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*Important* Last Night


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The simple solution is this forum needs to restore a state of community, and people who are damaging this sense of community need to be dealt with.


But we should also be a welcoming community, not hostile to people that are not well established.


If this forum doesn't repair itself, and by that I mean everyone needs to work together to make this a better place, then everyone that loved what this forum used to be but hate what it is now will most likely leave.


That is a forum I'm sure none of us want.


So what do you suggest?

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Guest Stefkov
if he goes i will seriously cry, not only is he hot and amazing but he's a Christian too!!!

If HoT goes then this place has truly gone to pot. A moderator of all people, I will be sad.

That awesome drawing online game we played a few months ago. :P

Yeah that game was awesome. Isketch was it called?

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The main problem with people arguing on a forum is the fact that if someone insults you and you read it, they feel that they have to acknowledge it and post something back. This will then happen for so long that it gets truly boring and the same crap gets recycled again and again.

I know that its hard to ignore comments, because if you do, you feel that the other person has won the battle, when in fact both of you have lost. Its just words on the Internet it really doesnt matter, unless its funny, pleases you or interests you. Thats what makes a good forum.

I hope that made sense to everyone.

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After reading through the thread i have to say comments like:


I second guy's post, any banned join EF, it needs people! EPIC people.


really don't help at all.


Personally i feel the admins have been VERY kind with their bans, a lot more people could, and maybe should, have gone.

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The simple solution is this forum needs to restore a state of community, and people who are damaging this sense of community need to be dealt with.


But we should also be a welcoming community, not hostile to people that are not well established.


If this forum doesn't repair itself, and by that I mean everyone needs to work together to make this a better place, then everyone that loved what this forum used to be but hate what it is now will most likely leave.


That is a forum I'm sure none of us want.



Many communities deal with problems. Rebellions and abuses of the system are part and parcel of a community. The community will rally, the site will rebuild, and we'll all live happily every after.

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Personally i feel the admins have been VERY kind with their bans, a lot more people could, and maybe should, have gone.


:shakehead :shakehead :shakehead


Surely not!!!



Unless its the fool who made the thread and has been causing a lot of trouble and arguments

And go!


Everyone should play go. :heh: :wink:


whats go pray tell?

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So what do you suggest?


I think mods need to intervene in some situations, take these new members to one side, tell them what they are doing wrong and tell them that they need to fix their attitudes.


Otherwise we'll just have hoardes of older members assaulting the newer ones.


And then we have messy situations.

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i think this thread will get locked in time, the bickering is non-stop. Grow up and live with your differences. There are members i dont like, but for the sake of the community i avoid conflict with them, rather than this ridiculous ganging up and putting blame around. People make mistakes, we'e human, deal with it and move on.

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I'm surprised that retro and motion didn't go with the rest of them, amongst a few others.


What have I done that's ban-worthy? Defended myself when i've come under attack every 5 seconds? Start a thread that should have been PM'ed? Said thank you to the mods?

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Hehehe, well not you. I mean more the catalyst of the whole event. No names.




As in me... it's fairly obvious who you're talking about.


So I should get banned for asking retro a simple question in a polite manner and in return getting 5/10 people telling me to fuck off?


That makes sense.

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After reading through the thread i have to say comments like:




really don't help at all.


Personally i feel the admins have been VERY kind with their bans, a lot more people could, and maybe should, have gone.


I've been reading some more over at EF and I'm just at a loss with it all, to be honest. They wouldn't like it if things were the other way around and we were leeching members from them, and I'm very disappointed in the way some members, some very popular members I might add, have been encouraging people to just jump ship.


Sometimes I do wish we were a lot harsher like mods or admins in the past, but people complained then about "oh, you're being too harsh." We've been a million times more lenient than back then, and now we're getting told we were harsh again?

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