifeless. The fact that vehicles get dirty over time – and that you can do something about it by rolling them through a carwash. Being able to use the radio facility on your mobile phone in order to take in the game’s many stations while on foot. The new explosion effects, which blast fiery, smoky plumes huge distances into the air.


The sandy shorelines, with their discarded tires and other pieces of junk, and the footprints you leave on both the dry and the glisteningly wet sand. The buoys that bob in the water. The water itself, whose surface reflects the late evening sun to create the kind of evocative scene it feels almost neglectful to not stand and soak up for a while. The spray on the camera lens as you hammer a powerboat down the harbor, and the bassy booms that accompany its bounces across the waves. The Poop Deck seafood restaurant. The golf centre, with its caged driving range. The forklift driver who’s having a break from his work and standing around smoking (giving you plenty of opportunity to steal his wheels and take them for a spin, only to curse the fact that forklifts aren’t renowned for their agility or speed, leaving your ambitious attempt to jump one over a skip ending in upside-down calamity). The fact that driving slowly up to pedestrians sees them defensively raise their hands towards your vehicle’s bonnet rather than blindly ignore you until they’ve been turned into jam. The newspapers that cascade over the street when you collide with their flimsy vending boxes. The fact that some drivers – the frail elderly, for example – can be swiftly removed from their vehicles, while younger, burlier types prove more stubborn and necessitate some additional persuasion via the end of your boot. The incidental dialogue intertwined right through the experience which gives even more life to this world (sample offering from a particularly impolite police officer we’ve stopped in front of simply to eyeball: "I’m a cop… and you’re a dickhead"). The slightly dodgy-looking Japanese hot hatch with its tiny, almost unnoticeable logo which tells us that its engine features Invariable Valve Timing.


The damage you can do to interior walls, ripping chunks out of plaster with gunfire. The you’d-only-ever-find-them-in-GTA companies such as RS Haul (slogan: ‘We’ll dump your load’) and the TW@ internet cafe chain. The realistically modeled bullet holes in car bodywork that stay where you’ve shot them. The grubbily authentic graffiti. The police computer system that flicks through portraits of suspects like something out of a Tony Scott movie. The Liberty City road surface, a patchwork jumble of variously hued tarmac that looks like it’s been bedding in for years. The simple fact that, for the first time in a GTA game, you can change weapons while driving. The intricate overpasses. The subway system. Hanging from your fingertips on building exteriors and shimmying your way into more trouble. The people standing around at the side of the road, looking under car bonnets. The fog. The neon. The Walk/Don’t Walk signs. The laundromats and nail parlors and drug stores that flavor the city streets. Queen’s One Vision. Alexander O’Neal’s Criticize. The $5 toll bridge (whose fee you can, naturally, ignore, so long as you’re up for smashing through a barrier). The lampposts which don’t simply fold over but buckle in a shower of sparks. The ubiquitous depth-of-field effects. The bin men who hold on to the rear of moving trash vans. Middle (not Central) Park. DJ Lazlow. Becoming distracted in the middle of a firefight by the sight of a jet heading across the sky from Liberty City Airport to who knows where. That comedy club content. And just looking across the river, at night, running your eyes across the twinkling lights of the city skyline. Imagining all of the possibilities that exist over there. Knowing that it’s going to be a blast. And, just as before, that you’ll want to share your stories with friends.



Wow. Just seen this section of the above interview posted on GAF, if it doesn't get you excited for this game, I really don't know what will.

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